Tata Steel IJmuiden steel plant

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Tata Steel IJmuiden steel plant, also known as IJmuiden steelworks, Koninklijke Hoogovens, Tata Steel IJmuiden bv BKG 1, is a steel plant in Velsen-Noord, North Holland, Netherlands that operates blast furnace (BF), basic oxygen furnace (BOF), electric arc furnace (EAF), and direct reduced iron (DRI) technology.


The map below shows the exact location of the plant in Velsen-Noord, North Holland, Netherlands:

Loading map...
  • Location: Wenckebachstraat 1, 1951JZ, Velsen-Noord, Netherlands
  • Coordinates (WGS 84): 52.484118, 4.615584 (exact)




On April 19, 1917, H.J.E. Wenckebach presented his plans which included the establishment of three blast furnaces, a coking plant, and plants for utilizing the by products of the process (coking gas, and slag). In May 1917 a Comité voor oprichting van een hoogovenstaal- en walswerk in Nederland (Committee for establishing blast furnaces and steel rolling mill in the Netherlands) was set up, with the aim of creating a steel works and rolling mills.[1] The plan received support from the large industrial concerns and capitalists of the Netherlands, including Stork, Royal Dutch Shell, Steenkolen Handels-Vereeniging (SHV) and Philips; Hendrikus Colijn, Frits Fentener van Vlissingen, and J. Muysken. Additionally the Dutch state and the city of Amsterdam contributed 7.5 million and 5 million of the 30 million Dutch guilders required to capitalize the project.[2]

On September 20, 1918 the company Koninklijke Nederlandsche Hoogovens en Staalfabrieken N.V. (KNHS) was created in The Hague. Wenckenbach was the Director, Geldolph Adriaan Kessler the secretary, and A.H. Ingen Housz the company's assignee.[1] One of the motivations for the creation of a steelworks was to remove the reliance on imported steel.[2][3] The country's resources of coal and iron ore were also limited, so IJmuiden was chosen over sites at Rotterdam and Moerdijk for being more suitable for both import and export by sea.[2]

By 1924 the first blast furnace, casting hall, coke plant, and an electricity generating plant powered by waste gases from the coke ovens and blast furnaces. The second of two blast furnaces begun in 1919 became operational in 1926.[4] A third blast furnace started operation in 1930.[5]

During the 1930s the plant was further developed, turning from raw iron production to steel production using open hearth furnaces.[6] By 1956 the plant had six furnaces, each of 190t capacity.[7]


After the end of World War II reconstruction of the Netherlands began; as part of this process the steelworks was invested in. A separate company, Breedband NV, was established 19 June 1950, receiving funding from both the state and the United States Marshall Plan. The project introduced a hot and cold rolling mills for thin plate, of 60 and 75 thousand tonnes per year capacity respectively, and a galvanising line. All three installations were operating by the end of 1953.[3]

During the 1950s and 1960s the facilities were extended; the plant's first oxy-steel converted was put into operation in 1958.[8] The sixth blast furnace began operation in 1967, and a second oxy-steel plant in 1968. In 1969 a block mill capable of handling 45t blocks, and another hot strip mill with a capacity of over 3.5 million tonnes pa were opened.[9]

In 1972 the first two blast furnaces were decommissioned.[4] The same year (1972) the IJmuiden steelworks (Hoogovens IJmuiden BV.[10] KNHS formed its interests that were to be merged (the IJmuiden steelworks) into a company Hoogovens IJmuiden BV, "Estel is founded, 7 July 1972"</ref>) were formed into a 50:50 joint venture named Estel with Hoesch of Germany as the other partner,{{#tag:ref|In the late 1960s Hoogovens and Hoesch had planned to build a second Dutch steel plant in Rotterdam. The proposal was blocked by the Rotterdam council, having received opposition from the public and green groups.[6] who merged their Dortmund steel plant into the concern. IJmuiden with good access to seaborn raw materials was to act primarily as a raw steel supplier to the plant in Germany, which was closer to a large market for finished steel products - the steel crisis of the 1970s prevented any positive expansion and the company was disbanded in 1982 when funding arrangements for the loss making Dortmund plant could not be agreed.[11]

In the late 1990s two blast furnaces were purchased by the Indonesian steel group Gunawan Steel Group and dismantled and shipped to its development in Malaysia; Gunawan Iron and Steel. The dismantling work was carried out by a Chinese contractor which was found to be paying its 120 Chinese workers less than the Dutch minimum wage, with poor safety conditions, with 14 accidents resulting in 2 fatalities due to falls from height. The Chinese contractor was fined for breaches of safety practice, and made to improve working conditions, as well as retrospectively paying its workers 15,000 Guilders.[12][13][14][15][16]

In 1996 the company changed its official name to Koninklijke Hoogovens.[17] A new continuous caster was installed between 1998 and 2000.[18]

Corus group 1999-2007

In June 1999 British Steel plc and Hoogovens announced that they were to merge under the name "Corus", with Hoogovens forming 38.3% of the new group; the new company provisionally title 'BSKH' was then the third largest in the world, with sales of £9.4 billion.[19]

Tata Steel IJmuiden was formerly known as Koninklijke Nederlandse Hoogovens en Staalfabrieken (KNHS) until 1996 (informally Hoogovens), and then Koninklijke Hoogovens.

