SEA Gas Pipeline

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The SEA Gas Pipeline is an operating natural gas pipeline.[1]


The pipeline runs from the Minerva gas processing plant at Port Campbell in Victoria to the Pelican Point Power Station in northwestern Adelaide, South Australia.

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Project details

  • Operator: APA Group [1]
  • Parent company: APA Group and Retail Employees Superannuation Trust[1]
  • Capacity: 314 terajoules per day (290 million cubic feet per day)[2]
  • Length: 687 kilometers[1]
  • Status: Operating
  • Start year: 2004

Note the AEMC states the capacity of the SEA Gas pipeline is 314 terajoules per day in the mainline from Port Campbell to Adelaide.[2]


The SEA Gas pipeline (South East Australia Gas pipeline) is a 687 km natural gas pipeline from the Iona Gas Plant near Port Campbell in Victoria to the Pelican Point Power Station at Port Adelaide. It connects Adelaide's gas supply to sources from Victoria's Otway Basin. The pipeline is owned and operated by South East Australia Gas Pty Ltd who are owned in a 50-50 partnership by APA Group (Australia) and the Retail Employees Superannuation Trust.[3]

The pipeline went into operation as a joint venture formed in May 2001 by Pelican Point Power (a subsidiary of International Power and operator of the Pelican Point Power Station) and Origin Energy (a major Australian energy producer and retailer). In September 2003, TRUenergy (then owner and operator of the Torrens Island Power Station) joined as an equal one-third partner.[4]

The initial proposal was to build a 14-inch in diameter high-pressure gas pipeline, operating at 15 Megapascal. This was modified to dual 14-inch pipes for 338 kilometers of the route and an 18-inch pipe for the remainder when TRUenergy joined SEA Gas to accommodate the additional capacity required by the Torrens Island Power Station.[5] Construction commenced in October 2002, 180 km south east of Adelaide near Tintinara, South Australia. Operations commenced on 1 January 2004, however the project was not officially opened until 15 March 2004.[4] Construction was carried out on an engineer-procure-construct (EPC) basis by a joint venture between Australian pipeline company AJ Lucas Group and French company Spie Capag.

Route and branches

The main pipeline is 680 kilometers from the Minerva gas processing plant at Port Campbell in Victoria to the Pelican Point Power Station in northwestern Adelaide. There are two compressors on the route. The Miakite compressor at Grassdale, Victoria and the Coomandook, South Australia compressor in South Australia are connected by two 14-inch (360 millimeter) pipes. The rest of the pipeline is a single 18-inch (460 millimeter) pipe. This central section has offtakes at Poolaijelo, Victoria and Naracoorte, South Australia. There are also offtakes to Jervois, South Australia and the Cavan, South Australia Meter Station. The pipeline now supplies not just the Pelican Point power station on Le Fevre Peninsula, but also both Torrens Island Power Station and Quarantine Power Station on Torrens Island east of the peninsula. At the supply end of the pipeline, there is an 18-inch (460 millimeter) lateral that connects EnergyAustralia's Iona, Victoria Gas Plant and Origin Energy's Otway facility to the main pipeline and a 18-inch (360 millimeter) bidirectional connection between the Minerva Gas Processing Plant and the Victorian gas transmission network.[6]

The offtake at Poolaijelo is the South East South Australia pipeline owned by APA Group.[7] It supplies Epic Energy's South East Pipeline System at the Katnook processing plant southwest of Penola, South Australia. The SEA Gas gas replaces gas from the depleted Katnook Gas Field. It supplies Mount Gambier, South Australia and Snuggery near Millicent, South Australia as well as towns along the way and the Ladbroke Grove Power Station.[8]

Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 SEAGas Pipeline, Wikipedia, accessed March 2018
  2. 2.0 2.1 SA: SEA Gas Pipeline System, AEMC, accessed Aug. 16, 2021.
  3. SEA Gas Pipeline, Australian Energy Regulator, accessed Aug. 16, 2021.
  4. 4.0 4.1 The SEA Gas Story, SEA Gas, archived from the original, archive accessed Aug. 16, 2021.
  5. SEA Gas pipeline rolls out, MESA, archived from the original, accessed Aug. 16, 2021.
  6. The Pipeline, SEA Gas, accessed Aug. 16, 2021.
  7. South East Australia Pipeline, APA Group, accessed AUg. 16, 2021.
  8. South East Pipeline System (SEPS), Epic Energy, archived from the original, archive accessed Aug. 16, 2021.

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External articles

Wikipedia also has an article on SEA Gas Pipeline (SEAGas Pipeline). This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License].