Xinjiang Gas Pipeline Network

From Global Energy Monitor

Zungharia Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network 环准噶尔盆地天然气输送管网

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Zungharia Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network 环准噶尔盆地天然气输送管网 is a pipeline network with more than 30 gas pipelines that are operating in Zungharia Basin Rim, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China.


The network runs around Zungharia Basin. Its backbone pipeline is from Cainan through Shixi, Karamay, Ürümqi and back to Cainan, in Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China.

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Network background

The Zungharia Basin covers an area about 130,000 square kilometers, mostly desert and gobi. The proved reserves of oil and natural gas in the Basin are 8.6 billion tons and 2.5 trillion cubic meters respectively. The massive development of the oil and gas in the basin began in 1995[1]. By 2009, more than 30 gas pipelines were built, including the collecting pipelines, with a total mileage of 1515 kilometers.[2] The mileage was reportedly increased to 1970 kilometers by 2020.[3]

Zungharia Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network contains three backbone segments with total mileage of 760 kilometers. The designed capacity for the network is 12 billion cubic meters per year. The gas pipeline from Karamay to Ürümqi originally was converted from an oil pipeline in 1998. A new replacement pipeline with bigger pipe diameters was completed in 2006. Ürümqi to Cainan pipeline began operating in 2007. [4]The pipeline from Cainan through Shixi to Karamay was completed in 2008 to replace an old pipeline to better support the increasing gas production. [4]The network was proposed in 2007 [5], and announced completion in 2008[1]

With this rim net work, the natural gas from various gas fields in Zungharia Basin can delivered to Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Urumqi Petrochemical Company and Karamay Petrochemical Company, as well as the residential usage in the cities along the pipeline. [1]



On July 8, 2023, Xinjiang Autonomous Region government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China National Petroleum Corporation (PetroChina). PetroChina will expand gas pipeline in Xinjiang with the milage of 4977 kilometers. The expansion consists of 14 projects and will reach 10 municipalities in Xinjiang which have not been reached by gas pipeline. Among these pipeline projects, 5 will be deployed in Northern Xinjiang with 4.66 billion RMB budget, totalling 2863.5 kilometers. The other 9 projects will be deployed in Southern Xinjiang, totalling 2113.5 kilometers. The investment is expected to be 7.99 billion RMB. [6]

The same news source also confirmed that the milage of Zungharia Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network has reached 2067 kilometers, covering 9 municipalities and 7 million of population. The milage of Tarim Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network has reached 3037 kilometers, covering 4.3 million of population in 5 municipalities. [6]

No details about these 14 projects are disclosed.




On July 8, the People's Government of the autonomous region signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China National Petroleum Corporation. PetroChina will expand natural gas pipeline projects in 10 prefectures in Xinjiang, with a total mileage of 4,977 kilometers.

Wang Keran, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission, introduced that there are 14 projects in the expansion of natural gas pipeline projects. Among them, there are 5 projects in northern Xinjiang, with an investment of 4.66 billion yuan, to expand 2863.5 kilometers of natural gas pipelines; there are 9 projects in southern Xinjiang, with an investment of 7.99 billion yuan, to expand 2113.5 kilometers of natural gas pipelines.

Huang Yongzhang, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, introduced that CNPC has built a 2,067-kilometer natural gas pipeline network in the Junggar Basin in northern Xinjiang, benefiting 7 million people in 9 prefectures and cities including Urumqi and Karamay. The cumulative gas transmission exceeds 65 billion cubic meters; a 3,037-kilometer natural gas pipeline network has been built in southern Xinjiang, benefiting a population of 4.3 million in the five prefectures in southern Xinjiang, and the cumulative gas transmission exceeds 50 billion cubic meters.