Tata Steel 2007-present

In 2007 Tata Steel acquired Corus and subsequently renamed it Tata Steel Europe in 2010.[20] In 2008 due to lack of demand the Corus steel group cut production by 20%; in IJmuiden one blast furnace was taken out of production.[20]

In June 2020, Tata Steel workers went on strike at IJmuiden plant to protest planned job cuts in the Netherlands. Unions reported that Tata aims to cut more than 1,000 of the 9,000 jobs at the IJmuiden plant in the Netherlands to improve the profitability of its European business.[21]

In November 2020, Swedish steelmaker SSAB was reported to be in talks with Tata Steel about potentially buying the Indian group's Dutch steel mill in IJmuiden. According to statements from SSAB, “SSAB has participated in several different discussions concerning consolidations in the European steel industry. The discussions with Tata are ongoing but no decisions have been made.”[22]

Tata aims to reduce emissions 30% by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. In 2018, the plant's HIsarna technology test installation was included in the IJmuiden production chain in line with Tata Steel's stated intentions.[23] This also started the endurance test, to demonstrate that the HIsarna installation can also produce pig iron for long consecutive periods. In addition to high process stability, it had to prove high plant availability and reliability; these objectives have been achieved. The longest run within this trajectory lasted 19 days – producing 2,000 tonnes of pig iron.[23]

Tata Steel plans to replace both blast furnaces with DRI/EAF technology by 2030[24][25]; they are currently trying to use hydrogen, but this will depend on availability (they may use gas instead).[26]

Environmental Compliance

In February 2022, the Environment Service Noordzeekanaalgebied issued the company a fine and they are currently under investation for spreading pollutants, carcinogens, and other hazardous waste in the region;[27] The plant has been emitting large amounts of graphite dust into the surrounding atmosphere, leading to "black snow" falling in nearby areas. The IJmuidar Courant also found that Tata was dumping waste from the plant into the port of IJmuiden by allegedly paying shipworkers to sweep raw materials into the water after departure from the plant's docks. [28][29]

Tata has announced several projects to reduce emissions at the IJmuiden site by 30% by 2030 and entirely by 2050; this includes the Everest project, which will capture CO2 emitted from production; the ATHOS project, which will set up a transportation network and storage hub for the captured CO2 from the first project; the Hermes project, which will explore the use of hydrogen injection in the steelmaking process and set up a hydro-powered electrolysis facility for hydrogen production; and the scaling up of HIsarna technology toe replace blast furnace capacity by 2033.[30] While these plans have been put forward, many elements are still in the early stages and it is not guaranteed that they will be put into operation as stated.

Low-emissions/green steelmaking

This steel plant is associated with a green steel project tracked in the Green Steel Tracker. Details about the project are included below.

Table 1: Green Steel Project Details

All references for the above data are available in the Green Steel Tracker.
Project 1 Project 2 Project 3
Project name Hlsarna Heracless (Hydrogen-Era-Carbon-Less) Project H2ermes
Company Tata Steel Tata Steel Tata Steel
Company has climate goals? Yes Yes Yes
Location Ijmuiden, Netherlands Ijmuiden, Netherlands Ijmuiden, Netherlands
Project website Site Not available Site
Project scale Pilot Full scale Full scale
Project status Finalized (research & testing) Announced Announced
Year to be online 2017 2030 2026
Technology to be used BF-BOF to HIsarna H-DRI H2 production
Technology details Smelting reduction with coal ENERGIRON DRI technology Green electricity electrolysis
Iron production capacity (million tonnes per year) 0 Not stated Not applicable
Steel production capacity (million tonnes per year) Not applicable Not stated Not applicable
CO2 capture (million tonnes CO2 per year) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Hydrogen generation capacity (MW) Not applicable 282 Not applicable
Investment size (m USD) 100 64.8 Not stated
Actual start year 2018
Partners Rio Tinto, Tata steel, ULCOS, EU McDermott, Danieli, Hatch HyCC, Port of Amsterdam
Date of announcement 2011-05-25 2021-09-16 2018-10-19

