Category:Oil & Gas power stations in Brazil
From Global Energy Monitor
Pages in category "Oil & Gas power stations in Brazil"
The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total.
- Amapá Power I power station
- Amapá Power II power station
- Amapá Power III power station
- Aparecida power station
- Apoena power station
- Araucária power station
- Atiaia I power station
- Atlântico power station
- Atlântico Sul Energia power station
- Aureliano Chaves power station
- Azulão power station
- Açominas power station
- Camaçari Muricy II power plant
- Campina Grande power plant
- Canindé Energias power station
- Carnaúba power station
- Caçapava power station
- Celpav IV power station
- Celso Furtado power station
- Cristiano Rocha power station
- Cruzeiro do Sul D power station
- CSP power station
- CST power station
- CTE II power station
- Cuiabá power station
- Gasen Suape power station
- Gaslub power station
- Geramar I (Antiga Tocantinópolis) power station
- Geramar II (Antiga Tocantinópolis) power station
- Geramar III power station
- Global I power station
- Global II power station
- Global V power station
- Global VI power station
- Global VII power station
- GNA I power station
- GNA II power station
- GNA III power station
- GNA IV power station
- GNA V power station
- Goiânia II power station
- Governador Leonel Brizola power station
- Governador Marcelo Deda power station
- Guarani power station
- Palmeiras de Goiás power station
- Parnaiba power station
- Pau Ferro I power station
- Pecém Energia II power station
- Pernambuco III power station
- Petrolina Energy power station
- Piratininga power station
- Ponta Negra power station
- Porsud I power station
- Porsud II power station
- Porto de Sergipe power station
- Porto Norte Fluminense power station
- Portocém power station
- Potiguar power plant
- Povoação power station
- Power Maricá power station
- Presidente Kennedy power station
- Prosperidade III power station
- Santa Cruz power station (Brazil)
- Santa Cruz Rolugi power station
- Santana power station
- Santarém power station
- Sepé Tiarajú power station
- Serra da Capivara power station
- Sol Coqueria Tubarão power station
- STP (Substituição Tecnológica Piratininga) power station
- São Judas Tadeu power station (Maranhão)
- São Marcos power station
- Tacaimbó power station
- Tambaqui power station
- Teresina power station
- Termo Norte power station
- Termocabo power station
- Termocamaçari power station
- Termoceará power station
- Termomacaé power station
- Termomanaus power station
- Termonordeste power station
- Termoparaíba power station
- Termopecém power station
- Termopernambuco 2 power station
- Termopernambuco power station
- Termosuape power station
- Tupã power station