Ningxia Gas Pipeline Network 宁夏输气管网 is a pipeline network in Ningxia Autonomous Region, China with segments that are proposed and operating.
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Network background
Ningxia Gas Pipeline Network is a pipeline network comprised of proposed and operating natural gas pipelines in Ningxia Autonomous Region.
Several national gas pipelines, including West-East Gas Pipeline 1 , West-East Gas Pipeline 2 , West-East Gas Pipeline 3 , West-East Gas Pipeline 4 and Zhongwei-Guiyang Connecting Gas Pipeline are going through Ningxia, bringing in sufficient gas sources and covering most of the major cities in the region. A branch of West-East Gas Pipeline 2 , Changqing-Yinchuan Gas Pipeline , brings the natural gas from the Changqing gas field to the capital of Ningxia. Zhongwei, Ningxia is a national gas pipeline hub. 20% of gas in the country goes through Zhongwei. [1]
In Ningxia's 14th Five-Year-Plan On Energy Sector, the Region plans its gas pipeline mileage to reach 2500 kilometers by 2025, the natural gas consumption in the Region to increase 66.7%.[2] Several extension pipelines are proposed to reach further in the region. [2]
打造“西气东输”输配枢纽。 推进西气东输三线中段、西气东输四线等过境天然气管道建设,强化宁夏在西气东输战略通道中的重要节点作用。增加杭锦旗至银川天然气管道输气量,加快推进杭银线三条配套支线、盐池至银川天然气管道建设,促进银川市、石嘴山市、吴忠市天然气互联互通,构建多气源互补、联系畅通、运行灵活、安全可靠的天然气管网。推进天然气管网向海原县、泾源县、隆德县等未覆盖县域延伸。强化储气能力建设,逐步建立以集约化、规模化LNG储罐为主,重点用气企业小型LNG、CNG储配站为辅,沿海LNG接收站为补充,管网互联互通为支撑的多层次储气系统,城镇燃气企业形成不低于其年用气量5%的储气能力,县级以上人民政府形成不低于保障本行政区域日均3天用气量的储气能力。到2025年,全区天然气长输管道长度达到2500公里,天然气供气量达到50亿立方米,建成管线交汇、外通内畅、调配灵活的“西气东输”输配枢纽。[2]
Network details
Hangjinqi-Yinchuan Gas Pipeline 杭银输气管线(杭锦旗-银川)[3]
There are two segments of the pipeline. The first segment is the Hangjing-Otog segment(杭锦旗至鄂托克旗) 191km, and the second segment is the Ningxia Shizuishan-Yinchuan segment(石嘴山平罗至银川) 91km.[4]
The pipeline runs from Changqing Oil and Gas Field (Ordos Dongsheng Gas Field) to Hanggin, Ordos, Inner Mongolia and Yinchuan, Ningxia.[5]
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Operating Company:
Parent Company: Ningxia Hanas Gas Group 宁夏哈纳斯燃气集团
Current Capacity: 2.5 bcm/year
Length: 282 kilometers / 175.2 miles
Status: Operating
Start Year: 2019
Cost: 1.5 billion RMB[6]
Yinchuan-Shizuishan parallel gas pipeline 银川-石嘴山输气管道复线 [7]
The pipeline runs from Yinchuan, Ningxia, to Shizuishan, Ningxia.
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Owner: Yinshi (Helan County) Natural Gas Co., Ltd. 银石(贺兰县)天然气有限公司
Parent Company: Ningxia Hanas Gas Group 宁夏哈纳斯燃气集团
Capacity: 1.6 bcm/year
Length: 83 kilometers
Status: proposed[8]
Start Year:
Cost: 489.71 million RMB
Yinchuan-Wuzhong gas pipeline 银川-吴忠输气管道[9]
The pipeline runs from Yinchuan, Ningxia, to Wuzhong, Ningxia.
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银川 - 吴 忠 天 然 气 储 气 输 配 管 道 项 目 ( 项 目 代 码 : 2018-640000-44-02-006778)起自银川环城高压 1 号站,止于拟建吴忠门站,管线自银川市金凤区至吴忠市利通区,途经银川市 永宁县、灵武市、吴忠市利通区,主要为灵武市、吴忠市城乡天 然气用户供气。本项目主要建设内容包括 1 条 55 公里长输气管线,2 座场站(分输门站 1 座位于灵武、门站 1 座位于吴忠)、 截断阀井 3 个(1#截断阀井位于永宁县快速通道与望银路交叉口 北侧,2#截断阀井位于永宁县沈家湾,3#截断阀井位于永宁县杨 家寨)。本项目总投资估算为 53847.04 万元,其中环保投资1414.09 万元,约占总投资的 2.63%。[10]
Owner: Yinwu (Yongning County) Natural Gas Co., Ltd. 银吴(永宁县)天然气有限公司
Parent Company: Ningxia Hanas Gas Group 宁夏哈纳斯燃气集团
Capacity: bcm/year
Length: 55 kilometers[10]
Status: proposed
Start Year:
Cost: 538.47 million RMB
Yanchi-Yinchuan gas pipeline 盐池-银川输气管道
The pipeline runs from Yanchi, Ningxia, to Yinchuan, Ningxia. The project is listed into Ningxia 14th Five-Year-Plan on Energy Sector (2021-2025). But no details are available. [2]
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Parent Company:
Capacity: bcm/year
Length: kilometers
Status: proposed[11]
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Articles and resources
↑ "探访宁夏"西气东输"中转枢纽 自动化程度高_中国经济网" . . 2016-04-21.{{cite web }}
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↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "自治区人民政府办公厅关于印发宁夏回族自治区能源发展"十四五"规划的通知- 宁夏人民政府" . (in 中文(中国大陆)). 2022-09-13.{{cite web }}
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↑ Chinese independent gas firm Hanas builds pipeline in north China , Reuters, Feb. 13, 2019
↑ 关于对市政协十三届二次会议第140号“提高我市天然气保障能力促进实体经济发展”提案的答复 银川市人民政府 银川市发展和改革委员会, 2018/08/20
↑ 内蒙古杭锦旗至银川天然气管道工程开工 , 新浪广东, 2017/05/18
↑ 宁蒙首条省际天然气管道全力保障宁夏安全用气 , 搜狐, 2022/05/13
↑ "【2019公示】银川-石嘴山天然气储气输配管道复线项目无损检测单位入库招标公告_云同盟" . . 2019-04-19.{{cite web }}
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↑ 民营经济有信心、有干劲、有底气 贺兰县以高质量服务传递向好发展信心和力量 , 银川日报, 2023-12-01
↑ "银川-吴忠天然气储气输配管道项目规划调整公示" . . 2021-02-07.{{cite web }}
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↑ 10.0 10.1 "宁夏回族自治区生态环境厅关于银川-吴忠天然气储气输配管道项目环境影响报告书审批意见的函—东方法律网" . . 2019-07-11.{{cite web }}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link )
↑ 关于公开征求《银川市空气质量持续改善行动实施方案》社会公众意见建议的公告 , 银川市生态环境局, 2024-03-11
Related articles
External resources
External articles *add as many countries as the pipeline passes through