Taiwan Strait Offshore Wind Development

From Global Energy Monitor


In 2022, the Taiwanese government has announced a 2050 net-zero target. Along with this commitment are offshore wind targets for short, mid-, and long-term development.

The offshore wind development in Taiwan can be segregated into three phases:[1]

Phase 1: Demonstration Incentive Program

In this stage, the government identified the feasibility of offshore wind on its administration, technological and financial potential.[2]

The demonstrated projects received installation funding with a maximum limit of 50% of the per-watt installed capacity FIT purchase rate for the installed year and a maximum limit of NTD$ 250 million of the operational funding.[3]

Two demonstrated wind farms have started operating - Formosa 1 offshore wind farm with 128MW commissioned in 2019, Taipower Offshore wind farm with 109.2MW commissioned in 2021[1] and marked as all the demonstrated sits from phase 1 was successfully completed[3]

Phase 2: Potential Zones:

Potential Sites, Unified Wind Service Platform, Industrial Technology Research Institute

In 2015, the government announced 36 potential offshore sites.[4][5] The requirements for the developers was to pass environmental impact assessment before 2017, and received installation permit before 2019.[6] The government completed capacity allocation(first with 3.8 GW by the selection, second with 1.7GW by auction) in 2018 and is expected to be in operation by 2025[1].

Formosa 2 offshore wind farm, is the first operating farm from the selection stage of phase 2.[7][8]

Phase 3: Zonal Development

Support the long-term demand of the offshore-wind market after 2026 in Taiwan. Accelerate the sustainable development of local supply chains.[2]. In this phase, the government will conduct an integrated environmental assessment in offshore zones and then select the developers. Doing this can shorten the developing period and lower the developing cost. The government will focus on sea areas where the depths are over 50 meters and haven't gone through an environmental impact assessment. New techniques and bidding mechanism will be introduced into this phase[6]

Under the timeline, an 1.5GW of annual increase will come into operation from 2026 to 2035, with two stages of selection(Capability Review and Bidding Process). Will include Industrial Relevance Plan[1]

Current System Description

Current Power Capacity Mix

From the official database, Energy Statistics Information System, Taiwan, the installed capacity of the electricity system by June 2023 is listed as[9]:

Installed Capacity Mix in Taiwan, June 2023. Data Source: Energy Statistics Information System, Taiwan

Generation Mix[10]

Electricity Generation Mix in Taiwan - Year 2022(Jan-Dec). Data Source: Energy Statistics Information System, Taiwan, July-31-2023

Installed Capacity of Taiwan Energy System[11]

Energy Source Installed Capacity by June 2023 Percentage
Coal 21,004MW 33.61%
Gas 18,903MW 30.25%
Solar 11,000MW 17.6%
Wind 2,155MW 3.45%
Oil 2,107MW 3.37%
Hydropower 2,104MW 3.37%
Nuclear 1,902MW 3.04%
Waste 632MW 1.01%
Biomass 83MW 0.13%
Geothermal 6MW 0.01%

Prospective Power Capacity

Energy Source Announced Pre-construction Construction
Gas[12] 1,100MW 13,990MW 9,900MW
Offshore Wind[13] 15,890MW 46,145MW 2,165MW
Onshore Wind[13] 100MW 1,845MW 43MW
Solar[14] 699MW 223MW 177MW
Pumped Storage Hydro[15] 0MW 368MW 0MW

In 2016, the government announced to phase out nuclear by 2025 and further agreed not to propose any new coal-fired power projects in 2018.

Prospective Power Capacity in Taiwan (MW). Source: Global Energy Monitor

Offshore Wind in Taiwan

Renewable targets

In 2016, the authority announced the short-term goal of the energy mix in Taiwan. The country aims to phase out nuclear by 2025, reach natural gas generation to 50%, reduce coal-fired power generation to 30%, and increase variable renewable energy to 20%. Of that, the installed capacity from solar PV will be 20GW, and wind power will be 5.6GW.[16]

In 2021, the government announced further energy goals. After 2026, the annual growth of solar and offshore wind should reach 1GW and 1.5GW, respectively. By 2027, bioenergy, geothermal, and other types of renewable energy other than solar and wind are expected to increase by 16.7MW[17]

In December 2022, the 2030 energy goal was announced. The electricity generation of renewable energy should reach 27%~30%, the coal-fired power generation should further reduce to 20%, and the gas-fired power generation will remain at 50%[18]

