The pipeline runs from Almendralejo to Oviedo, passing en route through Salamanca, Zamora, Benavente, and León.[2][3][4]
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The Ruta de la Plata gas pipeline is owned and operated by Enagás, Spain's main natural gas carrier.[8]
It includes the Almendralejo-Salamanca, Salamanca-Zamora, Zamora-Benavente-León, and León-Oviedo branches.[9]
This pipeline is part of the European Hydrogen Backbone, and will feature a hydrogen ready expansion to the pipeline.[10]
The portion of the pipeline that will see a hydrogen-ready expansion runs from Almendralejo to Oviedo.
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The SciGRID_gas combined IGG gas transmission network data set refers to the pipeline as INET_PL_9 and INET_PL_788.[3]