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Category:Oil & Gas power stations in United States
From Global Energy Monitor
Pages in category "Oil & Gas power stations in United States"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,252 total.
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- A L Pierce power station
- A. B. Brown power station
- A.J. Mihm Generating Station
- Aberdeen power station
- Acadia energy center
- Aegle Power Generation Station
- AES Greenidge power station
- Afton generating station
- Agua Fria power station
- Agua Mansa power plant
- Aguirre power station
- Air Products Gulf Coast Ammonia power station
- Air Products Port Arthur power station
- AL Sandersville power station
- Alamitos energy center
- Algonquin Power Sanger power station
- Algonquin Windsor Locks power station
- Allegany cogeneration power station
- Allegheny Energy power station
- Allen Fossil Plant
- Alliant Energy Neenah power station
- Almond power plant
- Alpine power plant
- AltaGas Ripon Energy power station
- Ames GT power station
- Ames Municipal Power Plant
- Anadarko power station
- Anclote power station
- Anderson power station
- Androscoggin energy center
- Angus Anson power station
- ANP Bellingham Energy Project
- ANP Blackstone Energy Project
- Anson County generation facility
- Antelope power station
- Apache Generating Station
- Apex generating station
- Arapahoe Station
- ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor power station
- Arcelormittal Cleveland power station
- Archbald power station
- Arlington Valley energy facility
- Armstrong Gas power station
- Arsenal Hill power station
- Arthur Kill generating station
- Arthur Von Rosenberg power station
- Arvah B Hopkins power station
- Asheville Plant
- Astoria (NRG) power station
- Astoria (Otter Tail) power station
- Astoria Energy II power station
- Astoria Energy power station
- Astoria generating station
- Athens generating plant
- Attala power station
- Audrain generating station
- Aurora power station
- Axiall Natrium Plant
- Axiall Plaquemine power station
- Bacliff power station
- Baconton power plant
- Barney M Davis power station
- Barre Peaker power station
- Barry Steam Plant
- BASF Freeport Works power station
- Basin Creek Plant
- Bastrop energy center
- Batavia power plant
- Batesville generation facility
- Baxter Wilson power station
- Bayboro power station
- Bayonne energy center
- Bayou cogeneration plant
- Bayou Cove Peaking power
- Bayou power station
- Bayswater peaking facility
- Baytown energy center
- Bear Garden power station
- Beatrice power station
- Beaver power station
- Belle River Power Plant
- Beluga power station
- Bennett Mountain power station
- Bergen generating station
- Berkshire power station
- Bethlehem energy center
- Bethlehem power plant
- Bethpage power plant
- Big Bend Station
- Big Cajun I
- Big Cajun II Power Plant
- Big Sandy Peaker Plant
- Big Sandy Plant
- Birdsboro power station
- Black Dog Generating Station
- Black Hawk Station
- Black Mountain generating station
- Blount Street Station
- Blue Lake power station
- Blue Spruce energy center
- Blue Valley Power Plant
- Blue Water energy center
- Bluegrass generating station
- Bluffview power station
- Blythe Energy power station
- Bob Glanzer Generating Station
- Bonin Generating Station power station
- Bosque County Peaking power station
- Bowline Point power station
- Braes Bayou Plant
- Brame Energy power station
- Brandy Branch power station
- Brandywine power facility
- Brickhouse Power Plant
- Bridgeport Energy Project
- Bridgeport Harbor Station
- Broad River energy center
- Broadwing Clean energy complex
- Brooklyn Navy Yard cogeneration power station
- Brotman power station
- Brownsville Peaking power station
- Brunner Island power station
- Brunot Island power station
- Brunswick County power station
- Brush generation facility
- Buck Steam Station
- Bucksport Generation power station
- Burlington (CO) power station
- Burlington Generating Station
- Bushy Park Combustion Turbine Facility
- Butler-Warner generation plant
- C R Wing cogeneration plant
- C W Burdick power station
- C.D. McIntosh power station
- C4GT power station
- Cadiz power plant
- Caithness Long Island energy center
- Calcasieu power station
- Caledonia power station
- Calhoun energy center
- CalPeak Power Border Peaker Plant
- CalPeak Power Enterprise Peaker Plant
- CalPeak Power Panoche Peaker Plant
- CalPeak Power Vaca Dixon Peaker Plant
- Calumet Energy Team power station
- Cambalache power station
- Cambridge Station power plant
- Camden Plant Holdings power station
- Campbell Industrial Park power station
- Canaday power station
- Canal power station
- Cane Island power station
- Cane Run Station
- Cannon Falls energy center
- Canyon power plant
- Cape Canaveral power station
- Capitol District energy center
- Carl Bailey power station
- Carlsbad energy center
- Carr Street generating station
- Carroll County Energy power station
- Carson cogeneration power station
- Carson Ice-Gen Project power station
- Carthage Energy power station
- Carty generating station
- Carville energy center
- Cascade Creek power station
- Cass County power station
- Castle Bluff Energy Center
- Castleton energy center
- Cayuga Generating Station
- Cazador del Sol power plant
- CE&P Imperial Valley 1 power station
- Cedar Bayou 4 power station
- Cedar Bayou power station
- Center Hybrid power station
- Central Energy Plant
- Central Utility Plant - Texas A&M power station
- Ceredo generating station
- CES Placerita power plant
- CFB power plant
- CH Resources Beaver Falls power station
- CH Resources Syracuse power station
- Chalk Point Generating Station
- Chamon power station
- Channel energy center LLC power station
- Channelview cogeneration plant
- Chanute 2 power station
- Charles D. Lamb energy center
- Charles R. Lowman Power Plant
- Chattahoochee energy facility
- Cheatham County power plant
- Chehalis generating facility
- Cherokee County cogeneration power station
- Cherokee Station
- Chesterfield Energy Reliability Center
- Chesterfield power station
- Chevron Oil power station