In March 2023, the government announced the long-term 2050 net-zero goal. Renewable energy in 2050 will take 60%-70% of the electricity generation, 9%-12% will come from hydrogen, and fossil fuel sources with CCS will take up 20%-27%.[19]

The Taiwanese government has set targets for offshore wind and solar development at different stages:[20]

Energy Source 2025 2030 2035 2050
Offshore Wind 5.6GW 13.1GW[2] 20.6GW 40-55GW
Solar[2] 20GW 30GW 40-80GW
Electricity Generation from Renewables

(Including onshore wind and geothermal, and other type of energy such as biomass)

20% 27-30% 60-70%

Offshore Wind Potential

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 10.18.36 PM.png
Global Wind Energy Council & Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition, June 2021

The graph in the left section shows the offshore wind potential at Taiwan Strait. From the Wind Resource Assessment Handbook,” ITRI, research in 2011, the total potential of offshore wind power in Taiwan could reach 147GW. Among that, the feasible capacity including water areas at different depths could reach at least 21.2GW.[1]

The GWEC(Global Wind Energy Council) and the OREAC(Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition) published in 2021 that Taiwan contains a fixed capacity of 67 GW, and a floating capacity of 427 GW, together adding up to a total of 494 GW[21]

Potential impacts from offshore wind expansion

The construction of some of the offshore wind farms has caused severe conflicts between the developers and the local fisheries community. In 2020, WPD Taiwan planned to develop 80 offshore wind generators near Yulin County. The proposed wind farms were highly overlapped with the traditional fishing area. Locals worried the catch would be negatively impacted by the construction and the operation of the farms. The local community was not able to raise their opinion at the initial stage of the construction and was not able to attend the environmental impact assessment. During a negotiation between the local fishing community and the Yunlin County Government, four people from a contract company hired by WPD came to the meeting bringing small knives. These four people claimed they were hired by WPD to conduct communication with local groups.[22] WPD later on, announced to end of the contract with the company.[23]

The biggest conflict happened at Yunlin Offshore wind farm 雲林離岸風力發電廠. Since June 2020, the working vessels of YunNeng Wind Power Company, which belonged to WPD Taiwan, have repeatedly clashed with fishermen at sea. The YunNeng Company had filed to various authorities to solve the conflicts. In August, the Yunlin County Coastal Fishing Vessels Cooperative and other organizations went to the Legislative Yuan to hold a press conference, demanding the YunNeng wind power company withdraw from the fishing grounds.[24]

Impact on Avian & Marine Animals

Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin(Sousa chinensis), Dr. Xiang-lin, Huang, Taiwan cetacean society, 2016
The Black-faced spoonbill, photo by Dong-hui, Guo 郭東輝, Taiwan Wild Bird Federation, 2011

The Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin (Sousa chinensis)[25], which is usually called the "White Dolphin", is a first-class endangered species that live in the west coast area of Taiwan. Their habitats overlap with the construction sites of the offshore wind farms[26]. Another species is the Black-faced spoonbill, a rare type of spoonbill that has been categorized as endangered species, migrates to Taiwan in Autumn and leaves around May next year,[27][28] and now is encountering the overlapping of its migration flyway with the offshore wind sites.[29]

The worry for the White Dolphin is that the piling noise during the wind farm's construction would affect the function of their immune system, with the risk of increasing its pressure. This will put the already endangered species at higher risk. In 2017, the Environmental Protection Administration required the developers to commit that within a range of 750 meters from the pile driving location, the underwater noise sound exposure level (SEL) shall not exceed 160 decibels [(dB) re. 1μPa^2s]. This is to mitigate temporary threshold shifts (TTS) in marine mammals and minimize any potential impact on their behavior.[30]. But in 2020, a cross-nation research team suggested from their experiment that setting the limit at SEL 138 decibels will be much safer for ensuring the dolphin's health condition. [30]

The environmental CSO, Taiwan Wild Bird Federation, demands the government follow the Equator Principles and the assessment mechanism from International Finance Corporation when selecting offshore wind sites.[31]. The challenge in identifying impacts on migrating birds is that Taiwan lacks a consistent database on birds' migration trajectory. There are at least 350 species that migrate through Taiwan Strait every year, and the current timelframe required by the environmental assessment is not feasible to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the migrating routes, heights, and numbers.[31]

