Mountaintop removal
- "Written testimony of Maria Gunnoe for 6-1-12 hearing titled "Obama Administration's Actions Against the Spruce Coal Mines: Canceled Permits, Lawsuits and Lost Jobs," Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, submitted May 30, 2012 (includes slideshow)
Sutherland Generating Station Unit 4 (Alliant Energy's Marshalltown proposal)
Hearings on Sutherland Generating Station Unit 4, a 600 megawatt (660 megawatt gross) power plant proposed for Marshalltown, Iowa, by Interstate Power and Light, a subsidiary of Alliant Energy, took place in October and November of 2007.
- (drafted by Plains Justice on behalf of Coalition partners Community Energy Solutions, Iowa Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Iowa Farmers Union, Iowa Environmental Council, and Iowa Renewable Energy Association) (PDF file)
- Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (PDF file)
- Topic: global warming
- Professor Emeritus of Agriculture and Economics at Iowa State University (PDF file)
- Topic: the potential power demand from biofuels
- Senior Associate of TR Rose Associates, and Former First Deputy Comptroller for the State of New York (PDF file).
- Topic: disputing Alliant's modelling of future electricity demand
- Director of Environment and Health Programs, Physicians for Social Responsibility (PDF file)
- Topic: public health effects of the plant
- Additional testimony in the case can be found at Filings for Marshalltown, Iowa Coal Plant Proposal.
Big Stone Unit 2
Hearings on the Big Stone Unit 2 power plant took place in May 2006.
- Analysts for Synapse Energy Associates
- Topics:
- 1. The need and timing for new supply options
- 2. Alternatives to Big Stone II
- 3. Emissions controls
Kingsnorth Power Station
During the trial in August/September 2008 of six activists who blockaded the Kingsnorth Power Station, various experts provided testimony:
- Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (PDF file)
- Topic: the central role of coal in global warming