Amaam North "Project F" Coal Mine

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Amaam North "Project F" Coal Mine (Северный Амаам; месторождение Фандюшкинское поле) is an operating coal mine in Alkatvaam, Anadyrsky, Chukotka, Russia.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Mine Name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Amaam North "Project F" Coal Mine Alkatvaam, Anadyrsky, Chukotka, Russia 62.966772, 178.766098 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the coal mine:

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Project Details

Table 2: Project status

Status Status Detail Opening Year Closing Year
Operating 2017

Table 3: Operation details

Note: The asterisk (*) signifies that the value is a GEM estimated figure.
Capacity (Mtpa) Production (Mtpa) Year of Production Mine Type Mining Method Mine Size (km2) Mine Depth (m) Workforce Size
1.7 2024 Surface Open Pit 60* #REF!*

Table 4: Coal resources and destination

Total Reserves (Mt) Year of Total Reserves Recorded Total Resources (Mt) Coalfield Coal Type Coal Grade Primary Consumer/ Destination
23.8 85[1] Bering Bituminous Thermal & Met

Table 5: Ownership and parent company

Owner Parent Company Headquarters
Beringopromugol LLC[2] Tigers Realm Coal Ltd Australia

Table 6: Historical production (unit: million tonnes per annum)

ROM or Saleable 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
ROM 0.226[3] 0.577[3] 0.75[3] 0.792[3] 1.127[4] 1.52[5] 1.6[6]


Table 6: Project status

* Added capacity of a coal mine refers to the enhancement in the mine's production capabilities beyond its initial production capacity.
Status Status Detail Project Type Project Phase Added Capacity (Mtpa)* Start Year
Proposed Construction Expansion 0.3 2025

Note: The above section was automatically generated and is based on data from the Global Coal Mine Tracker April 2024 release and the September and December supplements.


Amaam North 'Project F' coal mine (месторождение Северный Амаам) is a surface mine near Alkatvaam, in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Far East, Russia.

The project is also known as Fandyushkinskoye (месторождение Фандюшкинское поле). Amaam North 'Project F' coal mine is owned and operated by Beringopromugol LLC, which in turn is owned by Tigers Realm Coal Limited (Australia). Tigers Realm owns 100% of the project having bought out its partner B.S. Chukchi Investments in 2017.[7]

Amaam North 'Project F' is part of the Tigers Realm Coal Amaam project, along with the proposed Amaam coal mine. The Amaam North and Amaam deposits are located within separate structural blocks of the Bering Coal Basin.[8]

Amaam North 'Project F' coal mine started commercial mining in 2017.[1] The mine produces both thermal and coking coal. It exports via Tigers Realm's Beringovsky coal terminal[9] (located 37km away from the mine) to customers in Japan, Taiwan, China, Korea, Cambodia and Vietnam.[10] The port was acquired in 2020, improving its outlook of coal expansion in the region.[11]Ter

Amaam North 'Project F' is comprised of a general exploration licence (Levoberezhny), the licence for Project F (permitted to mine until December 2034 and Zvonkoye (permitted to mine until 2038).[1]

Production in 2021 reached 1.025 million tonnes.[12] The coal mine continued operations in 2022 as usual, although there are some disruptions to the supply of equipment by foreign partners. Production in 2022 reached 1.523 million tonnes, of which 0.65 thermal coal and 0.875 coking coal.[13] 0.796 million tonnes were delivered to Beringovsky coal terminal.[13] The severe winters in Siberia mean Tigers can only ship coal to customers for between six and eight months every year from the Bering Sea coast in the Russian Far East of Chukotka.[14]

Sanctions against Russian and the various counter-sanctions enacted by Russia have created a number of marketing and operational (primarily supply chain) challenges for the company. During 2022, the Group succeeded in establishing new client relationships as well as alternative supply sources. The challenges are, nevertheless, ongoing. Besides sanctions and supply chain issues, the company reported that sales were done at significant discounts (this was offset by high coal prices) and exchange rate fluctuations. Significant geopolitical uncertainty exists. However the local Russian suppliers re-engineered their supply chains with a dramatically increased emphasis on China. The company purchased Chinese coal haulage trucks instead of additional Scania trucks. It was also developing new customer relationships – mostly in China[13], as well as in India and Vietnam.[14]

In April 2024, Tigers Realm Coal entered into a binding agreement to dispose of all its Russian assets for USD 49 million. Completion was subject to receiving the approval from Russian authorities.[15] As of October 2024 and January 2025, the transaction to sell the assets to APM-Invest LLC was still on-going.[16][17]

In 2024, Beringpromugol increased coal production to 1.7 million tonnes.[18]

Litigation over Operations in Russia

In April 2023, Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) provided Tigers Realm Coal with an indicative assessment that its operations are against Russia sanctions regime. Transparency and international justice advocates called on the Australian government to avoid granting a permit to the company. In response Tigers Realm Coal filed a court case stating that it does not agree with DFAT’s indicative assessment and that it has filed a court case seeking to prove that its operations in Russia are not in breach of sanctions.[19][14]

As of August 7th, the Federal Court made orders timetabling the progression of case. A hearing date was yet to be determined, however, the Federal Court has indicated the hearing is now likely to take place in March 2024. Depending on the outcome of the case, the company may have to cease operations in Russia.[20]