Major Offshore Wind Projects

Operating Projects

Operating Project[13] Taiwanese Name Capacity(MW) Development Phase
Taipower Offshore wind farm 離岸風力發電第一期計畫 109 Phase 1: Demonstration Incentive Program
Formosa 1 offshore wind farm 海洋竹南離岸式風力發電 120 Phase 1: Demonstration Incentive Program
Formosa 2 offshore wind farm 海能離岸風力發電 376 Phase 2: Potential Zones

Phase 2: Potential Zones Projects

Several projects in phase 2 were or still are facing delays, such as Taipower Offshore Wind Power Project,[32] Greater Changhua Southeast wind farm,[33] Greater Changhua Southwest wind farm, and Yunlin Offshore wind farm. The reasons for these delays stem from various factors including the impact of COVID-19 on the global offshore wind construction capacity,[33], shortage of vessels globally[34], and welder shortage resulting from the growing construction industry in Taiwan in 2023.[32]

In July 2023, Changhua Xidao Offshore wind farm was reported to be the first offshore wind project in Taiwan that is ahead of its construction timeline.[35]

Prospective Project Taiwanese Name Capacity(MW) Status
Taipower Offshore Wind Power Project 離岸風力發電第二期計畫 295 Construction[36]
Greater Changhua Southeast wind farm 大彰化(東南)離岸風力發電計畫 605 Construction(selection stage)
Greater Changhua Southwest wind farm 大彰化(西南)離岸風力發電計畫 295 Construction(selection stage)
Greater Changhua Northwest wind farm 大彰化(西北)離岸風力發電計畫 583 Pre-construction(auction stage)
Greater Changhua Southwest wind farm 大彰化(西南)離岸風力發電計畫 337 Pre-construction(auction stage)
Changfang wind farm 彰芳離岸風場 541 Construction(selection stage)[37]
Zhong Neng wind farm 中能離岸風場 300 Construction(selection stage)[37][38]
Hai Long Offshore wind farm 海龍二A離岸風力發電 300 Pre-construction(selection stage)[37]
Hai Long Offshore wind farm 海龍二B、三號離岸風力發電 744 Pre-construction(auction stage)[37]
Strait (WPD) Offshore wind farm 海峽一期 300 Pre-construction(selection stage)[37]
Changhua Xidao Offshore wind farm 彰化西島離岸風力發電計畫 48 Zone selected by developer. Construction(selection stage)[37]
Yunlin Offshore wind farm 允能雲林離岸風場 48 640MW Zone selected by developer. Construction(Delayed)[39][40][41]

Phase 3: Zonal Development

Phase 3.1[42]

On December 30th, 2022, the Taiwanese government finished the 1st round of the Phase 3 process(Phase 3.1 離岸風電第三階段區塊開發第1期) for awarding development capacity of a total of 3GW to the following projects. All projects are expected to start operating in 2027.[43][44][42]

At the end of August 2023, 5 projects reached financial close with a total capacity of around 2.3GW, making the capacity 665MW lower than the initial capacity awarded by the government. This is because 2 developers withdrew from the Phase 3.1 process due to project scale and financial concerns.[45]

Project Taiwanese Name Capacity Status Expected Operating Year
Feng Miao Offshore wind farm/Taichung Fengmiao Floating wind farm 渢妙離岸風電 500MW permitted[46](originally 1,800MW) Pre-construction, Contract officially signed in June 2023[47] 2027[42]
Formosa 4 offshore wind farm 海盛離岸風電計畫 495MW permitted[46](originally 1,728MW[48] Announced. Contract officially signed in June 2023[49] 2027[42]
Formosa 3 offshore wind farm 海鼎二離岸風電計畫 600MW permitted[46](originally 732MW) Pre-construction. Asked for extension on contract signing[46] [50][51][52]. 2026-2027[42]
Huanyang wind farm/Huan Yang Offshore wind farm/Changhua Huanyang Offshore wind farm 環洋離岸風電 440MW[46] Pre-construction. Asked for extension on contract signing[43][53] 2027[42]
Strait (WPD) Offshore wind farm 海峽二期離岸風電 300MW[46] Pre-construction. Asked for extension on contract signing but not confiremd.[37][53][46] 2026[42]

Phase 3.2

The auction guidelines were officially published on November 23rd, 2023, the submitting deadlines will be in April 2024, and the auction result will be released in May 2024,[57] and are expected to start operating in 2028-2029[53].

