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  • Western Australia and coal (category Western Australia and coal)
    Kimberley region of far north-west of Western Australia. (See Proposed coal projects in the Kimberley, Western Australia for more details). These are: Canning
    27 KB (3,267 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
  • International Power Australia website, accessed August 2010. International Power Australia, "Loy Yang B Power Station", International Power Australia website, accessed
    7 KB (928 words) - 18:54, 5 May 2021
  • Northern Territory and coal (category Australia and coal)
    Coal-to-Liquids in Australia Coal seam gas projects in Australia Existing coal-fired power stations in Australia Financing coal power stations in Australia Fly ash
    2 KB (299 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
  • Muja South mine (category Western Australia and coal)
    website, accessed November 2010. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal "Legal stoush keeps coal
    1 KB (94 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
  • Griffin Coal (category Western Australia) (section 2013 Dispute with the Australian Taxation Office)
    facility", Media Release, July 17, 2013. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal
    15 KB (1,970 words) - 01:43, 7 February 2023
  • Rey Resources (category Western Australia and coal)
    Media Release, November 28, 2012. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal
    10 KB (1,223 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
  • Railways and coal in Australia (category Australia and coal) (section Western Australia)
    Lincoln, April 1, 2009, page 37. (Pdf) Australia and coal Coal terminals in Australia Railways and coal in Australia QR National, "COALRail Infrastructure
    21 KB (2,668 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
  • Proposed coal projects in the Kimberley, Western Australia (category Western Australia and coal)
    Report", October 202. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Proposed coal projects in the Kimberley, Western Australia New South Wales and coal
    11 KB (1,045 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
  • Derby Barge Facility (category Proposed coal transport and infrastructure in Western Australia)
    government of western Australia. Derby Barge Facility, EPA, Western Australia, June 2020 [1] Environmental Protection Authority of government of western Australia
    5 KB (645 words) - 15:44, 26 October 2022
  • Berth 14 coal export terminal, Bunbury (category Proposed coal transport and infrastructure in Western Australia)
    terminal in western Australia. As of 2021, the project appears to be shelved. The terminal is proposed for Bunbury port in western Australia. Loading map
    9 KB (1,113 words) - 21:07, 26 September 2024
  • Duchess Paradise Project (category Western Australia)
    A$24M", SP Global, July 29, 2018. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal
    13 KB (1,682 words) - 15:41, 26 October 2022
  • Point Torment Port Development (category Proposed coal transport and infrastructure in Western Australia)
    592794,"icon":""}]} Operator: Rey Resources Location: Point Torment, Western Australia Annual Coal Capacity (Tonnes): 2.5 million Status: Cancelled Projected
    4 KB (614 words) - 16:12, 26 October 2022
  • Australia and coal (category Coal mines in Australia) (section Australia and global warming)
    Coal-to-Liquids in Australia Coal seam gas projects in Australia Existing coal-fired power stations in Australia Financing coal power stations in Australia Fly ash
    48 KB (6,782 words) - 14:06, 20 July 2021
  • AMCI Group (category Western Australia)
    Capital website, accessed January 2011. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal
    5 KB (597 words) - 23:21, 14 July 2021
  • Premier Coal (category Western Australia and coal)
    Premier Coal) operates the Premier Mine near the town of Collie in Western Australia. Premier Coal is a part of the Wesfarmers Energy Group of Wesfarmers
    2 KB (181 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021
  • Hans Mende (category Australia)
    Republic, AMCI Australia and Whitehaven Pty Ltd. in Australia. Mr. Mende holds an MBA from Cologne University in Germany in 1967." Coal barons Western Australia
    3 KB (294 words) - 10:47, 30 April 2021
  • New South Wales and coal (category Australia and coal) (section Peabody Energy Australia mines)
    Newcastle, Australia. The terminal has an annual capacity of 25 million tonnes per year. Coal & Allied, is 75% owned by Rio Tinto Coal Australia (RTCA), a
    6 KB (629 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
  • Wesfarmers Resources (category Western Australia)
    businesses in Western Australia to a wholly owned subsidiary of Yancoal Australia Limited (Yancoal) for $296.8 million. Yancoal Australia is a subsidiary
    3 KB (283 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
  • Verve Energy (category Western Australia)
    Association of Australia website, accessed November 2011. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal
    3 KB (265 words) - 11:07, 30 April 2021
  • Blackham Resources (category Western Australia and coal)
    September 2012", October 2012, page 6. Australia and coal Australian Coal Association Queensland and coal Western Australia and coal
    3 KB (245 words) - 19:23, 29 April 2021
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