Vladivostok-2 power station

From Global Energy Monitor

Vladivostok-2 power station (Vladivostokskaya-2, Владивостокская ТЭЦ-2) is an operating power station of at least 439-megawatts (MW) in Vladivostok, Leninsky, Primorsky, Russia with multiple units, some of which are not currently operating.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Vladivostok-2 power station Vladivostok, Leninsky, Vladivostok, Primorsky, Russia 43.100866, 131.972172 (exact)[1]

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Unit 1, Unit 1R, Unit 2, Unit 2R, Unit 3, Unit 3R, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6: 43.100866, 131.972172

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology CHP Start year Retired year
Unit 1, timepoint 1 Retired coal: lignite 80 subcritical yes[2] 1970 2013
Unit 1, timepoint 2 Retired[3][4][5][6] fossil gas: natural gas, coal: unknown[7][8][9] 80[8] steam turbine[10][11] yes[2] 2013[12][11] 2022[3]
Unit 1R Operating[13][14][15][16][3][17][18][19][5][6][20][21] fossil gas: natural gas, fossil liquids: heavy fuel oil[22][5] 120[23][14][20] steam turbine[24][9] yes[10][23] 2024[13][14][15][16][25][19][22][5][20]
Unit 2, timepoint 1 Retired coal: lignite 98 subcritical yes[2] 1970 2013
Unit 2, timepoint 2 Retired[26][4][18][5][6] fossil gas: natural gas, coal: unknown[7][8][9] 98[8] steam turbine[10][11] yes[2] 2013[12][11] 2024[19][20][5][26]
Unit 2R Construction[15][27][18][19][5][6] fossil gas: natural gas, fossil liquids: heavy fuel oil[22][5] 120[23] steam turbine[24][9] yes[10][23] 2025 (planned)[28][27][17][25][19][5][20]
Unit 3, timepoint 1 Retired coal: lignite 105 subcritical yes[2] 1972 2013
Unit 3, timepoint 2 Operating[14][4][5][6][20] fossil gas: natural gas, coal: unknown[7][8][9] 105[8] steam turbine[10][11] yes[2] 2013[12][11] 2027 (planned)[19][27][5][20]
Unit 3R Announced[28][27][18][19][5][6] fossil gas: natural gas, fossil liquids: heavy fuel oil[22][5] 120[23] steam turbine[24][9] yes[10][23] 2027 (planned)[17][25][19][5][20]
Unit 4, timepoint 1 Retired coal: lignite, fossil gas: natural gas 109 subcritical yes[8] 1975 2022
Unit 4, timepoint 2 Operating[29][5][6][14][20][30] fossil gas: natural gas, fossil liquids: heavy fuel oil[8][7][9] 109[8] steam turbine[11][10] yes[8] 2022[5][8][31]
Unit 5, timepoint 1 Retired coal: lignite, fossil gas: natural gas 50 subcritical yes[8] 1978 2022
Unit 5, timepoint 2 Operating[5][6][14][20][32][30] fossil gas: natural gas, fossil liquids: heavy fuel oil[8][7][9] 50[8] steam turbine[11][10] yes[8] 2022[5][8][31]
Unit 6, timepoint 1 Retired coal: lignite, fossil gas: natural gas 55 subcritical yes[8] 1984 2022
Unit 6, timepoint 2 Operating[29][5][6][14][20][30] fossil gas: natural gas, fossil liquids: heavy fuel oil[8][7][9] 55[8] steam turbine[11][10] yes[8] 2022[5][8][31]

CHP is an abbreviation for Combined Heat and Power. It is a technology that produces electricity and thermal energy at high efficiencies. Coal units track this information in the Captive Use section when known.

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1, timepoint 1 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 1, timepoint 2 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 1R RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 2, timepoint 1 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 2, timepoint 2 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 2R RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 3, timepoint 1 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 3, timepoint 2 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 3R RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 4, timepoint 1 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 4, timepoint 2 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 5, timepoint 1 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 5, timepoint 2 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 6, timepoint 1 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]
Unit 6, timepoint 2 RusHydro PJSC [100%][20][33] RusHydro PJSC [100.0%]

Unit-level fuel conversion details:

Unit 1: Unit had been converted from coal to fossil gas in 2013 and is now retired.