The auctioned capacity in Phase 3.2 is set at 3.6GW (3GW from Phase 3.2 and 0.6GW from the remaining capacity of Phase 3.1)[58]. The government has introduced different rankings to prioritize projects, with top-ranking projects eligible for up to 900MW. Additionally, if developers sign corporate power purchase agreements (CPPAs) with two local companies, each with a minimum capacity of 100MW, they can receive an additional 100MW reward.[57]

In this new phase, several guidelines have been revised to align with the global offshore wind industry and provide more flexibility for developers. The government replaced the "key development items" in Phase 3.1 with a new "selecting score system" in Phase 3.2, involving 24 development items. Developers can now choose the items they can fulfill, and each item is assigned a score.[57][59] From the guideline document, the tender price is NTD 0 /kWh for the lower bound and NTD 2.49/kWh for the upper bound.[57]

Potential projects to submit:

Projects applying for the same location in Phase 3(sea area near Taichung and Changhua city)

Other Prospective Projects(phase progress unknown)[13]

Project Capacity(MW) Status
Chu Tin Offshore wind farm 1,200 Announced
Fu You Offshore wind farm 600 Announced
Jingwei Offshore wind farm 1,800 Announced
Lei Feng Offshore wind farm 萊風 950 Announced. Floating[72]
Winds of September floating wind farm 1,000 Announced
Xinfeng Offshore wind farm 新風 900 Announced. Floating[72]
Zhong Neng wind farm 中能離岸風場第二階段 180 Announced
Zhu Ting Offshore wind farm 1,000 Announced
Formosa 4 offshore wind farm 1,360 Announced
Chu Tin Offshore wind farm 100 Pre-construction
Fu Hai Offshore wind farm 福海離岸風電 120 Pre-construction. Under lawsuits[73]
He Yi Offshore wind farm 合儀離岸風電 2,600 Pre-construction
Huan Ya Floating wind farm 1,435 Pre-construction
Ju Dao Offshore wind farm 菊島離岸風電 2,400 Pre-construction
Taichung Offshore wind farm 1,100 Pre-construction
Xu Feng No. 1 Offshore wind farm旭風一號 600 Pre-construction
Zhong Mei Offshore wind farm 鍾美離岸風電 3,300 Pre-construction
Zhong Qian (InfraVest) Offshore wind farm 580 Pre-construction
Zhong Qian Offshore wind farm 鍾虔離岸風電 300 Pre-construction
Zhu Xin Offshore wind farm 711 Pre-construction
Zhu Yang Offshore wind farm 880 Pre-construction
Penghu Offshore wind farm 150 pre-construction

Fossil Fuel in Taiwan

Fossil Fuel Resources and Retirement

Taipower Company Power Development Plan 2023

Currently, there is no active coal mine in Taiwan. In 2018, the government stopped the final coal-fired project, the expansion of the Shen'ao power station due to disagreement from the public[74]. The Shen'ao power station expansion was also the last new coal-fired project ever proposed in Taiwan.[75]. Several coal and oil power plants, including four units of Hsinta power station, two caol units and four oil units of Taichung power station, and two units from Hsieh-Ho power station, will be conversed to gas power plants gradually.[76]

By 2023, 2.2GW of coal-fired capacity has retired in Taiwan[77]

From the Taipower Development Plan updated in June 2023, the retirement plans for the coal power plants in Taiwan are[76]:

Data source: Taipower Company Development Plan 2023. Graph produced by GEM
Energy Source Retirement Plan[76] Development Plan[76]
Coal Power Plants
Gas Power Plant
Oil Power Plant

In Taichung, the Taichung power station is the fourth-largest coal-fired power plant in the world, with a total capacity of 5,500 MW. What's more, it was the coal-fired power plant with the highest annual CO2 emission in the world. Along with Mailiao power station, which was the sixth largest CO2 emitter in the world, produced large damaging particles in the central Taiwan[77][78][79] In recent years, due to the protest of local citizens, the annual coal consumption of the Taichung power station has been reduced from 21 million metric tons per year to 12.56 million metric tons, approximately a 50% reduction. The further plan will be to convert it into gas-fired power plants.[80] As for Mailiao power station, it's two generators will be retired in 2024 and 2025, respectively. The power plant will also be converted into gas-fired power plant.[81]

