Porto Romano Power Station

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Porto Romano Power Station is a cancelled power station in Porto Romano, Durres, Albania.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Porto Romano Power Station Porto Romano, Durres, Albania 41.371141, 19.425201 (approximate)

The map below shows the approximate location of the power station.

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Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology
Unit 1 Cancelled coal: bituminous 800 ultra-supercritical

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1 Enel SpA [100%] Enel SpA [100.0%]

Project-level coal details

  • Coal source(s): imported


In its 2007 annual report the Italian energy company Enel states that "in Albania, Enel signed a memorandum of understanding with that country’s Ministry for the Economy for the development of a 1,300 MW coal-fired plant and the construction of interconnection to enable the import of a significant portion of its output into Italy."[1]

Later in its annual report the company states that "On December 3, 2007, Enel signed a memorandum of understanding with Albania under which Enel plans to build a cutting-edge thermal generation plant fuelled by imported coal with an estimated capacity of some 1,300 MW. In addition to meeting growing demand in Albania’s domestic market, it will also serve the market in Italy, once the new interconnection lines between the two countries are completed, and those in south-eastern Europe. The new plant will provide Albania with baseload power at competitive costs and making a decisive contribution to rebalancing the mix of the country’s sources of power, which are currently almost entirely accounted for by hydroelectric facilities."[2]

In May 2008, a rapid environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Industrial and Energetic Park at Porto Romano located near Durres – the second largest city in Albania – was released. According to a study produced by the Landell Mills consultancy company, and co-financed by UNDP Albania and the Delegation of the European Commission to Albania, the energy zone was expected to host a thermal power plant (TPP).[3]

According to the project's EIA, the station would consist of two 800 MW coal-fired units, a jetty for handling the imported coal, a transmission line connecting the local substation to Tirana's main substation, and an undersea transmission line linking the facility with Italy.[3] Sixty to seventy percent of the produced energy would be exported to the Italian market.[3]

In May 2009, the executive director of Enel stated publicly that the company was planning to construct a coal-fired TPP in Albania. In September 2009, the coal plant’s EIA was introduced as part of the framework of an assessment study for the Porto Romano Energy Complex.[3]

In 2011 an Enel presentation stated that there is "market space for one imported coal plant" in the Western Balkans. It described an "800 MW or multiples" coal plant using ultra-supercritical technology located on the Adriatic coast.[4]

As of 2014, Enel's website states that the project is in development, and includes an Overhead Power Line connecting the plant to the National Grid at Tirana 2 Power Station. A 210 km long Undersea Power Line will connect the plant to the Italian grid. The project is described as 800 MW in size; the second 800 MW unit is no longer mentioned and is presumably abandoned.[5] However, beyond the Enel website, there here has been no publicly available information about any progress on the project since approximately 2010.[6]

In 2014 it was reported that Enel had proposed a 2,000 MW plant in Porto Romano, but "two years later dropped the project."[7]

Articles and Resources


  1. Enel, "Annual Report 2007", Enel, page 12.
  2. Enel, "Annual Report 2007", Enel, page 86.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "Porto Romano thermo power plant, Albania," Bankwatch report, May 2009.
  4. Francesca Gostinelli, "Coal, Energy Mix and Climate Change Policy: The New Challenge," ENEL International Division, conference presentation, May 25, 2011
  5. "Albania," Enel website, accessed July 2014
  6. Conversation with Albanian NGO EDEN (Environmental Center for Development Education and Networking), September 2014.
  7. "Government Plans Huge Infrastructure Investment in Porto Romano," Balkan Insight, July 14, 2014

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.