Kjopsvik Cement Plant
From Global Energy Monitor
This article is part of the Global Cement and Concrete Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor. |
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Originally founded as Nordland Portland Cementfabrik, the company became Norcem in 1968 as a merger with two other cement factories: Christiania Portland Cementfabrikk and Dalen Portland Cemetfabrikk. In 1987 Norcem merged with Aker mekaniske Verksted, then in 1995 the company merged with Euroc owned by Skanska of Sweden to form Scancem. In 1999, Scancem was acquired by HeidelbergCement, now Heidelberg Materials.
In 1991, the Kjopsvik plant underwent a significant upgrade, converting from wet-process to dry-process technology, and in 2008 the plant installed a Siemens CEMAT process control system.