Zhoukou Longda power station

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Zhoukou Longda power station (永泰周口隆达发电厂) is an operating power station of at least 1320-megawatts (MW) in Tangzhuangxiang, Shangshui, Zhoukou, Henan, China with multiple units, some of which are not currently operating.


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Zhoukou Longda power station Tangzhuangxiang, Shangshui, Zhoukou, Henan, China 33.613476, 114.599228 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Unit 1, Unit 2: 33.613476, 114.599228
  • Unit 3, Unit 4: 33.563517, 114.534204

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year Retired year
Unit 1 retired coal: unknown 135 subcritical 2003 2016
Unit 2 retired coal: unknown 135 subcritical 2003 2016
Unit 3 operating coal: unknown 660 ultra-supercritical 2017
Unit 4 operating coal: unknown 660 ultra-supercritical 2018

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1 Zhoukou Longda POWER Computer Co Ltd [100%] Wintime ENERGY Group Co Ltd [80.0%]; Zhangjiagang State Owned Capital Investment Group Co Ltd [20.0%]
Unit 2 Zhoukou Longda POWER Computer Co Ltd [100%] Wintime ENERGY Group Co Ltd [80.0%]; Zhangjiagang State Owned Capital Investment Group Co Ltd [20.0%]
Unit 3 Zhoukou Longda POWER Computer Co Ltd [100%] Wintime ENERGY Group Co Ltd [80.0%]; Zhangjiagang State Owned Capital Investment Group Co Ltd [20.0%]
Unit 4 Zhoukou Longda POWER Computer Co Ltd [100%] Wintime ENERGY Group Co Ltd [80.0%]; Zhangjiagang State Owned Capital Investment Group Co Ltd [20.0%]

Location of units 1-2

The undated satellite photo below shows the location of the original power station in Tangzhuangxiang. It has been retired.

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Location for units 3-4

The undated satellite photo below shows the construction site for units 3-4 of the power station in Tangzhuangxiang.

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Units 1-2

The 2 x 135 MW coal-fired units of Zhoukou Longda power station (also known as Zhoukou Shangshui power station) were commissioned in 2003.[1][2][3][4] The units appear to have been retired in 2016. Google Earth archival photos show that the cooling towers were demolished between October 2015 and February 2017.

Unit 3-4 expansion

Plant owner Yongtai Group planned to build two coal-fired units at this plant, with a total capacity of 1,320 MW. The new units were permitted in 2014. Once completed, the two older units will be shut down, as part of the national "big pressure on the small" policy of replacing old, inefficient coal units with newer and larger ones.[5][6]

Unit 3 is under construction and planned for 2017. Unit 4 is permitted.[7] Google Earth shows site clearing underway in October 2015 and construction well underway on both units as of April 2017.

Nationwide Restrictions Imposed on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity

In January 2017 China's National Energy Administration proposed about 100 planned and under-construction coal power projects for suspension until after 2020, including Zhoukou Longda.[8]

For details, see China's 2016/2017 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

Construction ongoing

Both units continue to move forward with construction.[9][10][11]

Unit 3 was commissioned in December 2017.[12] Unit 4 was commissioned in February 2018.[13]

Articles and Resources


  1. "国家节能中心评审周口隆达发电有限公司燃煤机组扩建项目", 国家节能中心, 2014-03-26
  2. "周口隆达电厂扩建工程可行性研究报告", 河南省周口市发展和改革委员会, 2013-6-7
  3. "中国电建河南院中标周口隆达2×660兆瓦超超临界(上大压小)燃煤机组扩建工程项目", 北极星电力网首页, 2014-05-20
  4. "北京三吉利能源股份有限公司", 国家开发投资公司
  5. "关于河南周口隆达“上大压小”扩建项目环境影响报告书的批复," China MEP, 2014年11月15日
  6. "周口隆达“上大压小”扩建项目获批," Feb 16, 2015
  7. "河南周口2×660兆瓦机组扩建工程A标段开工," 中国电力设备信息网, 2015-11-14
  8. "能源局下发13省市新建火电机组停建清单(附文件)," Polaris, Jan 16, 2017
  9. "周口隆达电厂二期工程2×660MW超超临界机组#1机组发电机定子顺利就位," 北极星电, 2017/2/14
  10. "周口隆达发电有限公司2×660MW超超临界(上大压小)燃煤机组扩建工程布袋除尘器采购项目》中标喜讯," 康宁特环保股, 2017年1月14日
  11. "周口隆达发电有限公司2×660MW超超临界(上大压小) 燃煤机组扩建工程循环水排污管线施工招标公告," 2017-4-25
  12. "周口隆达2×660MW超超临界燃煤机组 扩建工程#1机组投产运行," 河南省人民政府门户网站, 2017年12月12日
  13. [ "周口隆达电厂2号机组顺利通过168小时试运行,"] 周口隆达项目部, 2018-02-12

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.