Xi An Xijiao cogen power station

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Xi An Xijiao cogen power station (西安西郊热电厂) is an operating power station of at least 100-megawatts (MW) in Hongguang Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Xi An Xijiao cogen power station Hongguang Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 34.258257, 108.845112 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Unit 3, Unit 4: 34.258257, 108.845112

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year Retired year
Unit 3 Operating coal: unknown 50 subcritical 2002 2025 (planned)
Unit 4 Operating coal: unknown 50 subcritical 2003 2025 (planned)

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 3 Xi'an Thermoelectricity Co Ltd [100%] Xi'an Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co Ltd [100.0%]
Unit 4 Xi'an Thermoelectricity Co Ltd [100%] Xi'an Urban Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co Ltd [100.0%]


The Xi'an Xijiao power station provides electricity and heating to the city of Xi'an in China, covering around 30 million square meters of area.[1] The power plant has two 25 MW units from the 1980s (Units 1 and 2; seemingly retired since no information about their operation can be found) and two 50 MW units (Units 3 and 4, commissioned in 2002-2003). The plant has an annual power generation of 3.8 billion kilowatt-hours.

In 2011, the Guodian Shaanxi Power Company planned an expansion to this plant, hoping to add two 350 MW supercritical units. The project had a total planned investment of 2.66 billion RMB.[2][3] The project underwent an environmental impact assessment in 2013; however, it appears this planned expansion has fallen through, as there has been no news since then.[4]

In early 2021, the Xi'an municipality announced their goal of phasing out all coal by 2025.[5] It appears that the Xi'an Xijiao power station is on the list of coal plants that will be influenced by this target, but the details remain unclear.

In March 2021, it was also announced that the Xi'an Xijiao power station would be one of the plants being relocated out of the Xi'an city to reduce air pollution in the residential areas. Relocation work could start as early as November 2021; however, there was also a possibility that the plant would be retired as well.[1]

By mid 2021, the power station was projected to retire around 2022.[6][7]

Articles and Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 "西安再提灞桥、西郊两大热电厂搬迁......_供热". www.sohu.com. 2021-07-19. Retrieved 2021-08-04.
  2. "国水江河(北京)工程咨询有限公司". www.gsjhbj.com. Retrieved 2021-08-04.
  3. "国电西安西郊热电厂(三期)工程(更新)". www.sosoas.com. 2011-03-25. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. "关于陕西华能铜川电厂二期扩建项目. 环境影响报告书的技术评估报告" (PDF). Ministry of Environment and Ecology. 2014. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ""十四五"末 西安再无燃煤机组 - 北极星火力发电网". BJX News. 2021-07-12. Retrieved 2021-08-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. "“十四五”末 西安再无燃煤机组," China5e, 2021-07-12
  7. "西安全部清除煤电时间表划定!谁来供热?政府给出初步解决方案...", BJX, 2021-07-21

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To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.