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- individuals with 3.9m from foundations, 4.2m from major donors and 4.4m other income. 12.5m was left in legacies and bequests, so foundations constitute a relatively7 KB (754 words) - 10:46, 30 April 2021
- Philanthropy and the No-Coal Movement (category Foundations)detail which foundations were contacted. Nor does the report provide any detailed breakdown on what programs are currently funded by foundations. In one table6 KB (706 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
- Design to Win: Philanthropy's Role in the Fight Against Global Warming (category Foundations)detail which foundations were contacted. Nor does the report provide any detailed breakdown on what programs are currently funded by foundations. In one table11 KB (1,463 words) - 20:39, 29 April 2021
- Heartland as having received grants from a range of foundations between 1986 and 2009. Of these foundations, by far the largest donor has been the foundation58 KB (7,212 words) - 01:32, 13 February 2023
- 2008 as a project designed to "bring university researchers, industries, foundations and government organizations together to research clean coal technology4 KB (466 words) - 11:23, 30 April 2021
- Bernays has . . . created more institutes, funds, institutions, and foundations than Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Filene together," observed the Institute17 KB (2,235 words) - 21:49, 25 December 2019
- hundreds of millions of dollars a year, most of it contributed by non-profit foundations and individual donors. Many of the Big Green groups accept funding from7 KB (858 words) - 21:13, 25 December 2019
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation (category Foundations)Chesapeake Bay Foundation "Pollution and other harmful activities degrade the Bay. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) fights for strong and effective3 KB (305 words) - 11:38, 30 April 2021
- considers on a case by case basis whether to accept major donations from foundations set up by corporations. Thus, corporate partnerships are extremely lucrative18 KB (2,316 words) - 21:44, 25 December 2019
- California Environmental Associates (category Foundations) (section CEA, Philanthropic Foundations and Global Warming)outcomes." On its website, CEA lists its services as being assisting foundations with the design and evaluation of programs, helping to "develop, promote5 KB (550 words) - 20:37, 29 April 2021
- problems like changing the course of rivers and severely damage building foundations. Load video YouTube YouTube might collect personal data. Privacy Policy26 KB (3,601 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021
- to private donations, CoalSwarm has received grants from the following foundations: Carlin Family Fund Energy Foundation Mertz Gilmore Foundation Rockefeller693 bytes (77 words) - 21:25, 25 December 2019
- Walmart. Between 1998 and 2011, Mackinac received $560,000 from four DeVos foundations; and between 2000 and 2003, the Walton Family Foundation donated at least53 KB (8,210 words) - 13:38, 7 June 2021
- coal politics David H. Koch Charles G. Koch Koch Industries Koch Family Foundations Bill Koch: the Dirty Money Behind the Cape Win Opposition7 KB (899 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
- Climate Initiative. Some commentators have suggested that Koch family foundations and ExxonMobil have opposed these initiatives, and that the American Legislative18 KB (2,416 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
- through towns, endangering drivers, beating up the roads and cracking house foundations. The monster trucks have been responsible for fourteen deaths in the past4 KB (568 words) - 10:48, 30 April 2021
- systems, a 295,000-foot tube well, structural foundations for the ACC-Air Cooled Condenser, and foundations for the HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generation."12 KB (918 words) - 23:13, 16 January 2025
- The Joyce Foundation and global warming (category Foundations)The Joyce Foundation's response to the emergence of global warming as a major environmental issue has been to place its faith in Carbon Capture and Storage6 KB (716 words) - 11:38, 30 April 2021
- increase from 2010. The resolutions were filed by public pension funds, foundations and religious, labor and other institutional investors. Many of the investors36 KB (4,454 words) - 18:54, 5 May 2021
- The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and global warming (category Foundations)planning its climate change initiative the foundation contacted other foundations. "We learned that many of them have been and remain focused on what we10 KB (1,403 words) - 11:39, 30 April 2021