Overview of current fossil fuel impacts

In Taiwan, around 66% of the air pollution comes from domestic sources. Among that, the fossil fuel energy sector produces around 4.5% to 9.9%.[82] Due to the geological conditions and the locations of the coal-fired power plants, central and southern Taiwan suffer the most.[83] The pollution was specifically severe in Taichung, where the once largest coal-fired power plant Taichung power station is located. Over the past decade, there were rallies and large protests against the operation of the plant and to raise awareness of the harmful impact on health. In recent years, with the reduction of coal consumption of Taichung power station, the air quality is gradually improved but has not met the public's standard.[84]


Current employment by sector

From the Ministry of Labor, by July 2022, there were 2,243 workers working in the oil and natural gas sector[85]. From the Taiwan Power Company, the workers in the fossil fuel and hydropower sector 7,208.[86] There are several private-owned coal-fired power plants are not included into this number. The ballpark figure of the workforce in the fossil fuel sector in Taiwan is around 9,451.

Prospective employment from offshore wind sector

  • By 2025, the job created by offshore wind-related works will be 19,800[2]
  • By 2035, the job created by offshore wind-related works will be 74,000[1]

Land availability

Wind Integrated Information Platform, Geological Information System, twtpo.org

The map shows the phase 3: Zonal development area in Taiwan[87]

The space inventory included sea and land areas. The former contains developing offshore wind into deeper sea areas and beyond the territorial sea, further developing areas that may overlap with the fishing area, military or navigation waterways. The Bureau of Energy and Ministry of Economics will coordinate with various central departments on existing and proposing ports for infrastructure demand and identify communal corridors for cable lines and transmission space.[2]

Civil Society Engagement

  • Taiwan Ocean and Environmental Sustainability Law Center 漁民權益暨環境永續中心 [88]
  • Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan 台灣蠻野心足生態協會[89]
  • Taiwan SOUSA 台灣媽祖魚保育聯盟[90]
  • Changhua Environmental Protection Union 彰化縣環境保護聯盟[91]
  • Taiwan Wild Bird Federation 中華民國野鳥學會[92]

Symbolic Importance

  1. 98% of the energy sources in Taiwan replied from foreign countries. Around 95% of the imported sources are fossil fuels. Lacking self-produced energy is a national energy security issue, and the sources are also causing harmful impacts on the environment and public health. Developing renewable energy is critical to quit the reliance on other countries and accomplish a self-production, self-consumption system with carbon-zero sources.
  2. Taiwan Strait is the area with one of the highest potential for offshore wind in the world. In 2014, the 4C Offshore Wind published the wind speed ranking. Taiwan took 16 out of the top 20 potential sites in the world.[93] In 2023, Taiwan takes 8 sites in the top 20 list, and 13 out of the top 30 list.[94].

Governmental information

Related government papers

Taiwan has included the "2050 Net-zero Target" in the Climate Change Bill in 2022, which is the 18th country in the world that put the long-term net-zero goal into law.[95] There are several government plans and policies including the offshore wind target:

  • Nuclear-free homeland policy
  • Phased Goals and Actions Toward Net-Zero Transition 淨零轉型之階段目標及關鍵戰略[96]

Relevant political coalitions

Main authority: Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan(MOEA, Taiwan)[2]

  • Policy: Ministry of Economic Affairs, State-owned enterprise, National Science and Technology Council, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of the Interior, Ocean Affairs Council, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
  • Industrial Development: Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan
  • Technology: National Science and Technology Council, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan
  • Talent cultivation: Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan

Supply Chain

  • Port for wind turbine assembly at Taichung Port(台中港): The first port and seabed infrastructure was finished in March 2019 and was able to assemble a total capacity of 125MW annually. In 2020, the assemble capacity every year was raised to 375MW, and starting in 2020 further raised to 480MW every year.[6]
  • Port for foundation storage at Xingda Port and Taipei Port((興達港、臺北港): Annual production capacity of Xingda Port and Taipei Port can reach 180-300MW and 180-250MW, respectively. A Maritime Technology Innovation Center will also be established at Xingda Port for related technique training.[6][2]
  • Operate & maintenance Port at Changhua O&M Port(彰化漁港運維基地): Aimed to finish in 2021.[6] In May 2022, another port in the same city, CFXD & ZN offshore windfarm O&M base(彰芳暨西島及中能離岸風場運維基地) was finished. It was invested by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, CIP in the effort to localize the supply chain and technologies of offshore wind equipment in Taiwan.[97]
  • Vessels and construction: There are 16 types of marine vessels for offshore wind farm construction for inspection, anchoring, piling, and Crew Transfer Vessels(CTV). Taiwan currently lacks Jack up barge/vessel that can work under the water surface for 60 meters with a 1000T crane. The plan is to produce the Jack-up vessel domestically in 2021.[6][2]. In 2022, the Green Jade, the first floating DP3(Dynamic Positioning) heavy lift and installation vessel was built in Taiwan. According to the report: "the 216.5-meter DP3 vessel will feature a 4,000-tonne capacity Huisman crane and will be able to accommodate up to 160 people. The vessel will have a large deck space to enable transport and installation of multiple massive next-generation foundations and wind turbines in a single shipment"[98]
  • Digital Technology: Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) using Autonomous Remote Offshore Wind Inspection, Navigation and Deployment (AROWIND). Develop an integrated information platform to enhance operating efficiency.[2]

