Hungarian Hydrogen Corridor
Part of the Global Gas Infrastructure Tracker, a Global Energy Monitor project. |
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Hungarian Hydrogen Corridor is a proposed hydrogen pipeline running within Hungary.
The pipeline is proposed to run from Osi-Nemezbikk, Vecses-Varosfold-Kecskemet, and Szeged.
Project details
- Operator: FGSZ [1]
- Owner: FGSZ[1]
- Parent company:
- Capacity: 78-150GWh/d
- Length:
- Diameter:
- Status: Proposed[1]
- Start year: 2029-2040 [1]
- Cost:
- Financing:
- Associated infrastructure:
The pipeline system consists of a combination of newly built and converted hydrogen pipelines. This project is included in the H2inframap, which displays a collection of hydrogen-related projects across Europe.[1]
Corridor I:
This pipeline consists of converted pipelines running form the UA/HU border-Beregdaroc-Varosfold; Nemesbikk-Kazincbarcika.
Corridor IV:
These are newly built pipelines that will run from the SK/HU border-Vecses and Vecses-Varosfold.
Corridor V:
A new DN800, PN75 bar pipeline between RO/HU border, and new H2 compressor station to be built by 2029.
Hungarian-Slovenian Hydrogen Corridor:
This newly built pipeline will run between Ősi-Nagykanizsa-Tornyiszentmiklós pipeline.