IMH Tula steel plant

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IMH Tula steel plant (ООО Тулачермет-Сталь (Russian, steel only), Тула-Сталь (Russian, steel only), Тулачермет-Сталь (Russian, steel only), ЛПК (литейно-прокатный комплекс), Новотульский металлургический завод (НТМЗ) (Russian, predecessor), ПАО Тулачермет, Металлургический завод Тулачермет (Russian, crude iron only)), also known as Tulachermet JSC, Novotulsky Metallurgical Plant (predecessor), PAO Tulaсhermet, Tulaсhermet Steel (steel producer), Promsort-Tula, is a steel plant in Tula, Russia that operates blast furnace (BF) and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) technology.


The map below shows the exact location of the plant in Tula, Russia:

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  • Location: Przhevalskogo street, 2, Tula, Russia, 300016
  • Coordinates (WGS 84): 54.156726, 37.725551 (exact)


The Tulachermet metallurgical plant was initially called Novotulsky Metallurgical Plant (NTMZ) and consisted of a blast furnace (BF) and a sintering plant, producing sinter and pig iron.[1] The first pig iron was produced at NTMZ in a blast furnace in 1935.[1] At present, Tulachermet metallurgical plant only produces sinter and processes iron ore into pig iron in a blast furnace.[1]

In 2019, a new steel production facility was commissioned at the main plant's location, called Tulaсhermet Steel (Металлургический завод Тулачермет-Сталь or Тула-Сталь), which produces crude steel only in a BOF.[2][3] The pig iron smelted at the main Tulachermet plant is partially used as a feedstock for Tulaсhermet Steel BOF steel production.[2] The two plants were jointly referred to as Tulaсhermet (Металлургический завод Тулачермет), while the steel-only facility was referred to as Tulaсhermet Steel and later Tula-Steel(Тулачермет-Сталь or Тула-Сталь).[1][2]

In March 2022, Tulachermet metallurgical plant signed a contract with OMK Vyksa Casting and Rolling Complex to supply 140,000 tons of pig iron annually.[4]

In October 2023, Tula-Steel changed its name to Promsort-Tula and became part of Promsort OOO.[5]

Tulachermet plant produces pig iron, which is then mostly used by Promsort Tula (previously Tula Steel) steel plant.[6] Tulachermet is owned by Industrial Metallurgical Holding (IMH) (Russian: Промышленно-металлургический холдинг (ПМХ)), while Promsort Tula is owned by Promsort.[7] Notably, Evgeny Borisovich Zubitskiy owns Industrial Metallurgical Holding and 50% of Promsort.[8]

Environmental & safety violations

In 2023, The Prioksky Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor), as part of federal state construction supervision, identified 29 violations of design documentation requirements during the reconstruction of the facility "Workshop No. 2. Major repairs of the 1st category of blast furnace No. 1" of JSC Tulachermet. Administrative offence case has been opened.[9]

In 2022, Rostekhnadzor, as part of federal state construction supervision, identified 11 violations of design documentation requirements during the construction of the facility "Workshop No. 3. Completion of the construction of the VRU KA-27/5 complex" of PAO Tulachermet.[10]

In 2018, an employee of the BOF shop died due to a violation of labor protection requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence.[11]

In 2022, employees of Tula Stal (now Promsort Tula steel plant) were made to take days off at their own expense given the financial issues due to sanctions following the invasion of Ukraine.[12]

Plant Details

Table 1: General Plant Details

Announced date Construction date Start date Workforce size Power source Iron ore source
1931[13] 1931[13] 1935[14][15] 6652[16][17] Tulachermet PBS power station[18] Korobkovskoye iron ore field[19]

Table 2: Ownership and Parent Company Information

Parent company Parent company PermID Parent company GEM ID Owner Owner company PermID Owner company GEM ID
Metizy Tula-Stal LLC; natural person(s); Sortoprokat-Tsentr LLC 5083831350; not applicable; unknown E100001016120; E100000123261; E100001016121 Promsort LLC[20][21][22] 5083831360 E100001012220

Table 3: Process and Products

Steel product category Steel products Steel sector end users ISO 14001 Main production equipment
semi-finished, finished rolled[23] billet, wire rod, rebar, channel, angle[24][25][26][16] tools and machinery[24][26] 2022[27][26] BF; BOF