In 2020, the Energy of Bureau, Ministry of Economics announced the goal of establishing the supply chain of offshore wind in Taiwan. The action plan includes establishing assembly capacity, marine operations for installation and maintenance, developing floating offshore wind technology, conducting GWO Training, and developing local techniques to support digital operation.[2]

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy(SRGE) created an offshore wind nacelle industrial hub in Taiwan, supporting several ongoing offshore wind projects[99] Vestas extended its partnership with WPD AG in Taiwan, produce wind blades for the offshore wind projects.[100] [101]

Grid and Transmission

Current transmission resources

The transmission lines that are encountering bottlenecks are mostly located in northern Taiwan and one route in Tainan. These transmission lines require expanding transmission capacity. Currently, these locations are not overlapping with the offshore wind coast. The transmission use rate of the cities near the offshore wind farms is less than 50% and are safe for increased transmission capacity.[102]

The bottleneck of transmission lines in Taiwan, Taiwan Power Company, June-21-2022
Grid and Transmission Map in Taiwan, Grid Resilience Enhancing Plan, Taiwan Power Company, Oct-4-2022,

New transmission needed for renewables

The Taipower predicted that the line capacity needs to increase 0.5GW annually since 2021 to meet the increasing offshore wind connecting to the grid.[103]

In order to support the offshore wind development on the west coast of Taiwan, the Taiwan Power Company will build seven stations with seven transmission lines which will support a capacity of 11GW connecting to the grid.[104]

Two new 345kV Lines in 2032 to support offshore wind capacity(No,2&3 from the map), Grid Resilience Enhancing Plan, Taiwan Power Company, Oct-4-2022

Two new transmission routes will be built to support the offshore wind and the gas-fired power capacity in 2032: 345kV Tongxiao(New)-North Miaoli-Baoshan Line (345kV 通宵(新)-北苗-寶山線)to transmit 3GW to Hsinchu Technology Park Hub and 345kV Gangfeng-Central Taiwan Science Park-New Central Taiwan Science Park Extra-High Voltage(345kV 港風-中科線及新建中科(新)超高壓) to transmit 3GW to Central Taiwan Science Park.[104]

Social and environmental impacts of new transmission

The Taiwan Power Company announced seven corridors for the developers to connect the submarine cable on the land. However, the developers are responsible for coordinating the environmental and social impacts. The potential impacts of the transmission construction include passing through sensitive areas such as the protected forest areas, fishing zones, aquaculture conservation and reproduction areas, artificial fish reefs, fishing prohibition zones for protected reefs, fishing port facilities, and the Dadu River(大肚溪) Wildlife Sanctuary.[105]

When the Environmental Protection Administration held a meeting to explain the transmission construction project of offshore wind with local residents in Xienxi County, Changhua City, the township office asked for a contract of 50% rebates of the generation revenue.[103]

Grid Infrasturcture

At noon time on January 25th, 2023, the real-time penetration rate of solar and wind reached 31.31%, equal to 6.23GWh.[106]

The Executive Yuan published the Smart Grid Integrated plan. The goal is to support 20% of VRE penetration rate in the grid in 2025, and enhance the grid resilience in the long-term[107]

In 2022, the Taiwan Power Company announced to start of a 10-year Grid Resilience Enhancing Plan with a total investment of NTD$5,645 billion (around 18.4 billion US dollars)[108] The 10-year plan is divided into three phases:[104]

  • Short-term Phase: NTD$ 87.1 billion by 2024
  • Mid-term Phase: NTD$ 170 billion by 2027
  • Long-term Phase: NTD$ 307.4 billion by 2032


Major owners of current fossil capacity

Top Three Owner Companies of the Operating Coal Power Plants in Taiwan[77]

