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- Greenwashing (category Propaganda techniques)don't agree with them or they resign. (See the article on the third party technique, a central plank in most PR campaigns). Follow the paper trail: Most companies14 KB (1,576 words) - 13:15, 7 June 2021
- Astroturf (category Propaganda techniques)this industry. ... This is democracy and it costs a fortune." Astroturf techniques have been used to: block the transfer of federal licenses that WorldCom30 KB (3,701 words) - 23:34, 14 July 2021
- Greenwashing coal (category Propaganda techniques)don't agree with them or they resign. (See the article on the third party technique, a central plank in most PR campaigns). Follow the paper trail: Most companies18 KB (2,188 words) - 13:15, 7 June 2021
- "What I do is propaganda, and I just hope it's not impropaganda." In his later years, he became a vocal critic of some of the deceptive techniques used within17 KB (2,235 words) - 21:49, 25 December 2019