Hebei Tangyin Iron and Steel Co Ltd Caofeidian base

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Hebei Tangyin Iron and Steel Co Ltd Caofeidian base (河北唐银钢铁有限公司(曹妃甸)) is a steel plant in Tangshan, Hebei, China that operates blast furnace (BF) and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) technology.


The map below shows the exact location of the plant in Tangshan, Hebei, China:

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  • Location: Caofeidian Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Park, Tangshan City, Hebei Province
  • Coordinates (WGS 84): 39.160401, 118.429806 (exact)


The company released a capacity replacement plan for its urban relocation project in 2019, which included the construction of two 1,500 m³ BF and two 100-ton BOF[1]. These facilities were gradually commissioned at the end of 2022 and early 2023.[2][3]

Plant Details

Table 1: General Plant Details

Start date Workforce size
2006[4] 3840[5][6]

Table 2: Ownership and Parent Company Information

State-owned entity status Parent company Parent company PermID Parent company GEM ID Owner Owner company PermID Owner company GEM ID
Partial HBIS Group Co Ltd [51.0%]; Hebei Yinshui Industrial Group Co Ltd [49.0%] 5000022648 [51.0%]; unknown [49.0%] E100000124529 [51.0%]; E100000124065 [49.0%] Hebei Tangyin IRON&STEEL Co Ltd [100%][5] unknown E100000123222 [100%]

Table 3: Process and Products

Steel product category Steel products ISO 14001 ISO 50001 Main production equipment
semi-finished, finished rolled[7] structural, wire rod, strip, bar, billet, hot rolled[7] 2023-05-18[8] 2023-05-18[8] BF; BOF

Table 4: Plant-level Crude Steel Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

1Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for an explanation of the different capacity operating statuses.
Capacity operating status1 Basic oxygen furnace steelmaking capacity Nominal crude steel capacity (total)
operating 2300[9] 2300[9]

Table 5: Plant-level Crude Iron Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

1Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for an explanation of the different capacity operating statuses.
Capacity operating status1 Blast furnace capacity Nominal iron capacity (total)
operating 2660[10] 2660[10]

Table 6: Upstream Products Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

Ferronickel Sinter Coke Pellets
NF 5300[11] NF 1200[11]

Table 7: Actual Plant-level Crude Steel Production by Year (thousand tonnes per annum)

Year BOF production Other/unknown steel production
2019 unknown unknown
2020 unknown unknown
2021 unknown unknown
2022 unknown unknown
2023 unknown

Table 8: Actual Plant-level Crude Iron Production by Year (thousand tonnes per annum)

Year BF production Other/unknown iron production
2019 unknown unknown
2020 unknown unknown
2021 unknown unknown
2022 unknown unknown
2023 unknown

Unit Details

Table 9: Blast Furnace Details

Unit name Status Announced date Construction date Start date Current size Current capacity (ttpa) Decarbonization technology
BF 1 operating[12] 2019-01[9] 2021-04[13] 2023[12] 1500.0 m3[9][14] 1330[10] HBIS signed an agreement with BHP in 2023 for a small trial CCUS technologies in its Hebei steelmaking. It's unclear if this furnace will be directly affected.[15][16][17]
BF 2 operating[4] 2019[10] 2022[4] 1500.0 m3[9][14] 1330[10] HBIS signed an agreement with BHP in 2023 for a small trial CCUS technologies in its Hebei steelmaking. It's unclear if this furnace will be directly affected.[15][16][17]

Table 10: Basic Oxygen Furnace Details

Unit name Status Announced date Construction date Start date Current capacity (ttpa) Current size
unknown BOF (1) operating[4] 2019[10] 2022[18] 1150[9] 100.0 tonnes[9][14]
unknown BOF (2) operating[19] 2019-01[9] 2021-04[13] 2023[18] 1150[9] 100.0 tonnes[9][14]

Articles and Resources

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of steel power plants, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Iron and Steel Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.


  1. "河北唐银钢铁有限公司退城搬迁建设项目产能置换方案公告". 河北省工业和信息化厅. 2019-01-22.
  2. "http://www.csteelnews.com/xwzx/yjgg/202302/t20230216_71540.html". 中国钢铁新闻网. 2023-02-16. {{cite news}}: External link in |title= (help)
  3. "唐银钢铁退城搬迁2号1500立高炉投产". 我的钢铁. 2022-12-19.
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