Zohr Gas Field (Egypt)

From Global Energy Monitor
This article is part of the Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker, a Global Energy Monitor project.
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Zohr Gas Field is an operating gas field in Egypt.

Zohr Gas Field is a part of the Zohr complex.

Project Details

Main Data

Table 1: Field-level project details for Zohr Gas Field

1Final Investment Decision
Unit name Status Operator Owner Discovery year FID1 year Production start year Production type
Zohr Operating[1][2][3][4] Petrobel[3][5] Eni S.P.A. (50.0%); Rosneft (30.0%); BP (10.0%); Mubadala Petroleum (10.0%)[6][5] 2015[7] 2016[8] 2017[9] Conventional[10]

Production and Reserves

Table 2: Reserves of Zohr Gas Field

million m³ = million cubic meters
Fuel description Reserves classification Quantity Units Data year Source
gas initial resource in place 849497.38 million m³ 2016 [11][4]
gas Resources 590259.1 million m³ 2021 [12]
gas 1P reserves 311482.37 million m³ 2023 [8]
gas 2p reserves 849497.38 million m³ 2020 [13]

Table 3: Production from Zohr Gas Field

million m³/y = million cubic meters per year
million bbl/y = million barrels of oil per year
million m³ = million cubic meters
million bbl = million barrels of oil
Category Fuel description Quantity Units Data year Source
cumulative production gas 141582.9 million m³ 2024 [4]
cumulative production condensate 9 million bbl 2024 [4]
production gas 4134.22 million m³/y 2018 [7]
production gas 27905.99 million m³/y 2019 [6][14]
production gas 27905.99 million m³/y 2022 [15][16]
production condensate 1.35 million bbl/y 2023 [17]
production gas 21704.66 million m³/y 2024 [18][19]
production gas 26986.12 million m³/y 2022 [20]


Table 4: Field-level location details for Zohr Gas Field

Concession/Block Location Onshore/Offshore Coordinates (WGS 84)
Shorouk[21] Offshore, Egypt[22] Offshore[23] 32.364, 32.864 (exact)[22]

The map below shows the exact location of the field(s) within the Zohr complex:

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Articles and Resources

Additional Data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of oil and gas extraction sites, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.


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