Project Expansion Details

According to Russia's 'Programme for Coal Industry Development up to 2035' (published in June 2020), the target capacity of the coal mine is 2.5 million tonnes.[21] However the company's plans for expansion in 2021/2022 were slightly lower at 2 Mtpa of capacity.[22][23] In 2021 Beringopromugol also started the project of building a processing plant which should allow the company to sell a higher-value product.[22] The construction of the processing plant was completed in April 2022.[24]

In August 2021, Russian Federal Inspection Agency (Glavgosexpertiza) reviewed and approved the results of engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation for the construction and operation of a quarry at the Zvonkoye coal deposit.[25] The target capacity is 650 thousand tonnes as early as in 2023.[25]

In its 2022 and 2023 Annual Reports, Tiger Realms Coal still referred to planned increase of production up to 2 Mtpa.[26][6]


Indigenous Chukchi people live in the area of the Amaam coal project and have been in conflict over the area's natural resources with coal companies. In 2007 Northern Pacific Coal Mining (a subsidiary of Tigers Realm Coal) (translated from the Russian Severo-Tikhookeanskaya Ugolnaya Kompaniya / STUK) was granted a permit to develop the Beringovyi hard coal deposit. Initially, the permit was given under the condition that the company stay out of the territories of the indigenous obshchina (kinship-based community and cooperative), however the company chose to ignore this condition. Development and drilling by the company led to serious environmental damage including fuel spills and damage from moving heavy machinery in the summer period across the Amaam river. (In the summer months, the environment is particularly vulnerable due to the thawed ground).

In 2011, STUK hired the Chukotka Trading Company (ChTK) as a subcontractor, after which environmental violations continued and became more serious. In summer of 2011, right in the middle of the the salmon spawning season , ChTK hauled cargo from the Ushakov bay across the pristine tundra, the floodplains of the Amaam lagoon and the Amaam river all the way to the base using heavy transport equipment, inflicting irreparable damage to the river.

The indigenous people filed complaints and the coal company filed a countersuit and continued to operate. In February 2013 the arbitration court of Chukotka ruled in favour of the STUK and ordered that the obschchina had to pay the damages amounting to approximately 15,000 US Dollars. A few months later, in November 2013, the head of the Anadyr municipal district of Chukotka adopted a decree revoking the rights of the community to the given territory.

In 2015 the earlier ruling was overturned, meaning that the Chukchi did not have to pay the coal company but no compensation was offered to the Chukchi for damage to their land.[27]

Reports from 2024 indicated continued damage to the local environment, particularly to the river Alkatvaam, which often has traces of coal/ dirt, less fish, fish with coal particles inside and mutant fish species.[28]

Articles and Resources

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of world coal mines, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Mine Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Tigers Realm Coal. "2020 Annual Report". Retrieved October 2022. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |access-date= (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. Archived from the original on 2024-01-25. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  4. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  5. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  6. 6.0 6.1 {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  7. Creamer Media Reporter, "Tigers Realm now owns 100% of Amaam project", Mining Weekly website, 17 April 2019.
  8. Tigers Realm Coal, "Bering Coal Basin: Amaam and Amaam North, Chukotka, Far East Russia" Tigers Realm website, accessed 30 August 2019. Bering Coal Basin: Amaam and Amaam North, Chukotka, Far East Russia"], Tigers Realm Coal website, 17 April 2019.
  9. Tigers Realm Coal, "2018 Annual Report", page 8, Tigers Realm Coal website, 17 April 2019.
  10. Tigers Realm Coal, "2018 Annual Report", page B and page 1, Tigers Realm Coal website, 17 April 2019.
  11. Tigers Realm Group Acquires Russian Port and Coal Terminal, Mining, May 17, 2020
  12. "«Берингпромуголь» нарастил извлечение угля на Чукотке до 1 млн тонн". Jan 18, 2022. Retrieved Mar 17, 2022.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 "AGM PRESENTATION (August 2023)". 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 "ASX-listed Russian coal miner fights sanctions, taps China". August 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  15. "Company Overview - Sale of Russian Assets". April 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  16. "ASX Release – Further Update on Sale of Russian Operations". October 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  17. "ASX Release - Update on Sale of Russian Operations". February 2025.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  18. "«Берингпромуголь» за год увеличил производственный результат на 7%". January 2025.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  19. "Australian coalminer takes government to court over Russian sanctions assessment". June 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  20. "Tigers Realm Coal Limited Appendix 4D – Half year report For the six months ended 30 June 2023". August 2023. {{cite web}}: line feed character in |title= at position 26 (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  21. "Программа Развития Угольной Промышленности до 2035 года". June 13, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  22. 22.0 22.1 "«Берингпромуголь» в 2021 году приступит к строительству обогатительной фабрики". Jan 22, 2021. Retrieved Mar 17, 2022.
  23. "Beringopromugol Presentation (Dec 2020)" (PDF). Retrieved October 2022. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |access-date= (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  24. "September 2022 Quarter Operational Activity". October 24, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  25. 25.0 25.1 "Берингпромуголь начнет разработку нового угольного месторождения Звонкое на Чукотке". Aug 19, 2021. Retrieved Mar 17, 2022.
  26. "Tiger Real Coal Annual Report (2022)". 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  27. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, "Russia: Chukchi community defends territorial rights against coal mining company", IWGIA website, 12 June 2015.
  28. "Черная сделка. Как изуродовавшие Чукотку австралийские угольщики связаны с российскими чиновниками". September 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)