Qinghai Gas Pipeline Network

From Global Energy Monitor
This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Qinghai Gas Pipeline Network 青海输气管网 is a pipeline network with gas pipelines that are operating, in construction, and proposed in Qinghai Province, China.


The network runs throughout the Qinghai Province in China.

Network background

Project details

Budongquan–Yushu Gas Pipeline 不冻泉-玉树输气管线

The Budongquan–Yushu Gas Pipeline was mentioned in the Qinghai Province12th Five-Year Plan, but it was ultimately never built. It was again recently listed in the province's 14 Five-Year Plan.[1]

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  • Owner:
  • Parent:
  • Capacity:
  • Length: 535.4 kilometers[2]
  • Diameter: 300/250 mm[3]
  • Status: Proposed[1]
  • Start year:
  • Cost:

Huangnanzhou Gas Pipeline Phase I (Lajishan-Jianzha) 黄南州天然气利用项目管道输气一期工程(拉脊山-尖扎)

The pipeline will end the history of Huangnan Prefecture without a natural gas pipeline network and benefit 100,000 people in Tongren City and Jianzha County.[4] The trunl pipeline runs from the Lajishan distribution station of the Sebei-Xining-Lanzhou Gas Pipeline to the Jianzhatan Pipe Cleaning Station in Jianzha County, passing through Guide County, Hainan Prefecture; the two branch lines start from the Jianzhatan Pipe Cleaning Station in Jianzha County, ending at Jianzhamen Station in Maketang Town, Jianzha County and Tongrenmen Station in Nianduhu Township, Tongren City.[4]

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  • Operator:
  • Owner: Qinghai Heze Gas Co., Ltd.[5]
  • Parent company:
  • Capacity: 0.135 bcm/y[4]
  • Length: 175.58 km (101.02 km of the trunk line; 74.56 km of the two branches line)[4]
  • Diameter:
  • Status: Construction[4]
  • Start year:
  • Cost:
  • Financing:
  • Associated infrastructure: Sebei-Xining-Lanzhou Gas Pipeline[4]

Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 "青海省国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标纲要(2021年2月4日青海省第十三届人民代表大会第六次会议批准)--政务公开". www.qinghai.gov.cn. Retrieved 2021-10-26.
  2. 不冻泉至玉树州天然气输气管线项目环境影响评价第二次信息公示, 青海省玉树藏族自治州政府网, 2022-04-21
  3. 不冻泉至玉树市天然气输气管线地质灾害评价报告, 青海省政府采购网, 2022-11-08
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 黄南州天然气利用项目管道输气工程开工, 黄南藏族自治州人民政府, 2021-07-02
  5. 拟审批公示:2020年12月11日青海省生态环境厅关于2020年马海东油田产能建设项目、都兰金龙有限责任公司开荒北金矿开采项目、黄南州、海南州七县天然气利用工程(一期)环境影响评价文件拟进行审查公示, 青海省生态环境厅, 2020-12-11

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