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From Global Energy Monitor
- Yamal Europe 2 Pipeline (category Proposed oil and gas pipelines in Russia) (section Articles and resources)Yamal Europe 2 Pipeline was a proposed gas pipeline in Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Slovakia. There have been no developments on the pipeline since it was3 KB (472 words) - 19:12, 4 December 2024
- Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Costs (section BTU Analytics Survey or U.S. Northeast and Central U.S. Pipelines)for land pipelines jumped to 47.08% in 2016 from 37.77% in 2015, 42.36% in 2014, 38.84% in 2013, 44.61% in 2012, 44.27% in 2011, and 44.61% in 2010. Material21 KB (1,969 words) - 19:12, 1 May 2021
- LNG Terminals (category Oil and gas infrastructure in the United States) (section Backing for new LNG project in Papua New Guinea)of a natural gas liquefaction plant, and facilities for the storage and export of liquefied natural gas, including marine facilities and shipping. It will17 KB (2,066 words) - 11:01, 30 April 2021
- Erkovetskaya power station (category Oil & Gas power stations in Russia) (section 1,000-MW Gas Proposal)calling for Russia to hugely expand its power generation capacity in eastern Russia, for export to China. In February 2014, the two companies proposed an 8GW12 KB (1,203 words) - 19:13, 25 January 2025
- Bovanenkovo-Ukhta Gas Pipeline (category Existing pipelines in Russia) (section Bovanenkovo-Ukhta 4, 5 and 6 Gas Pipelines)Bovanenkovo-Ukhta 2 Gas Pipeline, and Bovanenkovo-Ukhta 3 Gas Pipeline. In Ukhta, the pipelines will, likely, connect to the Yamal-Europe Gas Pipeline. The pipeline would19 KB (1,822 words) - 19:11, 4 December 2024
- abandoned oil wells, ruptured pipelines, spills and gas leaks, and the stranding of a rusty tanker loaded with more than a million barrels of crude oil off Venezuela's27 KB (2,414 words) - 04:29, 27 September 2022
- Texas and fracking (category Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls) (section 2012 oil and gas spills)of natural gas in the world, behind Russia and the rest of the U.S. Despite the increase in fracking, the state has never matched its peak gas production69 KB (8,814 words) - 11:06, 30 April 2021
- Carbon Capture and Storage (category Carbon Capture and Storage) (section Carbon Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery)billion metric tons of carbon dioxide storage potential in oil and gas reservoirs, coal seams, and saline formations. The document suggests that these geologic62 KB (8,134 words) - 14:37, 18 June 2021
- Druzhba Oil Pipeline (category Proposed pipelines in Russia) (section Unecha-Polotsk 1 and 2 Oil Pipelines)several years, Russia and Ukraine have been tied up in transit fee disputes as the major pipelines supplying Europe with Russian oil and gas run through Ukraine62 KB (8,822 words) - 18:24, 24 January 2025
- Power of Siberia 2 Gas Pipeline (category Proposed Pipelines in Russia) (section Proposed route through Mongolia to China)of Siberia Gas Pipeline; Bovanenkovskoye Oil and Gas Field (Russia); Kharasaveyskoye Gas Field (Russia); Kovykta-Sayansk-Irkutsk Gas Pipeline Operator:30 KB (3,489 words) - 19:17, 4 December 2024
- controls 80% of crude oil pipeline infrastructure in Colombia (6,300 miles), and almost all refined product pipelines. Key oil pipelines include the Ocensa51 KB (4,835 words) - 17:55, 18 January 2023
- Bank of America and Citi are preparing to set up independent companies in order to take direct ownership of oil and gas companies in the debt-stricken32 KB (3,884 words) - 19:11, 5 December 2020
- Natural gas as an alternative to coal (section 2010 MIT study sponsored in part by natural gas think tank encourages use of natural gas)Natural gas is commercially produced from oil fields and natural gas fields. Gas produced from oil wells is called casinghead gas or associated gas. The natural54 KB (7,709 words) - 11:02, 30 April 2021
- California and fracking (section Oil and gas estimates)percent of the oil and natural gas drilled in California, said WSPA companies fracked 628 oil wells in 2011 -- about a quarter of all oil and gas wells drilled111 KB (14,106 words) - 01:45, 28 August 2021
- Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline (category Proposed Pipelines in Russia) (section Project's future in doubt following Russia's invasion of Ukraine)except in the Russian onshore and offshore sections. In Russia, 866 km (538 mi) of new pipeline and three compressor stations would be built, and five existing45 KB (5,556 words) - 19:22, 4 December 2024
- Shandong Gas Pipeline Network (category Gas and Hydrogen Pipelines) (section Tai'an-Qingdao-Weihai Gas Pipeline 泰青威输气管线)Sishui-Yishui Gas Pipeline 泗水-沂水天然气管道 is a proposed gas pipeline in China. The Sishui-Yishui Gas Pipeline first appeared in the "Shandong Oil and Gas Development67 KB (12,145 words) - 20:00, 4 December 2024
- for both the proposed pipeline and the LNG terminal in Coos Bay. In March 2016, FERC rejected Jordan Cove, Pacific Connector Pipeline, and its feeder pipeline12 KB (1,478 words) - 11:03, 30 April 2021
- China–Russia East Pipeline (category Proposed Pipelines in China) (section China-Russia East Gas Pipeline Mingshui–Harbin Branch 中俄东线输气管道明水-哈尔滨支线(明哈支线))"locations":[]} The proposal to build a gas pipeline delivering natural gas from Russia to China began in 1996. In May 2014, after 17 years of negotiation29 KB (5,485 words) - 19:23, 4 December 2024
- Power of Siberia Gas Pipeline (category Proposed pipelines in Russia) (section Location, Phase I (Chayanda-Chinese Border Gas Pipeline))infrastructure: Kovykta-Sayansk-Irkutsk Gas Pipeline, Power of Siberia 2 Gas Pipeline, Kovykta Gas Field, Chayandinskoye Oil and Gas Field Operator: Gazprom Owner:24 KB (3,174 words) - 19:43, 4 December 2024
- of the Southern Gas Corridor, along with South Caucasus and Trans-Anatolian gas pipelines. The route links Europe to a new gas source in the Caspian (Shah43 KB (5,636 words) - 19:43, 4 December 2024