Maoming Bohe power station

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Maoming Bohe power station (粤电博贺发电厂) is an operating power station of at least 2000-megawatts (MW) in Diancheng Town, Dianbai, Maoming, Guangdong, China with multiple units, some of which are not currently operating. It is also known as 茂名博贺电厂.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Maoming Bohe power station Diancheng Town, Dianbai, Maoming, Guangdong, China 21.441033, 111.289628 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Phase I Unit 1, Phase I Unit 2, Phase II Unit 3, Phase II Unit 4: 21.441033, 111.289628

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year
Phase I Unit 1 operating coal: unknown 1000 ultra-supercritical 2020
Phase I Unit 2 operating coal: unknown 1000 ultra-supercritical 2020
Phase II Unit 3 construction coal: unknown 1000 ultra-supercritical 2024 (planned)
Phase II Unit 4 construction coal: unknown 1000 ultra-supercritical 2024 (planned)

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Phase I Unit 1 Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal & Electrictiy Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [67.0%]; Guangdong Hengjian Investment Holding Co Ltd [25.1%]; China Huaneng Group Co Ltd [7.9%]
Phase I Unit 2 Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal & Electrictiy Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [67.0%]; Guangdong Hengjian Investment Holding Co Ltd [25.1%]; China Huaneng Group Co Ltd [7.9%]
Phase II Unit 3 Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal & Electrictiy Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [67.0%]; Guangdong Hengjian Investment Holding Co Ltd [25.1%]; China Huaneng Group Co Ltd [7.9%]
Phase II Unit 4 Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal & Electrictiy Co Ltd [100%] Guangdong Electric Power Development Co Ltd [67.0%]; Guangdong Hengjian Investment Holding Co Ltd [25.1%]; China Huaneng Group Co Ltd [7.9%]

Background on Units 1-2

Guangdong Yudean Group has proposed a two-unit coal-fired power plant with a total planned capacity of 2,000 MW in Guangdong Province. As of 2013 the plant is scheduled to be completed in 2016.[1]

To fuel the Bohe coal plant, a coal berth with capacity of 13 million tons per year throughput was approved by China's NDRC in 2012, and started construction the same year. [2]

Although the project had not received environmental clearance or permits from the provincial DRC, construction began in 2014.[3][4][5]

2017: Plant halted by government

In July 2017, the NEA released the "Guideline of Supply-Side Reform of the Coal Power Bubble". The Guideline included a draft list which slowed down or halted 185 coal-burning units across 21 provinces, totaling 107 GW. 114 coal units (65 GW) are ordered to slow down the construction progress during 2017 to 2020, and are not allowed to connect to the grid in 2017. In addition, 71 coal units (42 GW) were halted indefinitely for regulation violations, and may not resume development until the violations are resolved. The list partly overlapped with the projects listed in the January NEA letter to 13 provinces.[6]

Maoming Bohe power station Units 1-2 are among the halted coal-burning units,[6] and also appeared on an updated list of halted projects released in September 2017.[7] (For more information, see China's 2016/2017 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.)

2018: Plant listed for emergency back-up

In November 2018, the plant's two units were listed as emergency back-up units. The units are under construction.[8]

2019: Plant permitted

In January 2020, it was reported the plant's EIA had been approved and a permit for construction granted, over five years after construction had begun.[9]

2020: Units 1-2 commissioned

Unit 1 was commissioned in September 2020.[10] Unit 2 was commissioned in November 2020.[11]

Proposed expansion: Units 3-4

A phase II at the power station (units 3 & 4 of 1,000 MW each) was listed in the Guangdong Major Development Projects of 2020 as a Major Preliminary Project.[12]

In Fall 2022, the project was still moving forward. The units were permitted on September 28, 2022.[13][14]

In March 2023, bidding was announced for auxiliary equipment for the proposed expansion.[15]

In June 2023, construction of Unit 3 and Unit 4 began.[16][17] Phase II was expected to be operational by the end of 2024.[18]

Articles and Resources


  1. "招标公告," accessed June 2013
  2. "广东粤电博贺煤电有限公司"Guangdong Yudean Group, 2016-5-31
  3. "粤电博贺煤电一体化项目启动",广东省粤电集团有限公司, 2012-4-28
  4. "广东粤电茂名博贺电厂2×100万千瓦“上大压小”发电工程提前批辅机设备(第1包:磨煤机)采购评标结果公示", 广东省招标投标监管网, 2013-07-23
  5. "审计署通报广东粤电集团2×100万千瓦机组未批先建," 2016-8-5
  6. 6.0 6.1 "16部委联合发文防范化解煤电产能过剩风险,", 2017-08-03
  7. "2017年分省煤电停建和缓建项目名单," Sohu, 2017-10-12
  8. "茂名博贺电厂一期(2×100万千瓦)列为广东省2018年应急调峰储备电源,", Nov 2, 2018
  9. "核准 | 广东粤电茂名博贺电厂2×100万千瓦发电工程项目获得核准," 北极星电力网, 2020/1/14
  10. "粤电博贺电厂:以党建引领决胜投产攻坚战," 中国电力报, 2020-09-28
  11. [ "广东粤电博贺煤电有限公司博贺电厂#2机组顺利完成168h满负荷运行,"] 北极星电力网新闻中心, 2020/11/20
  12. "粤电力A:加快推进广东粤电大埔电厂二期、茂名博贺电厂3-4 号机组项目," 北极星电力网新闻中心, 2020/10/13
  13. 广东茂名博贺电厂3、4号2×1000MW机组工程项目获得核准, BJX News, 2022-09-28
  14. 茂名博贺电厂3、4号2×1000MW机组工程项目节能报告的审查意见, BJX News, 2022-10-13
  15. 茂名博贺电厂3、4号2×1000MW机组工程第一批辅机设备(第6包:闭式冷却水热交换器)采购(第二次招标)招标公告,, 2023-03-11
  16. 茂名博贺电厂3、4号2台1000兆瓦机组主体工程开工,, 2023-03-13
  17. 茂名博贺电厂3、4号2台1000兆瓦机组主体工程开工,, 2023-03-13
  18. 高薪招聘!中煤集团2×1000MW项目、广东省能源集团4×1000MW项目、赣能2×1000MW项目,速来,, 2023-05-26

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.