Meixian power station

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Meixian power station (粤电粤嘉电力公司梅县发电厂) is a retired power station in Chengjiang Town Huaigang Villege, Mei County, Meizhou, Guangdong, China. It is also known as Yuejia Power Co (Phase II Unit 3, Phase II Unit 4, Phase III Unit 5, Phase III Unit 6).


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Meixian power station Chengjiang Town Huaigang Villege, Mei County, Meizhou, Guangdong, China 24.303202, 116.065942 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Phase I Unit 1, Phase I Unit 2, Phase II Unit 3, Phase II Unit 4, Phase III Unit 5, Phase III Unit 6: 24.303202, 116.065942

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year Retired year
Phase I Unit 1 retired coal: unknown 50 subcritical 1991 2008
Phase I Unit 2 retired coal: unknown 50 subcritical 1991 2008
Phase II Unit 3 retired coal: anthracite 125 subcritical 1997 2010
Phase II Unit 4 retired coal: anthracite 125 subcritical 1997 2010
Phase III Unit 5 retired coal: anthracite 135 subcritical 2004 2016
Phase III Unit 6 retired coal: anthracite 135 subcritical 2005 2016

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Phase I Unit 1 Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [58.0%]; Yudean Investment [25.0%]; Meizhou Electric Power Development Co [7.0%]; Meizhou Xinhe Information Consulting Co Ltd [7.0%]; Citychamp Investment [3.0%]
Phase I Unit 2 Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [58.0%]; Yudean Investment [25.0%]; Meizhou Electric Power Development Co [7.0%]; Meizhou Xinhe Information Consulting Co Ltd [7.0%]; Citychamp Investment [3.0%]
Phase II Unit 3 Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [58.0%]; Yudean Investment [25.0%]; Meizhou Electric Power Development Co [7.0%]; Meizhou Xinhe Information Consulting Co Ltd [7.0%]; Citychamp Investment [3.0%]
Phase II Unit 4 Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [58.0%]; Yudean Investment [25.0%]; Meizhou Electric Power Development Co [7.0%]; Meizhou Xinhe Information Consulting Co Ltd [7.0%]; Citychamp Investment [3.0%]
Phase III Unit 5 Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [58.0%]; Yudean Investment [25.0%]; Meizhou Electric Power Development Co [7.0%]; Meizhou Xinhe Information Consulting Co Ltd [7.0%]; Citychamp Investment [3.0%]
Phase III Unit 6 Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [58.0%]; Yudean Investment [25.0%]; Meizhou Electric Power Development Co [7.0%]; Meizhou Xinhe Information Consulting Co Ltd [7.0%]; Citychamp Investment [3.0%]


Meixian power station was a six-unit coal-fired power plant with a total capacity of 620 MW. The plant was completed between 1991 and 2005, and was owned by Guangdong Yudean Group.[1] The power plant was complained by local residents for its heavy pollution. The retirement of Meixian power station allow 1200MW Yudean Dabu power station meet the requirement of "shutting down small to build big ". [2]

Units 1-2 were retired in 2008, units 3-4 in 2010, and units 5-6 in 2016.[3]

Articles and Resources


  1. Meixian Powerplant, Enipedia, accessed Sept. 2015.
  2. "梅州电厂困局:老电厂因污染搬离市区 新厂涉嫌未批先建"时代周报, 2014-04-10
  3. "广东粤嘉电力有限公司," Guangdong Yudean Group, 2016-06-02

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.