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Category:Oil & Gas power stations in Germany
From Global Energy Monitor
Pages in category "Oil & Gas power stations in Germany"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 200 total.
- Barmen power station
- Basell Polyolefine power station
- Bayernoil Refinery power station
- Bergkamen power station
- Berlin Mitte power station
- Berlin-Klingenberg power station
- Berlin-Marzahn power station
- Berlin-Reuter-West power station
- Bernburg Alkali power station
- Bexbach-C power station
- BHKW Schwarzer Weg power station
- Biblis power station
- Bitterfeld power station
- Boxberg power station
- Brandenburg Havel power station
- Braunschweig Mitte power station
- Braunschweig Nord power station
- Buchmann Karton Paper Mill power station
- Burghausen power station
- EDF Premnitz power station
- Eisenhüttenstadt power station
- Eltmann power station
- Emden power station
- Emsland Mill power station
- Emsland power station
- Emsland Refinery power station
- Energiezentrum Mohn Media power station
- Erfurt-Ost power station
- Erlangen power station
- Exxonmobil Production power station
- Gaisburg power station
- Gendorf Works power station
- Gera-Lusan power station
- Gera-Tinz power station
- Gersteinwerk power station
- GKL Linden power station
- Greifswald power station
- Grenzach-Wyhlen power station
- Griesheim Reserve power station
- Gundelfingen Reserve power station
- Gunvor Ingolstadt Refinery power station
- Hagen-Kabel power station
- Halle Trotha power station
- Hamborn power station
- Hastedt power station
- Hattorf power station
- Hausham power station
- Heide Refinery power station
- Heilbronn power station
- Hermann Wenzel power station
- Herne power station
- Herrenhausen power station
- Hillegossen power station
- Hiltrop power station
- Huckingen power station
- Humboldtstrasse power station
- Huntorf power station
- Lausward power station
- Leipheim power station
- Leipzig Nord power station
- Leipzig Süd power station
- Leppersdorf power station
- Leuna power station
- Leuna Refinery power station
- Lichterfelde power station
- Lingen power station
- Lippendorf power station
- Ludwigshafen CHP power station
- Ludwigshafen Mitte power station
- Ludwigshafen Süd power station
- Mainova West power station
- Mainz power station
- Mannheim Mill power station
- Marbach power station
- Marienehe power station
- Maxau Mill power station
- Merheim power station
- Merkenich (Nord) power station
- MiRO power station
- Mittelsbüren power station
- Munchen Sud power station
- München Nord power station
- Münster Port power station
- Salzgitter power station
- Sandreuth power station
- Schildescher Straße power station
- Scholven power station
- Schwarza power station
- Schwarze Pumpe power station
- Schwarzheide power station
- Schwedt Refinery power station
- Schwerin Süd power station
- Sindelfingen power station
- Solvay Rheinberg power station
- St. Wendel power station
- Stade Dow power station
- Stadtwerke Augsburg power station
- Stadtwerke Karlsruhe West power station
- Staßfurt power station
- Staudinger power station
- Stuttgart-Muenster power station
- SWB Mittelsbüren power station
- Südraum power station
- Südzucker Werk Zeitz power station
- Walheim power station
- Wedel power station
- Weig Community power station
- Weiher power station
- Weisweiler power station
- Werk Düsseldorf power station
- Werk Sachsen power station
- Wi-Biebrich power station
- Wiesengrund power station
- Wilhelmshaven E.ON power station
- Wilmersdorf power station
- Wintershall power station
- Wolfen Envia power station
- Wolfsburg North power station
- Wolfsburg West power station
- Wörth Palm power station