Owner Company Parent Company Capacity in Total Percentage
Taiwan Power Co 11,600MW 60.28%
Mailiao Power Co 4,200MW 21.82%
Ho-Ping Power Co
  1. TCC Group [60.0%];
  2. CLP Holdings Ltd [20.0%];
  3. Mitsubishi Corporation Energy Solutions [20.0%]
1,320MW 6.86%

Top Three Owner Companies of both Operating & Planned & Construction Gas Power Plants in Taiwan [12]

Owner Company Parent Company Capacity in Total Percentage
Taiwan Power Co 28,857MW 67.31%
Mailiao Power Co
  1. Formosa Plastics Corp; Nan Ya Plastics Corporation;
  2. Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation;
  3. Formosa Petrochemical Corp.
4,800MW 11.2%
Chiahui Power Co Asia Cement Corporation 2,310MW 5.29%

Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation (TCC) is the parent company of three owner companies and owns 3,060MW(7.14%) of the gas capacity in Taiwan.[12]

Major owners of Offshore Wind

Top Five Owner Companies of Announced, Permitting, Construction Offshore Wind Projects[13]

Owner Company Capacity in Total Percentage
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) 8,100MW 12.62%
Iberdrola Renewables INC 6,600MW 10.28%
RWE AG; Asia Cement CORP 6,298MW 9.81%
InfraVest GMBH 6,180MW 9.63%
Taiya Wind Energy CO LTD 5,835MW 9.09%

Owner Companies of Operating Offshore Wind Projects[13]

Owner Company Capacity in Total Percentage
  • Electricity Generating Public CO LTD (EGCO)
  • Total Energies SE [23%]
  • Sojitz CORP
  • WPD Offshore GMBH
640MW 28.37%
Taiwan Power Company (TAIPOWER) 259MW 11.48%
  • Ørsted A/S [35%]
  • JERA CO INC [32.5%]
  • Other
120MW 5.32%
Jan De Nul Group; Hitachi 109MW 4.83%

In 2020. Orsted signed a corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) with TSMC(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd) for 20 years, selling the total 920MW generated capacity from Greater Changhua Southwest wind farm and Greater Changhua Northwest wind farm to TSMC. This contract broke the record and was the biggest corporate renewables purchase contract at that time.[109][110]


Budget already allocated by the government: NTD$21.96 billion in total(around $716 million US dollars). Details listed as below:[2]

  • Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs: NTD$1.6 billion
  • Department of Industrial Technology (DoIT) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs: NTD$340 million
  • Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs: NTD$260 million
  • Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs: NTD$220 million
  • Central Geological Survey, Ministry of Economic Affairs: NTD$240 million
  • Taiwan Power Company: NTD$19.276 billion

Expected to reach NTD 3.2 Trillion (€99.2 Billion) from foreign and domestic investment[1]

31 international and local banks participate in the funding project for offshore wind developers.[111]. The banks offer finance to offshore wind are listed on the official website Wind Power Financing Promotion

In 2020, the central government of Taiwan passed the National Development Council National Financing Guarantee Mechanism 國家融資保證機制,[112] The National Development Fund contributed NTD$6 billion, while eight state-owned banks collectively contributed NTD$62 billion, resulting in a guaranteed capacity of NTD$80 billion, calculated at 10 times the contribution amount(around US$ 2.6 billion). The target for the parent fund is to reach NTD$10 billion NT dollars, with a guaranteed capacity of NTD$100 billion(around US$ 32.5 billion. In the near future, there will be further efforts to persuade other private banks to participate and join. The Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China is the underwriting Execution Unit[113]

In November 2023, the Department of Investment Review, Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan reported that the total investment in offshore wind projects in Taiwan has increased by nearly NTD$60 billion (approximately US$2 billion) thus far. The breakdown includes:[114]

  • A loan investment of NTD$10 billion to Formosa 3 offshore wind farm from TotalEnergies Renewables SAS and OSW Investments Taiwan JVCO 2 Limited.[114]
  • Capital increase of NTD$17.9 from Yunlin Holding GmbH to Yunlin Offshore wind farm. The project, facing a financial crisis, has secured new investments from various partners.[114]
  • CDP Groupe Infrastructures Inc. has provided a loan investment exceeding NTD$30 billion to one of the owner companies of Greater Changhua Southeast wind farm, Mercury Taiwan Holdings Limited.[114]

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