Shenhua Zhundong Wucaiwan power station

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Shenhua Zhundong Wucaiwan power station (神华神东电力新疆准东五彩湾发电厂) is an operating power station of at least 2020-megawatts (MW) in Wucaiwan Town, Jimsar, Changji, Xinjiang, China.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Shenhua Zhundong Wucaiwan power station Wucaiwan Town, Jimsar, Changji, Xinjiang, China 44.795533, 89.149825 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Phase I Unit 1, Phase I Unit 2, Phase II Unit 1, Phase II Unit 2: 44.795533, 89.149825

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year
Phase I Unit 1 operating coal: bituminous 350 supercritical 2012
Phase I Unit 2 operating coal: bituminous 350 supercritical 2012
Phase II Unit 1 operating coal: bituminous 660 ultra-supercritical 2020
Phase II Unit 2 operating coal: bituminous 660 ultra-supercritical 2020

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Phase I Unit 1 Shenhua Shendong Power Xinjiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Power Generation Co Ltd [100%] China Huadian Group Corp [100.0%]
Phase I Unit 2 Shenhua Shendong Power Xinjiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Power Generation Co Ltd [100%] China Huadian Group Corp [100.0%]
Phase II Unit 1 Shenhua Shendong Power Xinjiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Power Generation Co Ltd [100%] China Huadian Group Corp [100.0%]
Phase II Unit 2 Shenhua Shendong Power Xinjiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Power Generation Co Ltd [100%] China Huadian Group Corp [100.0%]

Zhundong Wucaiwan-1 Plant

The two existing coal-fired units of Zhundong Wucaiwan-1 power station, totaling 700 MW, were brought online in 2012. The plant was originally owned by Shenhua Group.[1][2][3]

Zhundong Wuwaican-2 Plant

Shenhua is currently planning Zhundong Wuwaican-2 power station of 2 x 660 MW.[4][5][6]

The new units are under construction and planned for completion in 2017.[7][8]

The units were delayed by central government restrictions on coal plant development, introduced in 2016. Unit 1 was commissioned in June 2020.[9] Unit 2 was commissioned in July 2020.[10]


On August 28, 2017, China's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) announced that China Guodian Corporation and Shenhua Group will be jointly restructured. Shenhua Group will become China National Energy Investment Group and will absorb China Guodian Corporation. It will be the largest power company in the world by installed capacity, as well as the world's largest coal producer.[11][12] The merger was completed on November 28, 2017.[13]

Articles and Resources


  1. "神华神东电力新疆准东五彩湾发电公司一期工程投产发电," Asian Heart Network, 2012-12-20
  2. "Xinjiang Zhundong Wucaiwan Power Plant Unit 2 First Concrete Pour," Energy China NEPC, March 29, 2011
  3. "神华新疆准东五彩湾发电厂4×1000MW发电工程环境影响评价公众参与信息," County Environmental Protection, 2011-09-02
  4. "神华新疆准东五彩湾发电厂2×660MW扩建工程环境影响信息公示 ," County Environmental Protection, 2010-09-19
  5. "准东煤电基地开发规划环境影响评价公众参与第二次公示," 奇台县环境保护局, 2013-10-30
  6. "神华神东电力准东五彩湾二期电厂环境影响评价公众参与第一次公示,", 2014.10.23
  7. "准东-华东“疆电外送”开工 跨越6省区成为世界最远距离送电," 亚心网, 2015-04-10
  8. "新疆准东"疆电外送"千万千瓦级煤电基地项目集中开工," 亚心网, 2015年04月10日
  9. "2×660MW!国家能源集团国神五彩湾电厂3号机组168小时试运圆满完成," 五彩湾电厂, 2020/6/8
  10. "新疆准东开发区再添新动力 国神集团五彩湾电厂二期全面投产," 中新网新疆, 2020-07-30
  11. "Factbox: Shenhua and Guodian - China's latest state marriage". Reuters. 29 August 2017. Retrieved 30 August 2017.
  12. "China Is Creating the World's Largest Power Company". Bloomberg News. 28 August 2017. Retrieved 29 August 2017.
  13. "China’s Newly-Established National Energy Investment Group Sets World Records in Its Sector, With Assets of Over CNY1.8 Trillion," Yicai Global, 11-28-2017

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To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.