Fuzhou Jiangyin power station

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Fuzhou Jiangyin power station (国能福州热电有限公司) is an operating power station of at least 1200-megawatts (MW) in Jiangyin, Fuqing, Fuzhou, Fujian, China with multiple units, some of which are not currently operating. It is also known as 国能福州热电二期2×600MW热电联产, 福州江阴发电厂, 国电福州发电厂.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Fuzhou Jiangyin power station Jiangyin, Fuqing, Fuzhou, Fujian, China 25.438464, 119.3396226 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Phase I Unit 1, Phase I Unit 2, Phase II Unit 3, Phase II Unit 4: 25.438464, 119.3396226

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year
Phase I Unit 1 Operating coal: bituminous 600 supercritical 2007
Phase I Unit 2 Operating coal: bituminous 600 supercritical 2007
Phase II Unit 3 Construction[1] coal: unknown 660 ultra-supercritical
Phase II Unit 4 Construction[1] coal: unknown 660 ultra-supercritical

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Phase I Unit 1 Guodian Fuzhou Generation Co Ltd [100%] GD POWER Development Co Ltd [51.0%]; Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd [24.0%]; Hainan Fuhai New Energy Co Ltd [14.0%]; Yantai Zhongtao Investment Co Ltd [6.0%]; Fujian Zhengfu Energy Investment Co Ltd [5.0%]
Phase I Unit 2 Guodian Fuzhou Generation Co Ltd [100%] GD POWER Development Co Ltd [51.0%]; Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd [24.0%]; Hainan Fuhai New Energy Co Ltd [14.0%]; Yantai Zhongtao Investment Co Ltd [6.0%]; Fujian Zhengfu Energy Investment Co Ltd [5.0%]
Phase II Unit 3 Guodian Fuzhou Generation Co Ltd [100%] GD POWER Development Co Ltd [51.0%]; Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd [24.0%]; Hainan Fuhai New Energy Co Ltd [14.0%]; Yantai Zhongtao Investment Co Ltd [6.0%]; Fujian Zhengfu Energy Investment Co Ltd [5.0%]
Phase II Unit 4 Guodian Fuzhou Generation Co Ltd [100%] GD POWER Development Co Ltd [51.0%]; Wanhua Chemical Group Co Ltd [24.0%]; Hainan Fuhai New Energy Co Ltd [14.0%]; Yantai Zhongtao Investment Co Ltd [6.0%]; Fujian Zhengfu Energy Investment Co Ltd [5.0%]

Project-level coal details

  • Permit(s): 闽发改网审能源〔2022〕93号[2]


Fuzhou Jiangyin power station is a two-unit coal-fired power plant with a total capacity of 1,200 MW. The plant was completed in 2007, and was originally owned by China Guodian.[3]


According to the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission (August 2015), two new 600 MW units were planned for the power station. The technology type and date was not specified.[4]

The EIA for the two ultra-supercritical units (2 x 660 MW) was approved in June 2016.[5] According to the EIA report, the plant's two existing units were being renovated to co-generate and supply heat to the Jiangyin Industrial Park. The second phase of 2 x 660MW would involve co-generation units.[6]

Nationwide Restrictions Imposed on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity

Due to new restrictions announced during 2016 by the National Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission, further capacity expansions at this location appeared to be on hold or cancelled. For details, see China's 2016 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

With no developments since 2015, the remaining proposed units of the power station appeared to be abandoned. In October 2018, the Fujian Province stated the province would not develop any further coal power plants in the 13th Five Year Plan period (2016-2020) with two exceptions: 1) projects which have already been permitted; and 2) combined heat and power (CHP) plants. Units 3-4 of Jiangyin power station had no permits and were not a residential CHP plant, although they were planned to be at an industrial CHP plant.[7]

Project revival

On May 8, 2022, units 3 and 4 were permitted.[8]


On August 28, 2017, China's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) announced that China Guodian Corporation and Shenhua Group would be jointly restructured. Shenhua Group would become China National Energy Investment Group and absorb China Guodian Corporation. It would be the largest power company in the world by installed capacity, as well as the world's largest coal producer.[9][10] The merger was completed on November 28, 2017.[11]

Articles and Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 "国能福州热电二期2×600MW热电联产工程开工-北极星火力发电网". news.bjx.com.cn. 2023-11-27. Archived from the original on 2024-01-25. Retrieved 2023-12-05.
  2. "福建省发展和改革委员会关于国能(福州)热电有限公司二期(2×660MW)超超临界热电联产工程核准的批复 _ 行政许可 _ 省发改委". fgw.fujian.gov.cn. 2022-05-06. Archived from the original on 2024-01-25. Retrieved 2023-11-02.
  3. Fuzhou Jiangyin Powerplant, Enipedia, accessed Sept. 2015.
  4. "福建省发改委: 2015年度福建省火电规划建设方案," 福建省发改委, 2015-08-12
  5. "国电福州江阴电厂二期(2×660MW)热电联产工程环评获批复," June 20, 2016
  6. "国电福州江阴电厂二期(2*660MW)热电联产工程环境影响报告书," 国电福州发电公司, 2015-11
  7. "福建省人民政府办公厅关于印发福建省“十三五”能源发展专项规划的通知, 福建省人民政府门户网站, 2016-10-20
  8. 2×660MW!国能(福州)热电有限公司二期热电联产工程获得核准批复, BJX, 2022-05-09
  9. "Factbox: Shenhua and Guodian - China's latest state marriage". Reuters. 29 August 2017. Retrieved 30 August 2017.
  10. "China Is Creating the World's Largest Power Company". Bloomberg News. 28 August 2017. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
  11. "China’s Newly-Established National Energy Investment Group Sets World Records in Its Sector, With Assets of Over CNY1.8 Trillion," Yicai Global, 11-28-2017

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.