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  • Greenpeace (category Nuclear PR)
    protest against proposed US underground nuclear testing. [1] Greenpeace focuses its activities on: nuclear weapons nuclear energy the oceans - fisheries issues
    7 KB (754 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
  • Global Nuclear Competitiveness Bush administration ENERGY STAR / ENERGY STAR Challenge Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Nuclear Boosters Nuclear Energy
    18 KB (2,172 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
  • Southern Company (category Nuclear PR)
    Telecom - wholesale fiber optic communications Southern Nuclear - engineering and operations for nuclear power plants (Southern Company is the majority owner
    44 KB (4,156 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021
  • Georgia Power (category Nuclear PR) (section Georgia Power and nuclear)
    carbon” future by building more nuclear power plants, but instead of replacing their coal-burning plants with nuclear power, the companies "plan to keep
    15 KB (1,884 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
  • American Electric Power (category Nuclear PR)
    Appalachian Power, respectively. AEP owns and operates the Donald C. Cook nuclear power plant. AEP also bought much of the town of Cheshire, Ohio, after it
    56 KB (6,786 words) - 23:28, 14 July 2021
  • 2009. Brunswick Nuclear Plant, a two-nuclear reactor unit rated at 1,875-MW is located near Southport, North Carolina. Crystal River Nuclear Plant, a single
    40 KB (4,670 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
  • Bechtel Group, Inc. (category Nuclear PR)
    It has been involved in such projects as the cleanup at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the construction of Hoover Dam. The company makes most of
    11 KB (1,242 words) - 19:23, 29 April 2021
  • Florida Power & Light (category Nuclear PR) (section Nuclear plants)
    two new nuclear reactors at its Turkey Point plant in South Miami-Dade County, evidence surfaced about a 2008 incident where the plant's top nuclear operator
    5 KB (682 words) - 11:23, 30 April 2021
  • Exelon (category Nuclear PR) (section Exelon Nuclear)
    customers. In June, 2005 Exelon had full or majority ownership of 19 nuclear reactors in 11 nuclear power plants. On June 30, 2005, the Federal Energy Regulatory
    21 KB (2,452 words) - 20:41, 29 April 2021
  • Electricité de France (category Nuclear PR)
    Spies on Greenpeace Website: Nuclear PR Lord Jay of Ewelme - board member Louis Schweitzer - former board member
    5 KB (496 words) - 20:39, 29 April 2021
  • Valley Watch (category Nuclear PR)
    hazardous waste incinerators, several coal fired power plants, a nuclear waste site, and a nuclear power plant. Baldwin Energy Complex Cash Creek Generation Edwardsport
    1 KB (128 words) - 11:25, 30 April 2021
  • Entergy (category Nuclear PR) (section Entergy Nuclear)
    Entergy Texas Entergy Nuclear Entergy owns and operates 11 nuclear power units located on nine different sites: [3] Arkansas Nuclear One Unit One and Unit
    38 KB (4,404 words) - 20:40, 29 April 2021
  • Santee Cooper (category Nuclear PR) (section Nuclear power development)
    filed an application with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build two 1100 MW nuclear power plants at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville, South
    28 KB (3,236 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021
  • Greenpeace USA (category Nuclear PR)
    "Greenwashing Dirty Coal," "GM Gas Friendly to Gas Free," and "Greenwashing Nuclear Power". In April 2009, former Greenpeace head of organizing Phil Radford
    4 KB (424 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
  • GE Energy (category Nuclear PR) (section GE Energy’s nuclear business)
    generation of nuclear reactors. GE Nuclear chief executive Andy White told The Business he had discussed using GE&’s technology with UK nuclear company British
    7 KB (940 words) - 11:23, 30 April 2021
  • BHP (category Nuclear PR) (section PR Advisers)
    Our Business, BHP Billiton website accessed December 2007. Dr Jim Green, Nuclear Power: No Solution to Climate Change Friends of the Earth (Australia), the
    13 KB (1,636 words) - 23:35, 14 July 2021
  • NextEra Energy Resources (category Nuclear PR)
    and 100 percent ownership of Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Wisconsin. The FPL Group nuclear fleet, including nuclear assets of Florida Power & Light Company
    3 KB (292 words) - 10:39, 29 May 2020
  • expanded nuclear power", they later suggest that foundations should promote wind and solar and avoid "considering the polarizing option of nuclear energy"
    11 KB (1,463 words) - 20:39, 29 April 2021
  • Jim Rogers (Duke Energy CEO) (category Nuclear PR)
    commercially available. Rogers said he would instead focus on nuclear power generation. He said nuclear power presents less of a waste disposal problem than coal
    17 KB (1,455 words) - 10:48, 30 April 2021
  • Fred Krupp (category Nuclear PR) (section Krupp on nuclear power)
    down to include subsidies for nuclear power. In an interview in June 2005 Krupp said that while still concerned about nuclear waste and reactor safety Environmental
    6 KB (721 words) - 18:54, 5 May 2021
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