Timor-1 power station

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Timor-1 power station is a power station under construction in Lifuleo, West Kupang, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Timor-1 power station Lifuleo, West Kupang, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia -10.351964, 123.459882 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Unit 1, Unit 2: -10.351964, 123.459882

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year
Unit 1 Construction coal: unknown 50 subcritical 2023 (planned)
Unit 2 Construction coal: unknown 50 subcritical 2023 (planned)

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1 PT PLN (Persero) [100%] PT PLN (Persero) [100.0%]
Unit 2 PT PLN (Persero) [100%] PT PLN (Persero) [100.0%]


In the 2016-2025 long range plan, the project is shown at 2 x 50 MW. According to the plan, the project was previously 2 x 25 MW. It was delayed from 2018 to 2019.[1] In the 2018-2027 long-range plan Unit 1 is delayed to 2022 and Unit 2 is delayed to 2023.[2] In the 2019-2028 long-range plan Unit 1 is scheduled for 2022 and Unit 2 is scheduled for 2024.[3]

The final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project was submitted in March 2018.[4] The plant is located by a Marine National Reserve in which rare and endangered species may be present.[4] In September 2019 Persero signed contracts for construction of the plants, with estimated construction times of 36 months for Unit 1 and 39 months for Unit 2.[5] PT Medco Power Indonesia was awarded the operation and maintenance (O&M) contract. A consortium consisting of Medco Power, PT Inti Karya Persada Tehnik, PT PP Persero Tbk, ITOCHU Corporation, and Sumitomo Heavy Industries, was awarded the engineering, procurement, and construction contract.[6]

In June 2022, it was reported that the plant would be commissioned by the end of 2022.[7]

In March 2023, construction of the power station was reportedly 86.36% complete, and Unit 1 was in a trial combustion phase. Timor-1 was expected to achieve commercial operation in September 2023.[8]

In July 2023, Unit 1 was successfully synchronized to the grid.[9] In October 2023, operational reliability tests were ongoing.[10]

As of late November 2023, Timor-1 power station was not yet operating.[11]

In March 2024, Timor-1 power station was reportedly 95% complete.[12]

Environmental and social impact

In June 2020, residents and seaweed farmers in the vicinity of the plant complained that construction dust was causing lower seaweed yields and explosions at the construction site had cracked the walls of nearby houses.[13] Seaweed farmers claimed that damage from the Timor-1 power station cost them hundreds of millions of Indonesian rupiah due to lost harvests.[14]

In November 2023, local residents staged a protest, blocking the entrance to Timor-1 power station. The protesters were advocating for infrastructure repairs, as construction vehicles had reportedly damaged the road.[15]

Articles and Resources


  1. “Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik, PT PLN (Persero), 2016-2025,” Kementerian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral, June 2016, Table 6.11
  2. Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2018-2027, PT PLN Persero, V-48
  3. Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2019-2028, PT PLN Persero, V-48
  4. 4.0 4.1 Project Number: 49203-002, Asian Development Bank, March 2018
  5. PTPP Raih Kontrak Pembangunan 2 PLTU Senilai Rp 2,1 Triliun, Berita Satu, Sep. 10, 2019
  6. Medco Power Operasikan PLTU Sulut-1 dan Timor-1, PetroMiner, Aug. 29, 2019
  7. PLN Will Operate PLTU Timor 1 at the End of 2022, Ekonomi, Jun. 22, 2022
  8. PLTU Timor 1 Siap Pasok 50 MW Listrik untuk Pulau Timor, Garda Indonesia, March 14, 2023
  9. PLTU Timor 1 Unit 1 Sudah Terkoneksi dengan Sistem Kelistrikan Pulau Timor, Lombok Post, July 26, 2023
  10. PLTU Timor 1 Masuki Tahap Pengujian Sistem, Diproyeksikan Dukung Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pulau Timor, Lombok Post, October 9, 2023
  11. Tahap Load Rejection Test PLTU Timor 1 Unit 1 Berhasil, PLN Dorong Investasi di NTT, Tribun Flores, November 20, 2023
  12. Perkuat Sinergisitas, PLN UIP Nusra Gelar Rapat Kerja Semester I 2024 dengan Fokus Perencanaan Proyek, Radar Lombok, March 6, 2024
  13. Proyek PLTU Timor 1 Kupang Diprotes Karena Mencemari Rumput Laut & Rusak Rumah, Merdeka, Jun. 20, 2020
  14. Kontributor Kupang and Sigiranus Marutho Bere, Petani Rumput Laut di NTT Merugi Ratusan Juta akibat Proyek Dermaga PLTU Timor 1, Kompas, June 25, 2020
  15. Warga Blokir Jalan ke Lokasi Proyek PLTU Timor di Kabupaten Kupang, Victory News, November 22, 2023

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To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.