
From Global Energy Monitor
(Redirected from British Gas)

Centrica is a gas and electricity supply company which operates in the United Kingdom, North America, Nigeris, Egypt and Trinidad and Tobago.[1] Of the electricity supplied by the company in 2007, 18% was sourced from coal-fired power stations, 20% from nuclear and 56% from natural gas.[2]


Accessed March 2015: [3]

Proposed Coal-Fired Power Stations

  • Teesside Power Station a 800 megawatt coal gasification plant proposed by Centrica[4] that is currently on hold. On its website the company states that "we continued our feasibility study at Eston Grange on Teesside for the potential development of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power station with the ability to sequestrate carbon. However, the government’s decision to provide economic support for only a post-combustion technology station has made further material investment here less likely." [5] (See also United Kingdom and coal).

Contact details

Website: http://www.centrica.com/

Articles and Resources


  1. Centrica, "Where we operate", Centrica website, accessed August 2008.
  2. Centrica, Securing future energy supplies: 2007 Performance", Centrica website, accessed August 2008.
  3. Centrica Board, organizational web page, accessed March 22, 2015.
  4. Terry Macalister, "Centrica plans cleanest coal power plant in UK", Guardian, November 9, 2006.
  5. Centrica, Securing future energy supplies: 2007 Performance: Our initiaitives", Centrica website, accessed August 2008.

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