Network details

  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 12 billion cubic meters per year[7]
  • Length: 760 kilometers[8]
  • Diameter: 610 milimeters
  • Status: operating[1]
  • Start year: 2008
  • Cost:

Segment details

Cainan-Shixi-Karamay gas pipeline彩南-石西-克拉玛依输气管道[8]

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The original Cainan-Shixi-Karamay was completed in 1997 with the pipe diameter of 273 milimeters. The replacement pipeline was built in 2008 with the same route and bigger diameters of 610 milimeters.[8]

  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 2.8 billion cubic meters per year
  • Length: 290 kilometers[8]
  • Diameter: 610 milimeters
  • Status: operating[1]
  • Start year: 2008
  • Cost:

Karamay–Ürümqi New Gas Pipeline 克拉玛依-乌鲁木齐新输气管道[9]

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  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 1 billion cubic meters per year
  • Length: 285 kilometers
  • Diameter: 610 mm
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2006
  • Cost: 600 million RMB

Ürümqi-Cainan gas pipeline 乌鲁木齐-彩南输气管道[11]

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  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 3 billion cubic meters
  • Length: 141 kilometers
  • Diameter: 610 milimeters
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2007
  • Cost:

Dushanzi Branch 独山子支线

Shihezi Branch 石河子支线

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Tarim Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network 环塔里木盆地天然气输送管网

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Tarim Basin Rim Gas Pipeline Network 环塔里木盆地天然气输送管网 is a pipeline network with more than 3000 kilometers of mileage that is operating in Tarim Basin Rim, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China.


The network runs around Tarim Basin. in Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China.

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Network background

Tarim Basin is in south of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, covering an area of 530,000 square kilometers. It is the biggest basin in China, containing the biggest desert in the country, Taklamakan.[12]

In 1980s, oil and natural gas resources were explored and found in the basin. In 1989, a first load of oil and associated natural gas in Tarim Oil Field were produced by PetroChina. Tarim Basin soon became one of the biggest oil and gas producing field in China.[13] A mega natural gas transportation project, West-East Gas Pipeline 1 began to deliver gas produced in Tarim Basin to the Southeast of China. Meanwhile, since 1998, a campaign 气化南疆 which is trying to reach every city and county of Tarim area in south of Xinjiang with natural gas pipelines began. In 2010, the campaign continued with enhanced effort, under a new name of South Xinjiang Natural Gas Pipeline Network (南疆天然气利民工程管网).

On December 2011, the network project proposal 《南疆天然气利民工程规划》 received permission for construction from National Development and Reform Committee. The budge for the project was 6.3 billion RMB. It consists of 4 backbone pipelines, totalling 1891 kilometers of mileage, and 19 branches with 594 kilometers in the proposal. [14]

The construction started in July 2010 & 2011[15] and completed in 2013. It began trial operation in May 2014. The actual mileage is 388 kilometers shorter than planned, mainly due to a segment Minzhong-Tafeng was not constructed. [16] The network continues expanding. By March 2022, the total mileage was reportedly3035 kilometers.[17] The phase II of the South Xinjiang Natural Gas Pipeline Network was discussed[18].



Network details

  • Owner: Talimu Oilfield Company 中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 3.9 billion cubic meters per year[4]
  • Length: 2077.5 kilometers[1]
  • Diameter: 559 and 508 millimetres[8]
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2014
  • Cost: 4.601 billion RMB

Project details (segments)

Yingmaili-Kashgar segment 英买力-喀什段[8]

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  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: billion cubic meters per year
  • Length: 620 kilometers
  • Diameter: 559 millimetres
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2013
  • Cost: million RMB

Kashgar-Zepu segment 喀什-泽普段[20]

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  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 1.39 billion cubic meters[20]
  • Length: 270 kilometers
  • Diameter: 508 milimeters
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2013
  • Cost:

Hotan-Zepu segment 和田-泽普段[8]

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  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: billion cubic meters
  • Length: 346 kilometers
  • Diameter: 508 milimeters
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2013
  • Cost:

Hotan-Minfeng-Tanzhong segment 和田-民丰-塔中段[8]

