Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset (Russia)

From Global Energy Monitor
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Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset (Одопту-море (Центральный и Южный купола)) is an operating oil and gas asset in Russia.

Along with Chayvo (Sakhalin-1) Oil and Gas Asset (Russia), Odoptu (Northern Dome) Oil and Gas Asset (Russia), and Arkutun-Dagi Oil and Gas Field (Russia), Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset is a part of the Sakhalin-1 Oil and Gas Project (Russia).

Project Details

Main Data

Table 1: Asset-level project details for Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset

1Final Investment Decision
Unit name Status Operator Owner Discovery year FID1 year Production start year Production type
Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Operating[1] Sakhalin-1 LLC[2] Sakhalin-1 LLC (100.0%)[3] 1977[4] 2010[4]

Production and Reserves

Table 2: Reserves of Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset

million m³ = million cubic meters
million bbl = million barrels of oil
Fuel description Reserves classification Quantity Units Data year Source
gas A + B1 + C1 81800 million m³ 2022 [5]
gas B2 + C2 23700 million m³ 2022 [5]
gas A + B1 + C1 81900 million m³ 2023 [1]
gas B2 + C2 23700 million m³ 2023 [1]
oil A + B1 + C1 352.57 million bbl 2021 [6]
oil B2 + C2 44.71 million bbl 2021 [6]
oil A + B1 + C1 299.8 million bbl 2022 [5]
oil B2 + C2 46.18 million bbl 2022 [5]
oil A + B1 + C1 291.73 million bbl 2023 [1]
oil B2 + C2 46.18 million bbl 2023 [1]

Table 3: Production from Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset

million m³/y = million cubic meters per year
million bbl/y = million barrels of oil per year
Category Fuel description Quantity Units Data year Source
production oil 27.12 million bbl/y 2020 [6]
production oil 20.52 million bbl/y 2021 [5]
production gas 1800 million m³/y 2021 [5]
production oil 8.06 million bbl/y 2022 [1]
production gas 700 million m³/y 2022 [1]


Table 4: Asset-level location details for Odoptu (Central and Southern Domes) Oil and Gas Asset

Location Onshore/Offshore Coordinates (WGS 84)
Offshore, Russia[7] Offshore[8] 53.25, 143.3167 (exact)[7]

The map below shows the exact location of the asset(s) within the Sakhalin-1 complex:

Loading map...


Further details on ownership and background of this asset are described at the project level, see Sakhalin-1 Oil and Gas Project (Russia) for more information.

Articles and Resources

Additional Data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of oil and gas extraction sites, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии Российской Федерации, Федеральное агентство по недропользованию (Роснедра) (2023). "Государственный Доклад о Состоянии и Использовании Минерально-сырьевых Ресурсов Российской Федерации в 2021 году". Telegram. Retrieved Aug 14, 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. https://www.upstreamonline.com/politics/putin-presses-on-with-search-for-buyer-of-sakhalin-1-stake-after-exxonmobil-exit/2-1-1431657, https://neftegaz.ru/news/gosreg/808247-v-putin-podpisal-ukaz-predpolagayushchiy-izyatie-doley-uchastiya-wintershall-dea-i-omv-v-rossiyskikh/ https://energybase.ru/news/industry/sahalin-1-na-odin-gazeta-kommersant-no-187-7388-ot-10102022-2022-10-09, https://www.upstreamonline.com/politics/putin-presses-on-with-search-for-buyer-of-sakhalin-1-stake-after-exxonmobil-exit/2-1-1431657, https://neftegaz.ru/news/gosreg/808247-v-putin-podpisal-ukaz-predpolagayushchiy-izyatie-doley-uchastiya-wintershall-dea-i-omv-v-rossiyskikh/. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)
  3. https://studfile.net/preview/383668/, https://www.sakhalin-1.com/en-RU/Company/Who-we-are, https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-wipes-out-exxons-stake-in-sakhalin-oil-and-gas-project-11666040367, https://www.upstreamonline.com/politics/putin-presses-on-with-search-for-buyer-of-sakhalin-1-stake-after-exxonmobil-exit/2-1-1431657, Rosnedra2023, https://neftegaz.ru/news/drill/756687-v-fevrale-2023-goda-planiruetsya-vozobnovit-burenie-na-mestorozhdenii-odoptu/ https://www.rosneft.ru/press/news/item/199693/, https://studfile.net/preview/383668/, https://www.sakhalin-1.com/en-RU/Company/Who-we-are, https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-wipes-out-exxons-stake-in-sakhalin-oil-and-gas-project-11666040367, https://www.upstreamonline.com/politics/putin-presses-on-with-search-for-buyer-of-sakhalin-1-stake-after-exxonmobil-exit/2-1-1431657, Rosnedra2023, https://neftegaz.ru/news/drill/756687-v-fevrale-2023-goda-planiruetsya-vozobnovit-burenie-na-mestorozhdenii-odoptu/. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)
  4. 4.0 4.1 (PDF) https://web.archive.org/web/20210917075313/https://www.sakhalin-1.com/-/media/Sakhalin/Files/Publications/ENG-Sakhalin-1-overview-2019.pdf. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 September 2021. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии Российской Федерации, Федеральное агентство по недропользованию (Роснедра) (2022). "Государственный Доклад о Состоянии и Использовании Минерально-Сырьевых Ресурсов Российской Федерации в 2021 году" (PDF). Федеральное агентство по недропользованию (Роснедра). Archived (PDF) from the original on 45201. Retrieved Oct 2, 2023. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |archive-date= (help)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии Российской Федерации, Федеральное агентство по недропользованию (Роснедра) (2021). "Государственный Доклад о Состоянии и Использовании Минерально-Сырьевых Ресурсов Российской Федерации в 2020 году" (PDF). Федеральное агентство по недропользованию (Роснедра). Archived (PDF) from the original on 45201. Retrieved Oct 2, 2023. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |archive-date= (help)
  7. 7.0 7.1 http://www.nftn.ru/oilfields/russian_oilfields/sakhalinskaja_oblast/odoptu_more/13-1-0-428. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  8. https://neftegaz.ru/tech-library/mestorozhdeniya/141815-odoptu-more/. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)