Çebi Enerji power station

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Çebi Enerji power station (Çebi Enerji Santrali) is a cancelled power station in Marmaraereğlisi, Tekirdağ, Türkiye.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Çebi Enerji power station Marmaraereğlisi, Tekirdağ, Türkiye 41.013446, 27.961648 (approximate)

The map below shows the approximate location of the power station.

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Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology
Unit 1 Cancelled coal: bituminous 350 unknown
Unit 2 Cancelled coal: bituminous 350 unknown

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1 Çebi Enerji Elektrik Üretim AŞ [100%] Kaptan Demir Celik Endustrisi Ve Ticaret AŞ
Unit 2 Çebi Enerji Elektrik Üretim AŞ [100%] Kaptan Demir Celik Endustrisi Ve Ticaret AŞ

Project-level coal details

  • Coal source(s): imported


The EIA for proposed power station was submitted in 2013.[1] In June 2015, Çebi Enerji began the environmental permitting process for the first 350-MW unit of the project.[2] As of April 2018, the pre-license application was still shown as under consideration on the EMRA website.[3] The second 350 MW unit had not been pursued.

In March 2017, the company invested in a coal stock pile facility, indicating the possibility that a future expansion was still being considered.[4] As of June 2019, there had been no further progress and the project does not appear on permit lists of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). It appears to be cancelled.


In Marhch 2015, Candan Yüceer, CHP PM Member Tekirdag Member of Parliament, expressed concern over the application for the production license for Çebi power plant. Concerns were expressed over harm to nature and human health.[5]

In 2017, Önder Algedik published a “Coal and Climate Change 2017 report,” which discussed how coal plants, like the Çbei Enerji power plant, may cause “more irreparable damages” to Turkey in the future.[6]

Multiple Turkish cities and towns had made applications for information about coal plant projects and their environmental impact, including the Çebi Enerji plant.[7]

In February 2019, the Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat (AirClim) published a report by Fredrik Lundberg, an energy policy specialist in Sweden. He urged for the stop of production of coal power plants, including the Çebi Enerji plant.[8]

Articles and Resources


  1. "Çebi Enerji Santralı İçin ÇED Süreci Başladı," Enerji Günlüğü, July 5, 2013
  2. Tekirdağ`a 350 MW`lık termik santral yapılacak, Enerji Günlügü, 11 June 2015.
  3. "Elektrik Piyasası Önlisansları," EMRA, accessed April 2018
  4. "Tekirdağ'da kömür depolama tesisi kurulacak," Enerji Günlüğü, 4-3-2017
  5. “It’s Time to Fight!”, Saray Gazette, Translated by Google, March 3, 2015.
  6. “Coal and Climate Change 2017 Report”, Önder Algedik, Translated by Google, December 9, 2017.
  7. “Response to 56 Applications to Obtain Information from MoEU”, Ecology Collective, Translated by Google, April 9, 2018.
  8. “Phasing out coal in Europe by 2025”, AirClim, Feburary 2019.

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.