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From Global Energy Monitor
- Chunxiao/Shirakaba Oil and Gas Field (East China Sea, China-Japan) (category Oil and gas extraction in China-Japan) (section Table 1: Field-level project details for Chunxiao/Shirakaba Oil and Gas Field)Chunxiao/Shirakaba Oil and Gas Field (春晓; 白樺ガス田) is an operating oil and gas field in East China Sea, China-Japan. Chunxiao/Shirakaba Oil and Gas Field is also5 KB (377 words) - 23:58, 21 February 2025
- The energy in conventional natural gas is more abundant than in conventional oil but, like oil, is not distributed evenly around the globe. In the future32 KB (3,969 words) - 17:13, 21 February 2025
- Carbon Capture and Storage (category Carbon Capture and Storage) (section Carbon Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery)billion metric tons of carbon dioxide storage potential in oil and gas reservoirs, coal seams, and saline formations. The document suggests that these geologic62 KB (8,134 words) - 14:37, 18 June 2021
- Coal Studies (section China and coal)carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets, Carbon Tracker Initiative, 2013 - calculated between 60-80% of coal, oil, and gas reserves of publicly listed85 KB (7,689 words) - 21:24, 25 December 2019
- 2% in 2022 and is forecasted to be 5.5% in 2023 and 6% in 2024. Gas consumption in Cambodia is almost negligible. The country does not have any gas power9 KB (1,008 words) - 13:24, 11 July 2023
- Canada and coal (category National and international coal profiles) (section Cobalt Coal announces mine expansion in Alberta)fifth largest in the world at approximately 10 billion tonnes, 4% of the world total. This represents more energy than all of the oil and gas in the country44 KB (5,580 words) - 23:07, 21 July 2021
- Arctic LNG 2 Terminal (category Global Gas Infrastructure Tracker) (section Background, Trains 2 and 3)Arctic, June 23, 2017. Business Potential in Russian Arctic Oil and Gas Projects, Sozvezdye Association of Oil & Gas Suppliers presentation, May 2016. [Одобрен34 KB (3,984 words) - 19:33, 4 December 2024
- Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye Oil and Gas Field (Russia) Note: mtpa = million tonnes per year; bcfd = billion cubic feet per day Yamal LNG terminal is one of several gas project11 KB (1,220 words) - 19:45, 4 December 2024
- Western Australia and coal (category Coal mining companies and agencies in Australia) (section Carbon Capture and Storage research projects)Resources have all but given up on the project and instead is seeking to become a minor player in oil and gas projects in the Canning Basin. Blackham Resources27 KB (3,267 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
- Vung Ang power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Vietnam) (section Debt financing from JBIC, KEXIM and Japanese commercial banks)stations, downloadable datasets, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker and the Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker on the Global Energy39 KB (4,415 words) - 00:26, 17 January 2025
- Powder River Basin (category Existing coal mines in the United States) (section Planned lawsuit against BLM over leases and greenhouse gas emissions)new wells will be located in Wyoming's portion of the Powder River Basin. In June 2010 it was announced that Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission104 KB (13,804 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
- event. The list includes sites in 10 states, including 12 in North Carolina, 9 in Arizona, 6 in Kentucky, 6 in Ohio, and 4 in West Virginia. Eleven of the47 KB (5,917 words) - 10:47, 30 April 2021
- Quynh Lap power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Vietnam) (section Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details)committee. Quỳnh Lập-1: China Development Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (proposed in 2018) Quỳnh Lập-2:23 KB (2,402 words) - 23:44, 16 January 2025
- Solid Energy (category Coal mining companies and agencies in New Zealand) (section Coal Seam Gas (CSG))plateau and at present production capacity is approx 2 Mt per year. The coal is exported to steel mills in India, China, Japan, South Africa and Brazil168 KB (22,021 words) - 18:52, 26 February 2020
- Quang Trach Power Center (category Oil & Gas power stations in Vietnam) (section Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details)consortium of Chinese banks that would provide debt financing includes China Development Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, and Industrial and Commercial25 KB (2,723 words) - 13:53, 21 January 2025
- Worsley Refinery power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Australia) (section Gas conversions)completed in 1982 and 2012, and is owned by BHP Billiton. Units 5 and 6 co-fire with biomass. In 2009, a gas fired Co-generation plant was installed. In November12 KB (978 words) - 00:30, 17 January 2025
- Cong Thanh power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Vietnam) (section Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details)stations, downloadable datasets, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker and the Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker on the Global Energy17 KB (1,744 words) - 16:18, 7 February 2025
- Sakhalin II LNG Terminal (category Global Gas Infrastructure Tracker) (section Environmental and Social Impacts)LNG plants, and oil and gas export terminals. The project is supplied by the Piltun Astokhskoye Oil Field (Russia) and Lunskoye Oil and Gas Fields (Russia)16 KB (1,773 words) - 19:51, 4 December 2024
- reserves, but coal extraction remains low in comparison to the extraction of natural gas and petroleum in the state. Coal and peat extraction combined accounts26 KB (3,802 words) - 23:25, 14 July 2021
- Pagbilao power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Philippines) (section BOT contract expiring in 2025; Aboitiz Power and SMC to take over)Ecology, and Development found that coal- and gas-fired power plants were the leading cause of blackouts in the Philippines between 2019 and 2023. Over17 KB (1,594 words) - 23:33, 16 January 2025