Plant Details

Table 2: General Plant Details

Start date Workforce size
1918[31] 12299[32]

Table 3: Ownership and Parent Company Information

State-owned entity status Parent company Parent company PermID Parent company GEM ID Owner Owner company PermID Owner company GEM ID
Partial Tata Steel Ltd 4295872420 E100001010018 Tata Steel Ijmuiden BV [100%][31] 5001198194 E100001010177 [100%]

Table 4: Process and Products

Steel product category Steel products Steel sector end users ISO 14001 Main production equipment
semi-finished, finished rolled[33][34] slab, coil, strip, coated[33][34] automotive, building and infrastructure, steel packaging, tools and machinery[33][34] 2022[35] BF; DRI; BOF; EAF

Table 5: Plant-level Crude Steel Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

1Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for an explanation of the different capacity operating statuses.
Capacity operating status1 Basic oxygen furnace steelmaking capacity Electric arc furnace steelmaking capacity Nominal crude steel capacity (total)
announced 6000[36][37] 6000[36][37]
operating pre-retirement 7500[38][34] 7500[38][34]

Table 6: Plant-level Crude Iron Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

1Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for an explanation of the different capacity operating statuses.
Capacity operating status1 Blast furnace capacity Sponge iron/DRI capacity Nominal iron capacity (total)
announced 5655[38][39] 5655[38][39]
operating pre-retirement 6310[40] 6310[40]

Table 7: Upstream Products Production Capacities (thousand tonnes per annum)

Sinter Coke Pellets
4800[41] 1800[41] 4800[41]

Table 8: Actual Plant-level Crude Steel Production by Year (thousand tonnes per annum)

Year BOF production Total (all routes)
2019 6620[34] 6620[34]
2020 6070[42] 6070[42]
2021 6450[42] 6450[42]
2022 6300[43] 6300[43]
2023 6300[32] 6300[32]

Table 9: Actual Plant-level Crude Iron Production by Year (thousand tonnes per annum)

Year BF production Other/unknown iron production
2019 unknown unknown
2020 unknown unknown
2021 unknown unknown
2022 unknown unknown
2023 unknown unknown

Unit Details

Table 10: Blast Furnace Details

Unit name Status Start date Retired date Furnace manufacturer and model Current size Current capacity (ttpa) Decarbonization technology Most recent relining
BF 6 operating pre-retirement[44][34][45] 1967[46] 2035[44][45] Danieli Corus[47] 2328.0 m3[40] 2770[40] Through its Everest project, Tata is hoping to operationalize CCUS at IJmuiden by 2027.[34] 2024-02-06[48]
BF 7 operating pre-retirement[44][34][45] 1992[47] 2030[44][45] Danieli Corus; Saint-Gobain (parts); Paul Wurth (parts)[47][49][50] 3790.0 m3[51] 3540[40] Through its Everest project, Tata is hoping to operationalize CCUS at IJmuiden by 2027.[34] 2006[52]

Table 11: Direct Reduced Iron Furnace Details

Unit name Status Start date Furnace manufacturer and model Furnace type Current capacity (ttpa) Reductant
unknown DRI (1) announced[53][54] 2035[55] Tenova; Danieli Energiron[36][36] shaft furnace[55] 2500[39] methane[55]
unknown DRI (2) announced[34] 2030[36] Tenova; Danieli Energiron[36][36] shaft furnace[55] 3155[38] methane[55]

Table 12: Electric Arc Furnace Details

Unit name Status Start date Furnace manufacturer and model Current capacity (ttpa)
unknown EAF (1) announced[53][54][45] 2035[55] 3000[37][36]
unknown EAF (2) announced[34] 2030[36] Tenova Consteel[37][37] 3000[37]

Table 13: Electric Arc Furnace Feedstock Details

Unit name Scrap-based % scrap % DRI
unknown EAF (1) yes[44] 30.00[44] 70.00[44][56]
unknown EAF (2) yes[56] 17.00[56] 83.00[56]

Table 14: Basic Oxygen Furnace Details

Unit name Status Retired date Current capacity (ttpa)
unknown BOF (1) operating pre-retirement[53][54] 2030 3750[38][34]
unknown BOF (2) operating pre-retirement[53][54] 2035 3750[38][34]