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    • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
    • Parent company: CNPC
    • Capacity: billion cubic meters
    • Length: 651 kilometers( Minfeng-Tanzhong segment, 287 kilometers, was not built 民丰-塔中段长287km,作为补充气源管网适时建设)
    • Diameter: 273 milimeters
    • Status: operating
    • Start year: 2013
    • Cost:

Project details (branches)[8]

Uqturpan County Branch 乌什支线[21]

  • Owner: China National Petroleum Corporation Xinjiang Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Branch 中国石油天然气股份有限公司新疆油田油气储运分公司
  • Parent company: CNPC
  • Capacity: 139.7 thousand cubic meters per day
  • Length: 99 kilometers
  • Diameter: milimeters
  • Status: operating
  • Start year: 2018
  • Cost:

Awat Branch 阿瓦提支线

  • Owner:
  • Parent company:
  • Capacity: 163.2 thousand cubic meters per day[22]
  • Length: 44.2 kilometers[22]
  • Diameter: milimeters
  • Status: operating[22]
  • Start year: 2018[22]
  • Cost:

Keping Branch 柯坪支线

Bachu Branch 巴楚支线

Tumxuk Branch 图木舒克支线

Jiashi-Yuepu Lake-Megaiti branch 伽师-岳普湖-麦盖提支线

Shache Branch 莎车支线

Lunan-Kuche Pipeline 轮库输气线

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Lunan-Kuche Pipeline (轮库输气线) is a natural gas pipeline operating in China.[23]


The pipeline runs from south of Lunnan Town, Luntai County, Xinjiang, to the natural gas distribution station in Korla in the east.[23]

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Project details

  • Parent company: PipeChina[24]
  • Capacity: 1.10 billion cubic meters per year
  • Length: 192.4 kilometers
  • Status: Operating
  • Start Year: 1996


The pipeline's source is Sebei 1 Gas Field. In October 2020, ownership of the pipeline was transferred from CNPC to PipeChina.[24] The pipeline's route is similar to that of Lunan-Kuche Gas Pipeline (Zhong'an Xinzi).

Shanshan-Wulumuqi Pipeline 鄯乌输气管线

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Shanshan-Wulumuqi Pipeline 鄯乌输气管线 is an operating gas pipeline in China.


The pipeline runs from Shanshan to Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.

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Project details

  • Operator: PetroChina[25]
  • Parent company:China National Petroleum Corporation[25]
  • Capacity: 0.6 billion cubic meters per year[25]
  • Proposed capacity:
  • Length: 301.63 kilometers[25]
  • Status: Operating
  • Start year: 1996[25]


The pipeline's source is the Sebei 1 Gas Field.

Lunan-Turpan Gas Pipeline 西气东输二线轮吐输气管线 (轮南-吐鲁番)

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Lunan-Turpan Gas Pipeline 西气东输二线轮吐输气管线 (轮南-吐鲁番) is an operating natural gas pipeline.[26]


The pipeline runs from Sebei 1 Gas Field, Lunnan, Bayingol, Xinjiang to Turpan, Xinjiang

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Project details

  • Operator: China National Petroleum Corporation[26]
  • Parent company: PipeChina[27]
  • Capacity: 17 billion cubic meters per year[26]
  • Length: 526 kilometers[26]
  • Status: Operating
  • Start year: 2011, 2016[26]


The first phase of the pipeline with capacity of 12 billiom cubi meters per year was finished in 2011. The second phase, which raised the capacity to 17 billion cubic meters per year, was finished in 2016.[26]

Tacheng Area Gas Pipeline 塔城地区天然气利民工程

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Tacheng Area Gas Pipeline 塔城地区天然气利民工程 is a proposed gas pipeline in Xinjiang, China.[28]


The Trunk Line runs from Baijiantan District, Karamay to Tacheng; The Baktu Branch Line runs from the end point of the Trunk Line (Tacheng terminal station) to the Baktu Port Development and Opening Test Area; The Tuoli Branch Line runs from Emin County (Trunk Line 6# valve room) to Tuoli County; Yumin Branch Line runs from Tuoli County (8# valve room of Tuoli branch line) to Yumin County.[29]

