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From Global Energy Monitor
- 132-megawatt (MW) gas-fired power plant in Saarland, Germany. The map below shows Saarbrücken, the approximate location of the plant. Loading map... {"type":"HYBRID"1 KB (185 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
- of regional gas infrastructure, covering gas pipelines, LNG terminals, gas-fired power plants, and gas extraction sites in Africa. Asia Gas Tracker: dataset7 KB (772 words) - 19:33, 20 November 2024
- of Lignite Development in Louisiana, Louisiana Office of Conservation, October 10, 2006. Existing U.S. Coal Plants Power Plants in Louisiana, Powerplantjobs14 KB (1,942 words) - 13:37, 7 June 2021
- demonstration plants. Details of the first plant will be announced in 2010, and will replace eight plants due to close by 2015 under European rules on air31 KB (3,988 words) - 16:32, 4 November 2022
- produces a “synthesis gas” (syn gas), which is primarily a mixture of carbon monoxide, methane and hydrogen. Before combustion, the syn gas is reacted with steam62 KB (8,134 words) - 14:37, 18 June 2021
- Uniper (category Power companies and agencies in the United States) (section Existing U.S. coal-fired power plants)with police to ensure the plant remains in operation. Ratliffe ranks 18th on a list of the most polluting power plants in Europe in 2008. During the action19 KB (1,835 words) - 11:25, 30 April 2021
- away from existing infrastructure are developed". Underpinning the rapid increase in demand is forecast growth in coal-fired generating capacity in Asia and20 KB (2,884 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
- burning natural gas generated far less damage than coal, although still significant: a sample of 498 natural gas fueled plants (71 percent of gas-generated electricity)36 KB (4,642 words) - 20:39, 29 April 2021
- The energy in conventional natural gas is more abundant than in conventional oil but, like oil, is not distributed evenly around the globe. In the future32 KB (3,969 words) - 17:13, 21 February 2025
- NRG Energy (category Power companies and agencies in the United States) (section Existing coal-fired power plants)22,735 megawatts (MW) in the United States, about half of which is generated in Texas. NRG also has plants in Australia, Europe, and Latin America with22 KB (2,184 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
- coal-fired power plants emit more CO2 in eight hours than the power plants in more populous Vermont do in one year. Coal was discovered in Wyoming by the61 KB (8,772 words) - 14:14, 22 September 2021
- said in August 2017 that filtering systems would be completed based on the latest environmental criterion in all of Turkey's existing old plants by 201946 KB (4,667 words) - 01:07, 27 July 2021
- Italy and coal (section Europe and coal)has been in the form of gas-fired plants, specifically combined-cycle, gas-fired turbines (CCGFTs)." Italy, the third-largest coal buyer in Europe, was expected8 KB (1,021 words) - 10:48, 30 April 2021
- the costs of these plants are substantially higher than convention coal plants and more expensive still compared to gas-fired plants. Opposition to coal24 KB (3,235 words) - 10:48, 30 April 2021
- Lignite-Fired Plant for $2.25 Billion", Industrial Info Europe, January 3, 2013. ["Privatization of Domestic Coal-Fired Power Plants in Turkey" En uzun7 KB (744 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
- Planning the end of coal-fired power: Phaseout targets and NDCs (section About the Global Coal Plant Tracker)phase-out announcements in Europe," Europe Beyond Coal, March 22, 2021 "Overview: National coal phase-out announcements in Europe," Europe Beyond Coal, March81 KB (3,458 words) - 17:58, 21 February 2025
- Chicago Coal Plants Caused Up To $1 Billion in Health Damages Since 2002 estimating Midwest Generation's Crawford and Fisk coal plants in Pilsen and Little69 KB (11,091 words) - 13:24, 7 June 2021
- Expansion plans for leading coal exporters (section Railroad company looks at Port of Grays Harbor in Washington State for coal exports)tons) in 2008 to over 83 million metric tons (92 million short tons) in 2012, making it the fifth largest coal exporting country in the world in 2012.47 KB (4,555 words) - 20:39, 29 April 2021
- provide additional flexibility which would otherwise be provided by gas-fired power plants. In addition to the limited capacity, short-term (up to about 2 hours)21 KB (2,201 words) - 23:27, 14 July 2021
- Opposition to coal in China (category Opposition to coal in China) (section December 2011: Thousands protest new coal plant)coal plants in the area are already fouling local air and water, making people sick and damaging their livelihoods. Police moved in with tear gas, according17 KB (2,382 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021