Guangdong East Gas Pipeline Network

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Guangdong East Gas Pipeline Network 粤东天然气主干管网, also known as Guangdong Provincial Natural Gas Network Phase III 广东省天然气管网三期工程, is a gas pipeline network in eastern Guandong that includes proposed, in construction, and operating pipelines.

Network location

The network's goal, with major and connecting pipelines, is to transmit sufficient gas to reach every county in Guandong Province. A map from the 13th Five-Year Plan describes the likely routes.[1]

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Note this map displays only the pipelines listed below, and does not represent the entirety of Guangdong Province's proposed or existing gas pipelines.


The Guangdong East Gas Pipeline Network was described in the 13th Provincial Energy Development Five-Year Plan (2016–2020). The network includes five pipelines: a LNG transport line, one major pipeline, one connecting pipeline, and two branches.[2] The proposed length of the full network was 539.8 kilometers, and the total estimated cost was 6.29 billion RMB.[2]

In Guangdong Province's 14th Five-Year Plan, pipeline systems were proposed with the goal of reaching every county in the province, though no specific pipelines were mentioned.

  • Contruction on the Huizhou–Haifeng Pipeline 惠州—海丰干线 segment began in July 2021.[3]
  • Construction on the Huizhou–Heyuan Branch 惠州—河源支干线 began in 2019.[4] Its source will be the imported LNG from the West-East Gas Pipeline 2, Huizhou LNG Terminal.
  • Construction of the Jieyang–Meizhou Branch 揭阳—梅州支干线 was completed in 2020.[5] Its source will be the West-East Gas Pipeline 2, Jieyang LNG Terminal.
  • Intended approval for the Haifeng–Huilai Connecting Pipeline 海丰—惠来联络线 was announced in December 2020.[6]
  • Jieyang LNG Terminal Transport Pipeline began operating in 2021. It was built by CNPC and, when completed, transferred to PipeChina and merged into the Guangdong East Gas Pipeline Network.

Network details

  • Network operator: Guangdong Natural Gas Pipeline Co., Ltd. 广东省天然气管网有限公司[7]
  • Network owner: PipeChina (49%), Guangdong Energy Group (28%), PipeChina East Oil Storage & Transportation Co., Ltd. 国家管网集团东部原油储运有限公司 (23%)[7]
  • Network length: 539.8 kilometers[2]
  • Network cost: 6.29 billion RMB[2]

Note the length of the entire network listed above, 529.8 kilometers, is less than that of the individual segments below combined. As of September 2021 there was not a clear explanation for this discrepancy.

Huizhou–Haifeng Pipeline 惠州-海丰干线

  • Owner: PipeChina Guangdong Natural Gas Pipeline Company[8]
  • Capacity: 3.65 billion cubic meters per year[9]
  • Length: 155 kilometers[9]
  • Diameter: D914 millimeters[9]
  • Status: Proposed[10]
  • Start year:
  • Cost: 2516.90 million RMB
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Huizhou–Heyuan Branch 惠州-河源支干线

  • Owner: PipeChina Guangdong Natural Gas Pipeline Company[8]
  • Capacity: 0.30 billion cubic meters per year[4]
  • Length: 89 kilometers[4]
  • Diameter: D610 millimeters[4]
  • Status: Proposed[11]
  • Start year:
  • Cost: 1213.22 million RMB[12]
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Note the capacity of 0.30 billion cubic meters per year has been calculated using 8.64 x (10^4) cubic meters per day, according to the environmental impact assessment. A value of 350 days per year is used to get the total per year, and 350 days per year appears to be the standard unit in China's reports.[8]

Jieyang–Meizhou Branch 揭阳—梅州支干线

  • Owner: PipeChina Guangdong Natural Gas Pipeline Company[8]
  • Capacity: 1.27 billion cubic meters per year[13]
  • Length: 150.7 kilometers[13]
  • Diameter: 610 mm[14]
  • Status: Operating[5][15]
  • Start year: 2021[5]
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Haifeng–Huilai Connecting Pipeline 海丰-惠来联络线

Guangdong Gas Pipeline Network Haifeng-Huilai 1.jpg
  • Owner: PipeChina Guangdong Natural Gas Pipeline Company[8]
  • Capacity: 5.74 billion cubic meters per year[6]
  • Length: 166.6 kilometers[6]
  • Diameter: 914 millimeters[6]
  • Status: Operating[16]
  • Cost: 3133.68 million RMB[17]
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Jieyang LNG Terminal Transport Pipeline 粤东LNG接收站配套外输管道

Also known as Guangdong East LNG Terminal Transport Pipeline, this pipeline transports gas from the Jieyang LNG Terminal. It includes one major line and two branches, and it mainly supplies gas to the Dananhai Petrochemical Industry Park.[18]

  • Owner: PipeChina
  • Capacity: 5.3 billion cubic meters per year[19]
  • Length: 171.35 kilometers[20]
  • Diameter: 914 mm[21]
  • Status: Operating[18]
  • Start year: 2021[18]
  • Cost:
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Huafeng Huaying LNG Export Gas Pipeline 华丰华瀛LNG接收站配套外输管线

The pipeline is a supporting project of Huafeng LNG Terminal.

