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Category:Oil & Gas power stations in Mexico
From Global Energy Monitor
Pages in category "Oil & Gas power stations in Mexico"
The following 137 pages are in this category, out of 137 total.
- Abent 3t power station
- Acc4t power station
- Adolfo López Mateos power station
- Agua Prieta II power station
- Aguaprieta power station
- Altamira Dynasol cogeneration power station
- Altamira II power station
- Altamira III and IV power station
- Altamira power station
- Altamira V power station
- Amaunet power station
- Atlantica Nuevo Pemex cogen power station
- Cactus Cogen power station
- Campeche power station
- Cancún I power station
- Cancún II (Riviera Maya) power station
- Carlos Rodríguez Rivero power station
- CCC Baja California IV power station
- CCC Baja California Sur power station
- CCC El Sauz II power station
- CCC González Ortega power station
- CCC Lerdo power station
- CCC Mérida power station
- CCC Norte-III power station
- CCC Riviera Maya (Valladolid) power station
- CCC Salamanca power station
- CCC San Luis Potosí power station
- CCC San Luis Río Colorado power station
- CCC Tuxpan I power station
- CCI Baja California Sur power station
- CELCSA cogeneration power station
- Centro Morelos (Huexca) power station
- Chihuahua II (El Encino) power station
- Chihuahua III power station
- Cogen Altamira power station
- Cogen Salamanca power station
- Cogeneración Minatitlán power station
- Cogeneración Refinería Olmeca Dos Bocas
- Cogeneración Salina Cruz power station
- Cogeneración Tula power station
- Compañía de Nitrógeno de Cantarell power station
- Complejo Petroquímico Cangrejera power station
- Complejo Petroquímico Cosoleacaque power station
- Complejo Petroquímico Independencia power station
- Complejo Petroquímico Morelos power station
- CTG González Ortega power station
- CTG Tijuana power station
- Cydsa cogeneration Plant
- El Carmen Nuevo Leon power station
- El Potosino power station
- El Sauz power station
- Emilio Portes Gil power station
- Empalme I power station
- Empalme II power station
- Energy Legacy power station
- Energía de Celaya power station
- Energía Infra cogeneration power station
- Enertek cogeneration power station
- EVM-II power station
- Ramos cogeneration power station
- Ranman WTC power station
- Refinería Antonio Dovalí Jaime power station
- Refinería Francisco Madero power station
- Refinería General Lázaro Cárdenas power station
- Refinería Hector Lara Sosa power station
- Refinería Miguel Hidalgo power station
- Río Bravo II (Anahuac) power station
- Río Bravo III (Lomas del Real) power station
- Río Bravo IV (Valle Hermoso) power station
- Tajín Energía power station
- Tamazunchale II power station
- Tamazunchale power station
- Tecate CC power station
- Termoelectrica de Mexicali power station
- Ternium Monterrey power station
- Tierra Mojada power station
- Topolobampo II power station
- Topolobampo III power station
- Tractebel Monterrey power station
- Tula power station
- Tuxpan II power station
- Tuxpan III and IV power station
- Tuxpan V power station