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From Global Energy Monitor
- Coal Mine Impacts from COVID-19 (section Italy)OKD's mines in June showed 704 positive cases for the virus. In May 2020, Italy's biggest commercial bank, Intesa San Paolo, announced a policy restricting39 KB (4,685 words) - 01:15, 26 March 2022
- coal Hungary and coal India and coal Indonesia and coal Israel and coal Italy and coal Japan and coal Kazakhstan and coal Kenya and coal Korea and coal3 KB (347 words) - 23:44, 8 January 2020
- Proposed coal plants in Europe (category Proposed coal plants in Italy)and coal France and coal Germany and coal Greece and coal Hungary and coal Italy and coal Netherlands and coal Norway and coal Poland and coal Romania and8 KB (726 words) - 11:04, 30 April 2021
- Citizen groups working on coal issues (section Italy)Network WALHI, Indonesian Forum for Environment / FoE Indonesia See also Italy and coal Movimento Nocoke Civitavecchia No Coke Fighting Championship See31 KB (2,229 words) - 03:51, 15 July 2024
- Italy and coal (category Italy and coal) (section July 10, 2009: Greenpeace activists spray-paint coal ship and power station in Italy)generating capacity in Italy has been in the form of gas-fired plants, specifically combined-cycle, gas-fired turbines (CCGFTs)." Italy, the third-largest8 KB (1,021 words) - 10:48, 30 April 2021
- Enel (category Italy)making it the largest CO2 emitter in Italy. In response, Enel sought a court ruling ordering the Greenpeace Italy website detailing Enel’s emissions to7 KB (916 words) - 11:23, 30 April 2021
- workers are at the TAP site every day from all over Italy and Europe. Many come from the North of Italy, which has been hit hard by the Coronavirus (COVID-19)43 KB (5,636 words) - 19:43, 4 December 2024
- West Hub project in Australia; the Integrated Project Carbon Mine Sulcis in Italy; the Rotterdam CCS Network – Independent Storage Assessment in the Netherlands;7 KB (957 words) - 20:35, 29 April 2021
- Endesa (category Italy)electricity utility in Spain, has interests in other European countries such as Italy and describes itself as "the number one private electricity company in Latin5 KB (664 words) - 11:23, 30 April 2021
- in the form of coking coal exported to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Italy and France for high quality steel manufacturing. Major imports include bauxite4 KB (653 words) - 14:27, 10 January 2023
- 12.55 11.93 15.4 11.8 8.0 8.4 9.4 9.0 8.7 9.5 8.8 6.9 10.4 13.1 Techint Italy / Argentina 27 14.49 16.30 11.55 13.89 15.4 14.4 14.2 14.5 19.7 20.4 21.413 KB (287 words) - 17:39, 27 September 2023
- and coal France and coal Germany and coal Greece and coal Hungary and coal Italy and coal Netherlands and coal Norway and coal Poland and coal Romania and38 KB (8,922 words) - 20:41, 29 April 2021
- Porto Tolle power station (category Coal power stations in Italy)Issue 523, April 7, 2008, page 29. "Italy top court stops Enel's key coal conversion plan" Reuters, May 17, 2011. "Italy court reverses Enel coal plant ruling"8 KB (805 words) - 21:20, 17 July 2024
- gas-fired power plant in Italy and in Europe. With 287.2 Twh of electricity produced in 2021, Italy ranked 4th in the Europe 2021. Italy generated roughly 28137 KB (3,602 words) - 17:08, 10 November 2022
- Hungary-Slovenia-Italy Interconnector Gas Pipeline (category Proposed pipelines in Italy)Hungary-Slovenia-Italy Interconnector Gas Pipeline is a proposed pipeline in Hungary, Slovenia, and Italy. The pipeline would run from Kozármisleny to16 KB (2,274 words) - 19:53, 4 December 2024
- waste coal- fired projects in Pennsylvania, and 1,750 MW of projects in Italy, Uganda, Yemen and other countries. In 2005, Blackstone Capital Partners5 KB (417 words) - 11:24, 30 April 2021
- Fiume Santo power station (category Coal power stations in Italy) (section E.ON sells Italian holdings)operating power station of at least 640-megawatts (MW) in Porto Torres, Sassari, Italy with multiple units, some of which are not currently operating. The map below12 KB (1,213 words) - 22:33, 13 September 2024
- in energy projects in Europe -- France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy in particular -- and the United States, China, Laos and South Africa. Henri5 KB (496 words) - 20:39, 29 April 2021
- Rossano Calabro power station (category Coal power stations in Italy)Calabro power station is a cancelled power station in Rossano, Cosenza, Italy. The map below shows the approximate location of the power station. Loading4 KB (456 words) - 21:27, 17 July 2024
- Vado Ligure power station (category Coal power stations in Italy)national average (112 per 100,000 in Vado Ligure vs. 57 in Italy as a whole). In March 2012, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development authorized the plant11 KB (1,109 words) - 00:35, 14 September 2024