Unit 2: Unit had been converted from coal to fossil gas in 2013 and is now retired.

Unit 3: Converted from coal to fossil gas in 2013.

Unit 4: Converted from coal to fossil gas in 2022.

Unit 5: Converted from coal to fossil gas in 2022.

Unit 6: Converted from coal to fossil gas in 2022.


The Vladivostok-2 power station is a 497-MW combined heat- and electricity-generating station, which is owned by Far Eastern Generating Company, which in turn is owned by RusHydro.[34]

The plant has been operating since 1970. The power station uses a cross-link design for flows of steam and water. The station consists of 14 boiler units and 6 turbine units.

The station produced 2,109 million kWh of electricity in 2020.[35]

Coal-to-gas conversion

The power plant was originally designed to operate by burning coal, but between 2010 and 2013, 10 of the 14 boilers were converted to run on natural gas.[36][37]

In May 2021, RusHydro announced plans to complete a full transition to gas-fired generation at the power station. The first of the four remaining coal-fired boilers at the station were planned to convert to gas by the end of 2021, two more boilers to be converted by 2025, and the final boiler to be decommissioned and dismantled.[37][38] In March 2022, the conversion of the first of the remaining four boilers (boiler #11) was completed, in line with the plan.[39] Furthermore, in its 2021 Annual Report released in Q2 2022 and in its press release from March 2022, RusHydro stated that the process to convert all boilers to gas will be completed by the end of 2022[40][41], therefore ahead of the original plan.

It is likely that Units 1-3 are primarily operating on natural gas since 2013 when 10 out of 14 boilers were converted to gas; therefore, we list them only as gas-fired units with coal as a backup fuel.[36][37] Since 3 out of 14 boilers are still running on coal, we assumed that the remaining 3 Units (units 4-6) were running primarily on coal with gas as a backup fuel. As of November 2022, it was expected that full conversion to gas was imminent.[39][40][41]

In February 2023, RusHydro reported that it has completed the process of converting the 3 boilers (12,13,14) to gas by the end of 2022.[42][43] According to another source, the last boiler (No.11) will be dismantled and a new gas-fired boiler installed by Q1 2024.[44] The station stopped burning coal already in March 2022.[44][39][45] It was therefore assumed that the turbine units are fully gas-fired from the beginning of 2023.


In addition to conversion to gas, RusHydro also planned to replace the three oldest turbine units at the station at Units 1, 2, and 3. In particular, Unit's 1 turbine capacity is to increase from 80MW to 120MW by 2023, Unit 2's capacity from 98MW to 120MW by 2027 and Unit 3's capacity from 105MW to 120MW by 2027.[46]

Agreements to supply the turbine units with Russian manufacturers have already been signed, as of late 2022.[41] 6 older boilers will be decommissioned and replaced with new boilers of higher capacity.[41] Electrical and auxiliary equipment will also be replaced. When the modernization project is completed, the capacity of the power station will increase to 574 MW.[37][47]

In November 2023, the installation of Unit 1R was nearing completion. The main equipment had been delivered to the site, and the commissioning of the unit was in the final stage. After 1R is launched, Unit 2 will be retired.[48] The Russian Ministry of Energy 2024-2029 energy program released in November 2023 listed the unit as operating in 2023 with the capacity of 120 MW.[49] However, as of April 2024, it still has not been fully commissioned.[50][51] According to an order issued by the Russian government in December 2023, units 2R and 3R will be commissioned by January 1, 2028.[52]

Dismantling of Unit 2 began in April 2024.[53] Unit 1R was launched in May 2024[54].

In June 2024, work was underway to dismantle the equipment slated for replacement, as well as the structural elements of the main building. According to RusHydro, Unit 2R will be commissioned in Q1 2026 and Unit 3R in 2027. The new equipment will be provided by Russian manufacturers.[55] The Scheme and Program for the Development of Electric Power System of Russia for 2025–2030, published by the Ministry of Energy in November 2024, includes the replacement of Units 2 and 3 in 2025 and 2028, accordingly.[56]

Articles and Resources


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Additional data

To access additional data, including interactive maps of the power stations, downloadable datasets, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker and the Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.