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From Global Energy Monitor
- and alternatives Obama administration actions on coal U.S. coal politics Lobby groups, front groups, and trade associations Coal industry PR companies,6 KB (710 words) - 03:13, 16 July 2021
- Records filings, NMA has spent $18,840,000 on lobbying, from 1998 to 2004. Lobbying firms and individuals lobbying on behalf of NMA during that time include13 KB (1,632 words) - 22:30, 25 December 2019
- Rhode Island and coal (section Coal lobbying groups)There are no coal-fired power plants or coal mines in Rhode Island. Rhode Island is one of only two states with no coal-fired power plants; the other is2 KB (247 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
- Michigan and fracking (section Lobbying and donations)$20.5 million to current members of Congress and spent $726 million on lobbying." For Michigan, Rep. John Dingell was the top recipient with $203,453,11 KB (1,418 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
- Vermont and coal (section Coal lobbying groups)There are no coal-fired power plants or coal mines in Vermont. Vermont is one of only two states with no coal-fired generating capacity; the other is Rhode4 KB (402 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
- American Electric Power (section Coal lobbying)lobbyists for 2009 were Fotis and Nagelbush. Total Lobbying expenditures for 2008: $12,248,938 Total Lobbying expenditures to date for 2009: $1,796,913 American56 KB (6,786 words) - 23:28, 14 July 2021
- Hawaii and coal (section Coal lobbying groups)Hawaii had one coal-fired generating stations in 2005, with 203 MW of capacity, representing 7.8% of the state's total electric generating capacity; Hawaii4 KB (431 words) - 10:47, 30 April 2021
- Mississippi and coal (section Coal lobbying groups)Mississippi coal mines produced 3.8 million tons of coal in 2006 (0.3% of the U.S. total); Mississippi ranks 19th out of the 50 states in terms of coal7 KB (647 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
- almost $6.6 million on lobbying in 2010. A list of bills lobbied for in 2010 can be seen HERE. (See Peabody Energy earlier lobbying disclosure details).105 KB (13,389 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
- Duke Energy (section Coal lobbying)The registered lobbyist was Daryl Owen. Total Lobbying expenditures for 2008: $6,147,598 Total Lobbying expenditures to date for 2009: $1,517,770 Duke48 KB (4,998 words) - 13:04, 7 June 2021
- an average of $93,000 each year on federal lobbying. In 2008, ACCCE spent $9.9 million on federal lobbying in addition to $38 million for an ad campaign48 KB (6,140 words) - 00:08, 4 February 2022
- tougher regulations. 2009 Lobbying Expenditure: $5,560,000 Decade-long lobbying expenditure total (1998-2008): $88,460,000 2008 Lobbying Expenditure (Top 12)32 KB (3,838 words) - 12:55, 7 June 2021
- year on federal lobbying. In 2008, its successor, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, spent $9.9 million on federal lobbying in addition to $3814 KB (1,819 words) - 23:27, 14 July 2021
- Merrill Lynch (section Lobbying)760 for lobbying in 2006. $2,445,000 went to eight lobbying firms with the remainder being spent using in-house lobbyists. Decade-long lobbying expenditure7 KB (820 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
- South Dakota and coal (section Coal lobbying groups)South Dakota had two coal-fired generating stations in 2005, with 481 MW of capacity - representing 15.8% of the state's total electric generating capacity8 KB (897 words) - 11:05, 30 April 2021
- The American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) is an umbrella lobbying group for all coal ash interests that includes major coal burners Duke Energy, Southern3 KB (367 words) - 23:27, 14 July 2021
- Idaho and coal (section Coal lobbying groups)In 2005 Idaho had 6 coal-fired generating stations, with 19 MW of capacity - representing 0.5% of the state's total electric generating capacity, and making10 KB (1,114 words) - 10:47, 30 April 2021
- more than 20 times in 2012 with industry groups and company executives lobbying on the proposed BLM rule, including the American Petroleum Institute (API)30 KB (3,650 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
- Credit Suisse Group (section Lobbying)company spent $1,720,000 for lobbying in 2006. In-house lobbyists and four outside lobbying firms were used. The lobbying firms included Federalist Group8 KB (987 words) - 15:06, 15 January 2020
- Alliant Energy (section Coal lobbying)Alliant is a member of American Coal Ash Association (ACAA), an umbrella lobbying group for all coal ash interests that includes major coal burners Duke11 KB (917 words) - 03:12, 15 July 2024