Welcome to CoalSwarm, the shared information tool on issues such as coal plants, mines, companies, environmental impacts, clean alternatives, regulation, grassroots organizing, industry lobbying, and much more. Articles include:
- International information on coal: country by country
- Africa: Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, other
- East and Southeast Asia: Burma, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, other
- Europe: Europe and coal, Germany, Poland, Russia, Turkey, United Kingdom, other
- North and South America: Canada, Colombia, Mexico, United States, Venezuela, other
- Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, other
- South Asia and the Middle East: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Turkey, other
- International information on coal: special topics
- State-by-state information on coal in the United States (or click on the map below)