Table 4: Plant-level Crude Steel Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

1Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for an explanation of the different capacity operating statuses.
Capacity operating status1 Basic oxygen furnace steelmaking capacity Nominal crude steel capacity (total)
operating 2000[28][29][30][31] 2000[28][29][30][31]

Table 5: Plant-level Crude Iron Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

1Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for an explanation of the different capacity operating statuses.
Capacity operating status1 Blast furnace capacity Nominal iron capacity (total)
operating 7746[32][33][34] 7746[32][33][34]

Table 6: Upstream Products Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

Ferronickel Sinter Pellets
NF[35] 3400[34] NF[35]

Table 7: Actual Plant-level Crude Steel Production by Year (thousand tonnes per annum)

Year BOF production Other/unknown steel production Total (all routes)
2019 unknown unknown
2020 1500[25] [25] 1500[25]
2021 1470[36] [36] 1470[36]
2022 unknown unknown
2023 1758[37] [37] 1758[37]

Table 8: Actual Plant-level Crude Iron Production by Year (thousand tonnes per annum)

Year BF production Total (all routes)
2019 2300[38] 2300[38]
2020 2607[39][40] 2607[39][40]
2021 2430[41] 2430[41]
2022 2071[42] 2071[42]
2023 2535[43] 2535[43]

Unit Details

Table 9: Blast Furnace Details

Unit name Status Start date Furnace manufacturer and model Current size Current capacity (ttpa) Decarbonization technology Most recent relining
BF 1 operating[44][45][32][46] 1962[32][34] New equipment is partially supplied by TMT (Luxembourg) and Paul Wurth (a coneless charging device); Several Russian companies (Elektrostaltyazhmash and Novomet-Silur)[47][48][49][50] 1510.0 m3[32][34] 1246[32][34] unknown 2020[51]
BF 2 operating[52][34][53][32][46][54] 1944[55] Several Russian companies (Elektrostaltyazhmash and Novomet-Silur) Kalugin shaftless stove (KSS)[48][56] 1234.0 m3[51] 2000[34] In the late 1980s they ran an experimental top gas recycling program on this furnace, but this was stopped by challenges in the CO2 cleaning system.[57] 2021[58]
BF 3 operating[52][33][34][53][32][46][54] 1962[52][13] Danieli Corus (upgraded parts)[59][59] 2200.0 m3[52][34][53][32][60][51][46][54] 4500[33] unknown 2022[61]

Table 10: Basic Oxygen Furnace Details

Unit name Status Construction date Start date Current capacity (ttpa) Current size
unknown BOF (1) operating[29][17][31] 2014[17] 2019[17] 2000[30][29][28][31] 160.0 tonnes[34][62][63][29][28][64]

Articles and Resources

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of steel power plants, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Iron and Steel Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Металлургический завод Тулачермет". Mar 2, 2020. Retrieved Jan 26, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Металлургический завод Tула-Сталь". Mar 2, 2020. Retrieved Jan 26, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. "ПМХ: состоялось официальное открытие завода «Тула-Сталь»". MetallServis. July 22, 2019. Retrieved Jan 26, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. "Тулачермет подписал контракт с ОМК на поставку чугуна (Russian)". Тулачермет. March 11, 2022. Retrieved October 27, 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. "В ПМХ сообщили о переименовании «Тула-Сталь» (Russian)". МеталлСервис. October 20, 2023. Retrieved October 27, 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. "АО «Тулачермет»".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. "ООО «Промсорт-Тула»".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
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  9. "Приокское управление выявило нарушения при реконструкции объекта «АО «Тулачермет»". Retrieved 2024-11-15.
  10. "Приокское управление выявило нарушения при строительстве объекта «ПАО «Тулачермет»". Retrieved 2024-11-15.
  11. "За смерть рабочего на ООО «Тулачермет-Сталь» ответит механик цеха". MySlo (in русский). 2018-10-03. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
  12. "Сотрудники «Тулачермет-Сталь» опасаются массовых увольнений". ИА «Тульская пресса» (in русский). 2022-06-02. Retrieved 2024-11-16.
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