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Project details

  • Owner: Tacheng Natural Gas Investment and Development Co., Ltd.[29]
  • Parent company:
  • Capacity: 0.5 bcm/y[28]
  • Length: 264 km(The Trunk Line)/143.5km (three branch lines)[28]
  • Diameter:
  • Status: Proposed[28]
  • Start year:
  • Cost: 830.39 million RMB[29]


The pipeline is of great significance to optimize the energy consumption structure in Tacheng area, reduce environmental pollution, and promote economic and social development.[28]

Altay Area Gas Pipeline 阿勒泰地区天然气利民工程

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Altay Area Gas Pipeline 阿勒泰地区天然气利民工程 is a construction gas pipeline in Xinjiang, China.[30]


The pipeline runs from Cainan-Shixi-Karamay Gas Pipeline No. 3 valve chamber, Fuhai County, Altay, Xinjiang, to Altay Fuhai Industrial Park, Fuhai County, Altay.[31]

Project details

  • Owner: Xinjiang Altay Erqisi State Owned Assets Investment Management Co., Ltd.[31]
  • Parent company:
  • Capacity: 0.283 bcm/y[30]
  • Length: 246 km[30]
  • Diameter: 457 mm[32]
  • Status: Construction[30]
  • Start year:
  • Cost: 575 million RMB[30]


The pipeline will build a new CNG mother station, 3 stations, and 7 valve chambers.It is the first natural gas pipeline in the Altay region.[30]

Lunan-Kuche Gas Pipeline (Zhong'an Xinzi) 中安资信轮库输气管线 (轮南-库尔勒)

This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor.

Lunan-Kuche Gas Pipeline (Zhong'an Xinzi) 中安资信轮库输气管线 (轮南-库尔勒) is a natural gas pipeline under construction in China.[33]


The pipeline runs from south of Lunnan Town, Luntai County, Xinjiang, to the natural gas distribution station in Korla in the east.[34]

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Project details

  • Operator: Zhong'an Xinzi Xinjiang Gas Company (中安信资 (新疆) 燃气有限公司)
  • Parent company: Zhong'an Xinzi Bayingolin Energy Investment COmpany (中安信资 (巴州) 能源投资有限公司) (90%), Bayingolin Guoxin Construction Development Investment & Financing Company (巴州国信建设发展投融资有限公司) (10%)
  • Capacity: 2.8 billion cubic meters per year
  • Length: 141.268 kilometers[35]
  • Status: construction[34]
  • Start year: 2021


The pipeline's source is Kulun Gas Field, and its route is similar to that of Lunan-Kuche Pipeline.[36]

In December 2020, construction on the pipeline was complete.[35]

Northern Xinjiang Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion Project 北疆天然气管道扩建工程

In July 2023, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Government and China National Petroleum Corporation planned to expand five natural gas pipeline projects in northern Xinjiang.This project will enable counties and cities in northern Xinjiang that do not have access to natural gas to use pipeline natural gas.[37]

  • Owner:
  • Parent company:
  • Capacity:
  • Length: 2863.5 kilometers[37]
  • Diameter:
  • Status: proposed[37]
  • Start year: 2023[37]
  • Cost: 4660 million RMB[37]

Southern Xinjiang Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion Project 南疆天然气管道扩建工程

In July 2023, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Government and China National Petroleum Corporation planned to expand Nine natural gas pipeline projects in southern Xinjiang.This project will enable counties and cities in southern Xinjiang that do not have access to natural gas to use pipeline natural gas.[37]

  • Owner:
  • Parent company:
  • Capacity:
  • Length: 2113.5 kilometers[37]
  • Diameter:
  • Status: proposed[37]
  • Start year: 2023[37]
  • Cost: 7990 million RMB[37]

Articles and resources


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  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 新疆将扩建近5000公里天然气管道, 天山网, 2023-07-08