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From Global Energy Monitor
- JFE Holdings (category Defense companies of Japan)(Chiba) steel plant JFE West Japan Works (Kurashiki) steel plant JFE West Japan Works (Fukuyama) steel plant JFE East Japan Works (Keihin) steel plant JFE11 KB (938 words) - 19:32, 30 June 2022
- Global warming (section Scientists Warn of Catastrophic Risk of Political Failure At Copenhagen Summit)the amount of CO2 being absorbed by the Sea of Japan. This is seen as deeply worrying: The world’s oceans soak up about 11 billion tonnes of human C02 pollution92 KB (12,276 words) - 18:54, 5 May 2021
- China and coal (section Railroad company looks at Port of Grays Harbor in Washington State for coal exports)in remaining reserves of about 44 billion tons of bituminous coal, 33.7 billion tons of subbituminous coal and 17.8 billion tons of lignite, or 96.5 billion139 KB (18,653 words) - 15:07, 20 July 2021
- Drummond (redirect from Drummond Company) (category Coal mining companies and agencies in the United States) (section Coverup of coal barge sinking)underway. Victims of paramilitary violence in Colombia accuse Drummond of paying the paramilitary organization United Self Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)26 KB (3,116 words) - 20:40, 29 April 2021
- Clean Development Mechanism (section Japan)climate emissions one of the world's largest provider of funds for new coal burning instead. The rush by companies to take advantage of the UN's Clean Development37 KB (5,117 words) - 20:35, 29 April 2021
- measured reserves, 20,533 of indicated reserves and 24,314 million tonnes of inferred reserves. There are a number of companies eyeing coal reserves in Indonesia40 KB (6,806 words) - 00:03, 30 July 2021
- Vale (section Company History)during the 2000´s the company begins a very fast growing with the acquisition of a several number of companies and the implementation of new and better technologies16 KB (2,354 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
- Coal Studies (section Japan and coal)between 60-80% of coal, oil, and gas reserves of publicly listed companies are ‘unburnable’ if the world is not to exceed global warming of 2°C. Global 50085 KB (7,689 words) - 21:24, 25 December 2019
- care of international engineering companies and Chinese EPC companies active with cross border projects. With the help of Jotun's sister companies including125 KB (15,694 words) - 20:40, 2 August 2021
- application of CCS to large scale (> 500 MW) power stations. Since every ton of coal burned produces 3.7 tons of CO2, the sheer volume of CO2 that must62 KB (8,134 words) - 14:37, 18 June 2021
- Opposition to coal in New Zealand (section Mar. 6, 2005: Save Happy Valley Coalition occupation of Solid Energy headquarters)important to our identity than some extra dollars in the pockets of mining companies.” The National Government is likely to back down from proposed plans6 KB (669 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021
- expensive in recent years, many of the biggest coal energy companies in the country – many of which have billions of dollars of annual revenues – have failed115 KB (3,617 words) - 18:54, 5 May 2021
- Canada and coal (section February 2011: Agreement to protect North Fork of Flathead coal mining approved)newer facilities to match the emissions of gas fired plants. 33 of 51 of Canada's plants will reach the end of their economic lives by 2025; unless the44 KB (5,580 words) - 23:07, 21 July 2021
- Offshore fracking (section Japan Methane Hydrate)The Environmental Defense Center found that in 2015 oil companies discharged seven million liters of drilling fluid, 2,313 metric tons of solid drill cuttings29 KB (3,555 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
- single largest source of coal mined in the United States and contains one of the largest deposits of coal in the world. Most of the active coal mining104 KB (13,804 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
- residents near the Safi power plant opposed the plant in fear of the greed of companies and seizure of lands. They also feared mysterious fumes in the neighborhood10 KB (1,032 words) - 20:17, 25 January 2025
- invest "tens of billions" in the new energy sector as part of its five-year development plan. President Wu Yongping of Datong ‒ the parent of the Shanghai-listed44 KB (6,094 words) - 21:11, 12 August 2021
- Alaska and coal (section Power companies)billion draft defense spending bill for fiscal year 2009 with the support of the U.S. Air Force. Second, in March 2009, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) began26 KB (3,802 words) - 23:25, 14 July 2021
- likely cause loss of human life, but does not include an assessment of the likelihood of such an event. Duke owns 10 of the sites, all of which are located48 KB (4,998 words) - 13:04, 7 June 2021
- Health effects of coal (category Environmental issues of coal) (section Table 1: Estimates of external costs of coal in cents/kWh of electricity (2008 US$))estimated 13 tons of mercury, 3236 tons of arsenic, 189 tons of beryllium, 251 tons of cadmium, and 2754 tons of nickel, and 1098 tons of selenium. The mining47 KB (5,917 words) - 10:47, 30 April 2021