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From Global Energy Monitor
- Greater Sunrise Gas Project (Northern Territory, Timor Gap) (category Oil and gas extraction in Timor Gap) (section Table 1: Project-level project details for Greater Sunrise Gas Project)Greater Sunrise Gas Project is a discovered gas project in Northern Territory, Timor Gap. Greater Sunrise Gas Project is a part of the Greater Sunrise5 KB (363 words) - 00:30, 22 February 2025
- Global Methane Emitters Tracker methodology (section Oil and Gas Extraction Areas - connecting to ClimateTRACE’s estimations)Global Coal Mine Tracker, Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker, Global Gas Infrastructure Tracker, and Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker. The infrastructure21 KB (2,934 words) - 20:31, 11 September 2024
- Trade (MOIT) asked state-owned coal and oil and gas producers to develop plans and measures to response to impact of the acute respiratory disease caused39 KB (4,685 words) - 01:15, 26 March 2022
- Fracking and air pollution (section Gas flaring)the oil/gas industry so far, EPA has estimated that 2.8 percent of gas produced from a well each year leaks. Oil/gas companies and Devon Energy, in particular21 KB (2,780 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
- Carbon Capture and Storage (category Carbon Capture and Storage) (section Carbon Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery)billion metric tons of carbon dioxide storage potential in oil and gas reservoirs, coal seams, and saline formations. The document suggests that these geologic62 KB (8,134 words) - 14:37, 18 June 2021
- or coalbed gas, and is a type of natural gas extracted from coal beds. In recent decades it has become an increasingly used source of energy in Australia12 KB (1,749 words) - 20:36, 29 April 2021
- pipelines and the company's own natural gas storage facility in southern New York state. Central New York Oil & Gas hopes to start construction soon and finish132 KB (17,078 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
- California and fracking (section Oil and gas estimates)percent of the oil and natural gas drilled in California, said WSPA companies fracked 628 oil wells in 2011 -- about a quarter of all oil and gas wells drilled111 KB (14,106 words) - 01:45, 28 August 2021
- Texas and fracking (category Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls) (section 2012 oil and gas spills)compounds at Barnett oil and gas sites as far back as 2007. In September 2014 BlackBrush O&G, reported injecting a mix of crude oil, butane, and other fluids containing69 KB (8,814 words) - 11:06, 30 April 2021
- active oil and gas wells in Colorado almost doubled from 22,228 in 2000 to 43,354 in 2010. Analysts believe there is more oil shale and shale gas to be65 KB (8,412 words) - 20:36, 29 April 2021
- Council and the National Parks Conservation Association. The Division of Oil, Gas and Mining is expected to begin hearings on the petition in December34 KB (4,545 words) - 11:23, 30 April 2021
- Arch Coal (category Coal mining companies and agencies in the United States) (section Powder River Basin Mining Rights and Operations)rights to mine 8,300 acres in the area. In all Arch Coal controls 1.5 billion tons of coal on state and private land in Otter Creek. In June, 2010 the company51 KB (6,735 words) - 22:36, 28 September 2021
- European Union and fossil gas (section Suspensions of Oil and Gas Exploration in the European Union)fossil gas extraction with an additional 14,778 in support activities for oil and gas extraction. 1,125,535 people were employed in the electricity, gas, steam40 KB (3,599 words) - 17:06, 21 January 2025
- series of attacks conducted in protest. Tunisia has five gas and oil&gas fields in operation: Hasdrubal, Miskar, Nawara, Sabria, and Chouech Es Saida. While63 KB (6,003 words) - 13:41, 26 June 2024
- by 2050, oil and gas production are expected to decline by 67% and 45% respectively. La Guajira's economy relies on natural gas extraction and coal mining93 KB (9,485 words) - 13:40, 9 October 2024
- Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker (March 2024 release), Papua New Guinea has five discovered oil and gas extraction projects: the Pasca Oil and Gas Field57 KB (5,509 words) - 14:47, 1 October 2024
- Power Sector Transition in East Africa (EACOP region) (section Use of Mini-Grids, Pico-Solar, and Solar Home Systems in East Africa)shares. Oil and gas extraction sites in development: Kingfisher South Oil and Gas Field (Uganda), Lake Albert Development Oil Project (Uganda), and Tilenga143 KB (15,013 words) - 19:32, 8 October 2024
- Nam Dinh power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Vietnam) (section Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details)commissioned in Q1 2025 and Unit 2 in Q3 2025. In October 2020, at a conference on land acquisition, compensation, assistance in land clearance, and resettlement24 KB (2,633 words) - 23:23, 16 January 2025
- Njonji Oil Field (Cameroon) (category Oil and gas extraction in Cameroon) (section Table 1: Field-level project details for Njonji Oil Field)visit the Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website. KB (555 words) - 01:37, 22 February 2025
- were cancelled Oil and Gas: Morocco has one major gas field that is under development, Anchois Phase 1, which was discovered in 2009 and production is set49 KB (5,217 words) - 19:26, 30 September 2024