Keyouzhong power station

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Keyouzhong power station (蒙能科右中发电厂) is an operating power station of at least 1320-megawatts (MW) in Bayanhushu Town, Horqin Right Middle Banner, Hinggan, Inner Mongolia, China. It is also known as Xing’an Meng Youzhong power station, Guodian Mengneng Higgan Youzhong Power Plant.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Keyouzhong power station Bayanhushu Town, Horqin Right Middle Banner, Hinggan, Inner Mongolia, China 44.9602, 121.4082 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Unit 1, Unit 2: 44.9602, 121.4082

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year
Unit 1 operating coal: unknown 660 ultra-supercritical 2022
Unit 2 operating coal: unknown 660 ultra-supercritical 2022

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1 Inner Mongolia Energy Power Generation Technology Youzhong Power Generation Co Ltd [100%] Inner Mongolia Energy Power Generation Investment Group Co Ltd [45.9%]; KAILUAN (Group) LLC [36.1%]; Inner Mongolia State Owned Capital Operation Co Ltd [5.1%]; Kailuan Energy Chemical Co Ltd [5.0%]; other [0.5%]
Unit 2 Inner Mongolia Energy Power Generation Technology Youzhong Power Generation Co Ltd [100%] Inner Mongolia Energy Power Generation Investment Group Co Ltd [45.9%]; KAILUAN (Group) LLC [36.1%]; Inner Mongolia State Owned Capital Operation Co Ltd [5.1%]; Kailuan Energy Chemical Co Ltd [5.0%]; other [0.5%]

Background on Project

In 2009 China Guodian said it was planning to build a coal-fired power plant with a total capacity of 1,200 MW in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.[1] A pre-feasibility study for a 2 x 660 MW coal plant was approved in 2012.[2][3]

In 2013 the project's sponsor changed to Inner Mongolia Mining Group and Inner Mongolia Energy Investment Co., starting the permitting process over again.[4] A new EIA was submitted in August 2015.[5]

The project was permitted in 2015.[6]

Project suspended

In January 2017 China's National Energy Administration suspended over 100 planned and under-construction coal power projects with a total capacity of over 100GW in 13 provinces, including Xing’an Meng Youzhong.[7]

For details, see China's 2016 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

In July 2017, the NEA released the "Guideline of Supply-Side Reform of the Coal Power Bubble". The Guideline included a draft list which slowed down or halted 185 coal-burning units across 21 provinces, totaling 107 GW. 114 coal units (65 GW) are ordered to slow down the construction progress during 2017 to 2020, and are not allowed to connect to the grid in 2017. In addition, 71 coal units (42 GW) were halted indefinitely for regulation violations. The list partly overlapped with the projects listed in the January NEA letter to 13 provinces.[8]

Keyouzhong power station Units 1-2 were among the postponed coal-burning units ordered to slow construction through 2020,[8] and also appeared on an updated list of postponed projects released on September 26, 2017.[9]

For more information, see China's 2016/2017 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

2017: Project reported as ongoing

A bid was put out for the plant's construction in April 2017.[10] Construction on the plant was reported on May 26 and on September 13, 2017.[11][12]

Planet satellite images showed no construction from August 2017 through March 2018.

2022: Operation

Units 1 and 2 went into operation in December 2022.[13][14][15]

Articles and Resources


  1. "兴安盟与内蒙古国电能源投资公司签署合作协议," 兴安日报, 2009-08-10
  2. "资讯," 中国能源报, 2012年09月03日
  3. "国电蒙能投公司科右中火电项目获“路条," 中国电力网, 2012年8月28日
  4. "科右中旗新能源基地建设发展记实," 内蒙古新闻网, 2014-03-27
  5. "内蒙古自治区环境保护厅关于内蒙古能源发电投资集团有限公司右中发电厂2X660MW超超临界空冷机组新建工程建设项目环境影响评价文件受理情况的公示," 环境保护厅, 2015-08-31
  6. "内蒙古自治区发展和改革委员会关于内蒙古能源发电投资集团有限公司科右中发电厂新建工程项目核准的批复," IM DRC, 2015-10-16
  7. "能源局下发13省市新建火电机组停建清单(附文件)," Polaris, Jan 16, 2017
  8. 8.0 8.1 "16部委联合发文防范化解煤电产能过剩风险,", 2017-08-03
  9. "2017年分省煤电停建和缓建项目名单," Sohu, 2017-10-12
  10. "内蒙古科右中发电厂新建工程2×660MW机组项目房屋建筑工程施工总承包招标公告," April 11, 2017
  11. "科右中2×66万千瓦电厂项目建设有序推进," China 5e, May 26, 2017
  12. "蒙能投右中项目部烟囱基础混凝土浇筑正式开始"SEPCOIII (山东电建三公司), 2017-9-13
  13. "660MW!内蒙古科右中项目1号机组投产," BJX, 2022-12-20
  14. "蒙能科右中2台660兆瓦机组工程实现年内“双投”," BJX, 2023-01-04
  15. "内蒙古能源发电科右中发电公司2X660MW机组正式移交生产," XAM, 2023-01-04

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.