Articles and Resources

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of steel power plants, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Iron and Steel Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Short history of CORUS IJmuiden", www.sieho.nl, archived from the original on 7 October 2007, retrieved 31 January 2007, para. 1-5
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Pederson, Jay P., ed. (2003), "Corus Group plc", International Directory of Company Histories, St. James Press, 49, via www.fundinguniverse.com, para. 1-3
  3. 3.0 3.1 Schenk, Hans (2001), "6. A 'Dutch Miracle' in steel policy? Laissez-faire intervention, wage restraint and the evolution of Hoogovens", in Bovens, M.A.P.; Peters, B. Guy; 't Hart, Paul (eds.), Success and failure in public governance: a comparative analysis, New Horizons in Public Policy, series editor Wayne Parsons, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 84–104
  4. 4.0 4.1 Korte geschiedenis CORUS IJmuiden, KNHS eerste fase, Kooksfabriek 1 1924; Hoogoven 1 1924 - 1972 Hoogoven 2 1926 - 1972; Giethal 1924 - 1948; Centrale 1 1924
  5. History Steel Company, (Corus), "Blast - Furnace 3 is lit 13 July 1930"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Vrieling, Lammert (1998), "THE PATHFINDER : STRATEGY PATHS AND RESOURCES IN THEIR TERRITORY THROUGH TIME", dissertations.ub.rug.nl, University of Groningen / Labyrint Publication, ISBN 90-72591-60-7, archived from the original on 5 July 2013, retrieved 14 February 2012, Table 5.1, p.117; p.129
  7. Geïntegreerd staalbedrijf, Buizengieterij 1936; Martin Staal Fabriek 1939 - 1972
  8. History Steel Company, (Corus), "Oxy steel factory 1 officially opened, 22 Feb 1958"
  9. History Steel Company, (Corus), "Blast Furnace 6 officially lit, 28 November 1967"; "Oxy steel factory 2 put into use, 5 Oct 1968"; ""Block Mill 3 and Hot Strip Mill 2"
  10. KNHS formed its interests that were to be merged (the IJmuiden steelworks) into a company Hoogovens IJmuiden BV, source: History Steel Company (2007), "Estel is founded, 7 July 1972"
  11. See sources in Wikipedia article Estel
  12. MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY IN THE NON-OECD AREA, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development : DIRECTORATE FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY : STEEL COMMITTEE, 14 October 1997, p. 38, archived from the original on 4 March 2016, retrieved 13 December 2019
  13. "Chinese company may continue demolition work", www.eurofound.europa.eu, 28 July 1997
  14. "Chinese company fined for its dangerous working conditions", www.eurofound.europa.eu, 28 October 1997
  15. "Onrust over ongevallen op terrein Hoogovens", www.digibron.nl (in Dutch), 23 May 1997
  16. "Vergunning Chinees bedrijf in gevaar", www.trouw.nl (in Dutch), 3 June 1997, archived from the original on 24 July 2013, retrieved 7 February 2012
  17. History Steel Company (2007), www.steel90.com, Corus, 2007, archived from the original on 9 December 2013, "Name is changed, 1 January 1996"
  18. History Steel Company (2007), www.steel90.com, Corus, 2007, archived from the original on 9 December 2013, "Casting mill installation opened, 17 April 2000"
  19. British Steel merges with Dutch rival, BBC, Jun. 7, 1999, Retrieved on: Mar. 12, 2020
  20. 20.0 20.1 Corus Group Press Release, Corus, Nov. 7, 2008, Retrieved on: Feb. 15, 2012
  21. Dutch Tata Steel workers strike at IJmuiden plant, Reuters Staff, Jun. 28, 2020
  22. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tata-steel-m-a-ssab/ssab-eyes-tata-steels-dutch-assets-as-european-consolidation-picks-up-idUSKBN27T23W SSAB eyes Tata Steel's Dutch assets as European consolidation picks up], Johannes Hellstrom, Bart H. Meijer, Abhirup Roy, Reuters, Nov. 13, 2020
  23. 23.0 23.1 "HISARNA" (PDF). Tata Steel.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  24. "2021-2022 Sustainability Report" (PDF). Tata Steel.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  25. "Tata Steel Partners With Hatch on Ijmuiden Process Route Conversion". Association for Iron and Steel Technology. 09/15/2022. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  26. "IJmuiden Works". Tata Steel. Archived from the original on March 20, 2022. Retrieved March 20, 2022.
  27. "Tata Steel Faces a Dutch Criminal Probe Over Pollutants". Bloomberg.com. Retrieved 2023-03-13.
  28. "Tata Steel faces €100,000 fine for 'black snow' and other pollution". Dutch News. December 22, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  29. "Cabinet calls for Tata Steel to explain alleged waste dumps". NL Times. 2/13/2022. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  30. "IJmuiden". Tata Steel in Europe. Retrieved 2023-05-03.
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  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 https://www.tatasteelnederland.com/en/How-we-make-steel/Plants. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
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