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Chaozhou LNG Terminal Transport Pipeline.jpg
  • Owner: Guang Dong Natural Gas Grid Co., Ltd.[22]
  • Parent:
  • Capacity: 8.0 billion cubic meters per year[22]
  • Length: 59 kilometers[22]
  • Diameter: 914/1016 mm (914 mm of the trunk line; 1016 mm of the connection)[23]
  • Status: Construction[24]
  • Start year:
  • Cost: 1.342 billion RMB[25]

Shante Gas Power Station Gas Supply Pipeline 汕特燃机电厂供气支线

Shante Gas Power Station Gas Supply Pipeline is a proposed pipeline in China.[26][27] The pipeline runs from the Chaozhou LNG Terminal to Lianhua, Shantou, in Guangdong Province, China.[26]

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  • Owner: PipeChina Guangdong Natural Gas Pipeline Company[26]
  • Parent:
  • Capacity: 1.1 billion cubic meters per year[26]
  • Length: 62 kilometers[26]
  • Diameter: 610/323.9 mm[28]
  • Status: Construction[29]
  • Cost: 986.2022 million RMB[28]

Articles and resources


  1. Map of Guangdong East Gas Pipeline Network,, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 粤东天然气主干管网惠州-海丰干线项目 (惠州段) 社会稳定风险调查征求公众意见的公示, Huizhou Development & Reform Bureau, Apr. 24, 2018, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  3. Gao Li, 粤东天然气主干管网惠州-海丰干线项目工程开工, Sinopec News, Jul. 20, 2021, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 粤东天然气主干管网惠州-河源支干线项目(惠州段)社会稳定风险调查征求公众意见的公示, 惠州市发展和改革局, 2018-06-22
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 全线贯通!广东省实现21个地级市通达天然气主干管网, Dayoo News via, Nov. 1, 2020, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 广东省生态环境厅拟对粤东天然气主干管网海丰-惠来联络线项目环境影响评价文件作出批准决定的公示, Department of Ecology and Environment of Guandong Province, Dec. 18, 2020, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  7. 7.0 7.1 国家管网集团东部原油储运有限公司, qcc, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 粤东天然气主干管网惠州-河源支干线项目项目环境影响报告书, Environmental Impact Assessment, Nov. 2018, archived from the original on Sep. 6, 2021.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 广东省发展改革委关于粤东天然气主干管网惠州-海丰干线项目核准的批复, Guangdong Development & Reform Bureau, Nov. 13, 2020, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  10. 广东省交通运输厅关于粤东天然气主干管网惠州-海丰干线项目穿越淡水河、梅陇河、大液河、海城河、黄江航道通航条件影响评价审核意见的函, 广东省交通运输厅, 2023-11-22
  11. 管道三公司广东省天然气管网“县县通工程”河源-东源项目工程顶砼套管穿越分包工程三次招标项目, 采招网, 2024-08-26
  12. 粤东天然气主干管网惠州-河源支干线项目核准前公示, 广东省发展和改革委员会, 2018-09-07
  13. 13.0 13.1 广东省生态环境厅关于粤东天然气主干管网揭阳-梅州支干线项目环境影响报告书的批复, Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province, Jun 26, 2019, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  14. 肇庆—云浮、揭阳—梅州两条天然气管网支干线投产, 南方网,2022-09-30
  15. [1], Sichuan Oil and Natural Gas Development Research Center, Oct. 20, 2021, accessed Sep. 6, 2021.
  16. 国家管网集团“海丰—惠来”联络线向粤东地区正式供气, 国家管网集团, 2023-05-31
  17. 粤东天然气主干管网海丰-惠来联络线项目(汕尾段)社会稳定风险评估——公众参与公告, 海丰县发展和改革局, 2018-12-14
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 "粤东天然气主干管道并入广东省网 将提升省输气管线互联互通、互供互保能力_南方网". Retrieved 2021-09-30.
  19. "国家管网粤东LNG接收站配套外输管道投运|界面新闻 · 快讯". Retrieved 2021-09-30.
  20. "粤东天然气主干管道并入广东省网-新华网". Retrieved 2021-09-30.
  21. 国家管网集团广东省管网有限公司2023年环焊缝质量风险排查开挖复检无损检测服务项目招标公告, 招标与采购网,2023-03-02
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 广东省生态环境厅拟对粤东天然气主干管网华丰LNG储配站和华瀛LNG接收站配套外输管线项目环境影响评价文件进行审查的公示, 广东省生态环境厅, 2019-12-02
  23. 粤东天然气主干管网华丰LNG储配站和华瀛LNG接收站配套外输管线项目《建设工程规划许可证》批后公告, 潮州市饶平县人民政府,2021-04-02
  24. 能源集团所属省天然气管网华丰LNG储配站和华瀛LNG接收站配套外输管线项目正式开工, 新浪网, 2020-06-02
  25. 粤东天然气主干管网华丰LNG储配站和华瀛LNG接收站配套外输管线项目项目环境影响报告书, 广东省天然气官网有限公司, 2019-10
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 汕特燃机电厂供气支线项目环境影响报告书 (金本公示稿), Shantou, accessed Sep. 14, 2021.
  27. 汕头市汕特燃机电厂供气支线项目水土保持方案审批准予行政许可决定书, Jul. 9, 2021, accessed Sep. 14, 2021.
  28. 28.0 28.1 汕特燃机电厂供气支线项目核准前公示, 汕头市发展和改革局, 2021-01-15
  29. "汕特燃机电厂供气支线项目有序推进_图片新闻_澄海区人民政府门户网站". 2022-05-17. Retrieved 2022-08-23.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

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